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研究生: 黃進達
Chin-Da, Huang
論文名稱: 台中地區第四紀沉積環境研究與大地構造意義
Quaternary Depositional Environment and Tectonic Significances of the Taichung Area, Central Taiwan
指導教授: 李通藝
Lee, Tung-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 第四紀大肚溪沉積環境豬背盆地車籠埔斷層層序地層
英文關鍵詞: Quaternary, Dadu River, Depositional environment, Piggyback basin, Chelongpu fault, Sequence stratigraphy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:128下載:16
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  • 本研究主要探討台中地區(包含濱海平原與台中盆地),於第四紀之沉積環境變遷與其在大地構造上之意義。本研究之研究材料主要為經濟部中央地質調查所於本區域鑽探的岩心,包括濱海平原區的華龍、三光、高美、清水、梧棲、忠和、大肚、伸東及全興井;加上位於台中盆地內的烏日及大里,共11口井。本研究藉由記錄岩心組成顆粒與沉積構造,利用沉積學原理與相模式,分析岩心之岩相組合,解釋沉積環境;再藉由層序地層學原理,進行各井對比並劃分層序,建構台中地區的地下地層與沉積環境變遷模式。對比濱海平原跟台中盆地兩區之古沉積環境,可發現濱海平原區的沉積主要受沉積物供應、全球海水面升降與構造運動(台地隆起時造成之沖積扇)控制;而台中盆地中只有辮狀河平原的沉積環境。
    1. 海進面時期(8234至32710年前之間) –此時為海進面,海岸線較現今更向西,區域內沉積環境大部分為辮狀河平原。
    2. 海進體系域時期 –此時期相對海水面持續上升,海岸線向東遷移,沉積環境從河口灣轉變為濱面與潮坪,為海進體系域。
    3. 最大海漫面時期(2866至6397年前之間) –此時為最大海漫面(MFS),海岸線到達此次沉積層序中最東側,沉積環境除了最東側為潮坪環境以外,大部分為遠濱過渡帶。
    4. 高水位體系域時期 –相對海水面開始下降,海岸線逐漸向西遷移,全區沉積環境由遠濱過渡帶轉變為濱面以及潮坪,形成高水位體系域(HST)。

    The research used core data to study the Quaternary depositional environment and their tectonic significance of the Taichung aera (including the coastal plain and the Taichung basin), in central Taiwan. The research materials used 11 cores drilled by Central Geological Survey, MOEA, including Hualong, Sanguang, Gaomei, Cingshuei, Wuqi, Zhonghe, Dadu, Shendong, Quanxing cores in the coastal plain, and Wurih, Dali in the Taichung basin. The sedimentary composition and structure of all the cores were logged, and used the sedimentary theorem and facies model to explain the depositional environment. After that, the sequence stratigraphy there is applied to divide and correlate the sequences, and to build the depositional history of the Taichung area. By contrast, the depositional environment in the coastal plain is controlled primarily by sediment supply of the braid rivers, global sea level, and tectonics (deposition of alluvial fan resulted from the uplift of the tableland). But the depositional environment in the Taichung basin is only braidplain.
    According to distribution of the Dadu river drainage pattern, all tributaries in Taichung basin converge in Wurih, and the records of the braided river deposition accumulated continuously in the Wurih core. The Dadu river processes are thought to be a combination of superposition followed by antecedence. Because the alluvial fan and braidplain facies appeared alternately in the Dadu core, it indicates that the Dadu river was antecedence here when the Dadu tableland rose, and mixed process of superposition (speed up to erosion with the Dadu tableland rising). In addition, after comparing with the flow data of Dadu river and Jhuoshuei river, we can infer that the reason why the Dadu river delta developed slowly due to the fact that the river flow is smaller and the sediment is used to fill the Taichung basin first.
    Using sequence stratigraphy theory to separate the sequence and correlate the 7 cores (Gaomei, Cingshuei, Wuqi, Zhonghe, Dadu, Quanxing, and Shendong), the model of depositional environment change in the coastal plain can be built up:
    1. Transgressive surface – at this time, the sea level began to rise. The depositional environment is all braidplain.
    2. Transgressive systems tract –at this time, the sea level continued to rise, so the coast line migrated to the east, the depositional environment changed from the estuary to shoreface and tidal flat. They were in the transgressive systems track.
    3. Maximum flooding surface –at this time, the sea level rose to the highest, the coastal line migrated to the tableland. The depositional environment was mostly tidal flat, except for the east (tableland) was the offshore.
    4. Highstand systems tract –the sea level began to drop down, and the coastal line migrated westward, all the depositional environment changed from offshore to the tidal flat. The highstand systems track (HST) started.

