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研究生: 張靜宜
Ching-yi Chang
論文名稱: 廣泛英語閱讀對學生閱讀、聽力理解及字彙量之影響
)The Effect of Extensive Reading on Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, and Vocabulary Size
指導教授: 李宜倩
Lee, Yi-Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 廣泛閱讀閱讀理解字彙量
英文關鍵詞: extensive reading, reading comprehension, vocabulary size
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:268下載:72
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  • 本研究旨在探討廣泛閱讀對高職學生閱讀理解、聽力理解、字彙量及態度之影響。研究對象為北台灣一所高職的兩班學生,在每週選修課程的其中一節課時間實驗組班級進行這個為期十二週的廣泛閱讀課程,該組同學每週讀一本分級讀本或是兒童文學,在閱讀完畢之後填寫閱讀理解學習單;而對照組同學在那一節課中主要的活動則是獨自完成習題然後由研究者提供答案來核對。本研究藉由閱讀理解測驗、聽力理解測驗、字彙量測驗以及問卷來收集資料並加以分析。

    This study aimed to investigate how extensive reading affected vocational high school students’ reading comprehension, listening comprehension, vocabulary size, and attitudes. Two intact classes at a vocational high school in northern Taiwan were assigned as the experimental group and the control group. A twelve-week extensive reading program was incorporated as part of an elective course for the experimental group. With one class period every week spent on the program for one book, the experimental group students read graded readers or children’s literature silently and did comprehension worksheets. The control group, on the other hand, devoted the class period to doing exercises and having answers checked. Research data was collected from reading comprehension tests, listening comprehension tests, vocabulary levels tests, and a questionnaire.
    The results showed that extensive reading did not make a difference on reading comprehension and listening comprehension, as measured by the standardized GEPT. Moreover, although the experimental group made better improvements on their 1000-word-level and 2000-word-level vocabulary tests, the differences between the groups were not significant. It is therefore interpreted that the extensive program failed to facilitate students in expanding their vocabulary size at 1000-word level and 2000-word level. However, vocabulary growth in the experimental group at 3000-word level, was confirmed, indicating the impact of extensive reading on vocabulary size at a relatively higher level. Besides, responses on the questionnaire displayed students’ fondness and acknowledgement about the benefit extensive reading generated.
    The overall satisfactory outcomes of evaluation on the experimental group students in terms of their comprehension suggest the feasibility of an extensive reading program. Furthermore, the facilitation in vocabulary growth and attitude confirmed lends more support in the implementation of an extensive reading program.

    List of Tables...viii List of Figures...ix Chapter One: Introduction...1 Chapter Two: Literature Review...4 2.1 Theoretical Background...4 2.1.1 The Input Hypothesis and the Affective Filter Hypothesis...4 2.1.2 The Extensive Reading Bookstrap Hypothesis...4 2.2 Oral Language Skills and Reading...5 2.3 Intensive vs. Extensive Reading...6 2.4 Extensive Reading Program...7 2.4.1 Characteristics of Successful Extensive Reading Programs...7 2.4.2 Extensive Reading Materials...8 Graded Readers...8 Children’ Literature...8 2.5 Extensive Reading in Developing Vocabulary Knowledge...9 2.6 Empirical Evidence...10 2.6.1 Extensive Reading on Reading Proficiency and Reading Speed...13 Extensive Reading on Overall Reading Proficiency and Reading Speed...14 Extensive Reading on Reading Comprehension and Reading Speed...16 Extensive Reading on Vocabulary...19 2.6.2 Extensive Reading on Listening Comprehension..22 2.6.3 Extensive Reading on Writing Proficiency...23 2.6.4 Extensive Reading on Motivation and Attitude..24 2.6.5 Extensive Reading in Secondary Schools in Taiwan...27 2.7 Research Questions...29 Chapter Three: Methodology...31 3.1 Participants...31 3.2 Research Design...31 3.2.1 Extensive Reading Program as the Course...31 3.2.2 Instruction...32 3.2.3 The Extensive Reading Program...33 Sustained Silent Reading...34 Book Talk...35 3.2.4 The Control Group...36 3.2.5 Materials...37 3.3 Instruments...41 3.4 Procedure...44 3.5 Data Collection...46 3.6 Data Analysis...46 Chapter Four: Results And Discussion...47 4.1 Overview...47 4.2 Results...48 4.2.1 GEPT Reading Comprehension Tests...48 4.2.2 GEPT Listening Comprehension Tests...50 4.2.3 Vocabulary Sizes Tests...51 The 1000-word-level test...52 The 2000-word-level test...53 The 3000-word-level test...54 4.2.4 Results of the Questionnaire...56 Attitudes...56 Perception...57 Motivation...58 4.3 Discussion...58 4.3.1 The GEPT Tests...59 4.3.2 The Vocabulary Levels Tests ...63 The 1000-word-level test…63 The 2000-word-level test…63 The 3000-word-level test…64 4.3.3 The Questionnaire…66 Chapter Five: Conclusion...70 5.1 Limitations...70 5.2 Directions for Future Research...73 5.3 Pedagogical Implications...74 5.4 Conclusion...77 References...78 Appendix A: Reading Comprehension Worksheet...82 Appendix B: Book Report Form…83 Appendix C: Reading Passport…84 Appendix D: Vocabulary Levels Tests...85 Appendix E: Elementary Level GEPT Practice Reading Comprehension Test...96 Appendix F: Elementary Level GEPT Practice Listening Comprehension Test...106 Appendix G: Questionnaire…112

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