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研究生: 周志聰
Chou, Chih-Tsung
論文名稱: 德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)的多元性哲學及其教育應用
Deleuze’s Philosophy of Multiplicity and Its Application on Education
指導教授: 林逢祺
Lin, Ferng-Chyi
Hung, Ren-Jin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 德勒茲多元差異後結構主義教育哲學
英文關鍵詞: Deleuze, Gilles., multiplicity, difference, poststructuralism, philosophy of education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:583下載:148
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  • 本研究旨在於探討Deleuze多元性哲學,並闡述與發展其在教育中應用的可能性。本研究首先就Deleuze生平與學術發展環境探討其多元性哲學的形成背景;其次,分析Deleuze多元性哲學的思想脈絡與其多元性哲學實踐的發展;最後,詮釋Deleuze多元性哲學的意涵,並闡述與發展Deleuze多元性哲學在教育應用上的可能性。

    The purpose of this study is to explore Deleuze’s philosophy of multiplicity, and develop its application on education. First, it describes the life, and the academic background of Deleuze. Second, it analyzes the philosophical context of Deleuze’s philosophy of multiplicity, and explicates the development of its “doing” in philosophy of multiplicity. Third, it interprets the connotation of Deleuze’s philosophy of multiplicity. Finally, it illuminates and develops the application of Deleuze’s philosophy of multiplicity on education.
    The conclusions of the study are as follows:
    1. Deleuze incited the philosophical transformation from structuralism to poststructuralism, and joined the radical social movements. Later, he advocated philosophy of multiplicity to resist the reaction of social climate.
    2. Deleuze interpreted philosophy of Hume, Bergson, Nietzsche, and Spinoza. Hence, he found many concepts for his philosophy of multiplicity.
    3. Deleuze overturned the relationship of identity and difference in representationism. He took concepts of difference and repetition to construct the actualization of multiplicity and eternal movement. The ontology of immanence justified the coexistence of multiplicity and equality.
    4. The purpose of the image of thought of rhizome is to free thought from the dogmatic image of thought. And let it to be more multiple, open, and creative.
    5. There are five main points in Deleuze’s philosophy of multiplicity. They are difference, repetition, immanence, context and exteriority of relation, and open system.
    6. Deleuze’s philosophy of multiplicity can explore the essences of learning and the aims of education.
    7. Deleuze’s philosophy of multiplicity can supply the new methods of interpretation and viewpoints of reflection in curriculum integration, moral education, and multicultural education.
    8. Deleuze’s philosophy of multiplicity can advance new reflections in educational reform and general education. It can also promote the foresight of open educational system.

    第一章 緒論 --------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與目的-----------------------------1 第二節 研究方法與步驟-----------------------------5 第三節 研究限制--------------------------------------8 第二章 Deleuze的生平與其學術發展環境-----------------11 第一節 Deleuze的哲學生命------------------------------12 第二節 Deleuze多元性哲學的學術發展環境--------------20 第三章 Deleuze多元性哲學的思想脈絡-------------------27 第一節 活化Hume:關係的外部性----------------28 第二節 解讀Bergson:綿延與潛在--------------------32 第三節 重述Nietzsche:強力意志與永劫回歸--------------41 第四節 詮釋Spinoza:內在性與喜樂---------------------51 第四章 Deleuze多元性哲學實踐的發展-------------------61 第一節 「差異」與「重複」概念的發掘-----------------62 第二節 慾望的平反與解放-------------------------68 第三節 文學與藝術的多元性機器-----------------------78 第四節 新的思想影像----------------------------------87 第五章 Deleuze 多元性哲學的詮釋----------------------97 第一節 差異-----------------------------------------97 第二節 重複---------------------------------------101 第三節 內在性-------------------------------------103 第四節 關係的外部性及脈絡--------------------------104 第五節 開放系統----------------------------------105 第六章 Deleuze 多元性哲學在教育上的應用-------------111 第一節 「差異」概念的教育運用----------------------112 第二節 「重複」概念的教育運用-----------------------114 第三節 「內在性」概念的教育運用--------------------115 第四節 「關係之外部性與脈絡」概念的教育運用---------117 第五節 「開放系統」概念的教育展望------------------120 第七章 結論-----------------------------123 參考文獻---------------------------------------------127

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