    目錄 誌謝---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i 題獻-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii 中文摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iv 英文摘要-------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi 目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ix 圖目錄----------------------------------------------------------------------------------xi 表目錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------------xiv 第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.2 研究區域-------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.3 前人研究-------------------------------------------------------------------7 第二章 研究方法-----------------------------------------------------------------17 2.1 研究原理------------------------------------------------------------------17 2.2 研究流程------------------------------------------------------------------20 第三章 岩心分析-----------------------------------------------------------------23 3.1 研究材料------------------------------------------------------------------23 3.1.1 岩心來源----------------------------------------------------------23 3.1.2 鑽井位置----------------------------------------------------------23 3.2 劃分沉積環境-----------------------------------------------------------27 3.2.1 岩相學分析------------------------------------------------------28 3.2.2 岩相組合與沉積環境------------------------------------------33 3.2.3 岩心沉積環境分析結果---------------------------------------37 3.3 層序分析------------------------------------------------------------------68 3.3.1 層序地層----------------------------------------------------------68 3.3.2 劃分層序----------------------------------------------------------71 3.2.3 岩心層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------72 第四章 綜合分析與討論--------------------------------------------------------90 4.1 沉積環境解釋-----------------------------------------------------------90 4.2 河流的發育與演化-----------------------------------------------------94 4.3 層序對比與沉積環境變遷-------------------------------------------99 4.4 大地構造意義----------------------------------------------------------109 第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------------------------110 5.1 結論----------------------------------------------------------------------110 5.2 建議----------------------------------------------------------------------112 參考文獻-----------------------------------------------------------------------------114 圖目錄 圖1.1 本研究區域(台中地區)衛星空照圖-----------------------------------4 圖1.2 台灣地質分區示意圖-----------------------------------------------------5 圖1.3 本研究區域地表構造示意圖-------------------------------------------6 圖1.4 台中盆地演化示意圖-----------------------------------------------------9 圖1.5 台中盆地大肚溪主流與支流水系圖--------------------------------10 圖1.6 台中地區立體地形與地質概況模型圖-----------------------------14 圖2.1 層序地層示意圖----------------------------------------------------------19 圖3.1 研究區域鑽井位置示意圖---------------------------------------------24 圖3.2 岩心岩相分類對照圖---------------------------------------------------32 圖3.3 沉積環境示意圖----------------------------------------------------------36 圖3.4 岩心地層柱圖例----------------------------------------------------------56 圖3.5 華龍井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------57 圖3.6 三光井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------58 圖3.7 高美井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------59 圖3.8 清水井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------60 圖3.9 梧棲井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------61 圖3.10 忠和井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------62 圖3.11 大肚井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------63 圖3.12 全興井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------64 圖3.13 伸東井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------65 圖3.14 烏日井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------66 圖3.15 大里井沉積環境辨識結果---------------------------------------------67 圖3.16 華龍井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------79 圖3.17 三光井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------80 圖3.18 高美井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------81 圖3.19 清水井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------82 圖3.20 梧棲井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------83 圖3.21 忠和井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------84 圖3.22 大肚井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------85 圖3.23 全興井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------86 圖3.24 伸東井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------87 圖3.25 烏日井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------88 圖3.26 大里井層序劃分結果---------------------------------------------------89 圖4.1 彰化平原鑽井位置示意圖---------------------------------------------92 圖4.2 彰化平原沉積環境示意圖---------------------------------------------93 圖4.3 大肚溪演化示意圖------------------------------------------------------95 圖4.4 台中地區濱海平原區水系簡圖---------------------------------------98 圖4.5 相對海水面變化對比圖-----------------------------------------------100 圖4.6 台灣兩萬至五千年前全球海水面曲線圖------------------------102 圖4.7 層序地層對比圖--------------------------------------------------------103 圖4.8 濱海平原區沉積環境示意圖(海進面時期)----------------------105 圖4.9 濱海平原區沉積環境示意圖(海進體系域時期)----------------106 圖4.10 濱海平原區沉積環境示意圖(最大海漫面時期)----------------107 圖4.11 濱海平原區沉積環境示意圖(高水位體系域時期)------------108 表目錄 表1.1 台灣化石分帶年代地層對比表---------------------------------------12 表1.2 台灣第四紀地層之時代與沉積相對比表--------------------------13 表2.1 研究流程表----------------------------------------------------------------22 表3.1 岩心簡介表----------------------------------------------------------------27 表3.2 岩相分類簡表-------------------------------------------------------------31 表3.3 沉積環境、沉積相與岩相組合分類簡表---------------------------37 表4.1 大肚溪與濁水溪水情比較表------------------------------------------97 表4.2 岩心定年資料表--------------------------------------------------------101


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