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研究生: 張志嘉
Chang, Chih-Chia
論文名稱: 多元就業開發方案-以非營利就業服務機構為例
The Multiple Employment Development Program – A Case Study of Non-profit Organizations
指導教授: 印永翔
Ying, Yung-Hsiang
口試委員: 周世玉
Chou, Shih-Yu
Tung, Yung-Nian
口試日期: 2021/06/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: 多元就業方案質性分析就業能力薄弱族群非營利就業機構
英文關鍵詞: Diversified Employment Program, Qualitative analysis, Non-profit counseling and employment agencies
研究方法: 次級資料分析個案研究法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100560
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:92下載:11
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  • 臺灣的數位科技日新月異突破傳統既有的各項商業模式,而臺灣就業能力薄弱族群多數屬於傳統產業,將逐漸失去就業競爭力。因此,如何有效解決就業能力薄弱族群的社會競爭平權保護和扶植培育,儼然成為臺灣經濟穩定發展的關鍵因素。本研究探討企業與非營利輔導就業機構間的關聯性、研析非營利輔導就業機構的行銷策略及邁向企業個案。透過訪談的方式分析多元就業方案,歸納出以下層面:(一)多元就業方案KPI的具體效益?(二)就業輔導委員的主要功效?(三)實務派及理論派輔導委員的差異及其優缺點?(四)多元就業方案中,權責單位、非營利組織及進用人員間的最佳合作模式?(五)非營利組織接受多元就業方案輔導後,期待年營業額?(六)有效率的多元就業KPI應為何?(七)有效益的多元就業活動應為何?(八)非營利組織與企業互動的商機與成效為何?。經由訪談成果,和前述文獻的分析,擬訂改善多元就業方案實施與執行面的前瞻性策略,結論與建議如下:
    (一) 建議非營利就業機構轉型成為社會企業,學習企業經營模式,將組織營收列為主要KPI,避免不切實際的需求,造成非營利單位在稽核上執行無實質效益的工作。
    (二) 建議用網路平台的方式公開非營利組織經營的計畫項目及數據呈現。
    (三) 輔導委員亦可提供實務技術性的指導,例如創立非營利組織品牌、行銷、產品設計、業務拓展及建立品牌形象推廣等商業模式諮詢。
    (四) 權責單位需充分與非營利組織互動、深入了解其發展現況,並根據各單位不同條件,給予專業協助及改進缺失,提高單位進用人員行政費用及整體發展性考量之課程,以非營利組織發展。
    (五) 輔導活動可為單位帶來效益,為單位掌握優勢資源,突破困難,增加銷售機會。但在執行上乃需跳脫形式,著重於實踐實務上的運用。
    (六) 專業課程可使進用人員學習到新知識與技能,建議專業課程應以實務課程為主,輔導進用人員將所學融入職場,展現課程效能。
    (七) 展售活動可增加單位曝光度,也可發揮一定的展售效果增加詢問度,甚至可讓偏鄉部落擁有的熱情以及文化創意商品有機會浮上檯面,建議與民間大型企業聯合舉辦較為長期的展售活動,以實質商業互動效益為主,集中宣傳預算激勵民間企業跟進。
    (八) 建議諮詢輔導委員可多引導被輔導單位與企業進行實質互動,訓練業務發展能力掌握市場先機。


    Taiwan's technology and digital are changing with each passing day, breaking through existing models. However, most of the ethnic groups with weak employability in Taiwan belong to traditional industries and gradually lose their competitiveness. Therefore, how to effectively solve the social competition and equal rights protection and fostering cultivation of ethnic groups with weak employability has become a key factor in the stable development of Taiwan's economy. This research explores the relevance between non-profit organizations and enterprises, analyzes the marketing strategies of non-profit organizations, and the case of non-profit organizations moving toward enterprises. Then, summarize as: (1) What are the KPIs of the multiple enrollment program? (2) The main effect of enrollment counseling? (3) The differences, advantages and disadvantages of the practical and theoretical counseling programs? (4) During enrollment, the authority responsible for the blame (5) After receiving the guidance of the multi-employment program, the non-profit organization is looking forward to the annual turnover? (6) What should be the efficient KPI for diversified employment? (7) Effective (8) What are the business opportunities and mechanisms for the interaction between the organization and the enterprise? Based on the results of interviews and the analysis of the literature, a forward-looking strategy to improve the implementation and execution of the multiple employment program is formulated. The main findings of this study are as follows:
    1. It is recommended that non-profit organizations transform into social enterprises, learn from the business model, and list revenue as the main KPI to avoid unrealistic demands that may cause non-profit organizations to falsify audits.
    2. It is recommended to use an online platform to present the projects and data operated by non-profit organizations to the public in an open and transparent form, to avoid the occurrence of favoritism and fraud, and to adjust rigid actions based on performance.
    3. The advisory committee can provide technical guidance, such as brand creation, marketing, product design, business development and brand image promotion and other business model consultations.
    4. Responsible units need to fully interact with non-profit organizations, have a deep understanding of their development status, and provide professional assistance or improvement of the conditions of each unit, increase unit recruitment and administrative costs, and provide courses for overall development considerations to benefit non-profit organizations Organizational development.
    5. Counselling activities can bring benefits to the unit, grasp the advantages and disadvantages of its resources, break through difficulties, and increase sales opportunities. However, it needs to be implemented without formality and focus on practical application.
    6. Professional courses can enable employees to learn new knowledge and skills. It is recommended that professional courses should be based on practical courses, and to guide employees to integrate what they have learned into the workplace to demonstrate the effectiveness of the courses.
    7. Exhibition and sales activities can increase the exposure of the unit, and can also play a certain role in the exhibition and sales to increase the degree of inquiry, and even allow the enthusiasm and merchandise of the rural tribes to surface. It is recommended to hold longer-term exhibitions and sales activities to save excessive publicity costs. And also give priority to substantial benefits, vigorously promote the main annual activities.
    8. It is recommended that in the future, the advisory committee can lead more units to interact with enterprises to drive market opportunities.

    Keywords:Diversified Employment Program, Qualitative analysis, Non-profit counseling and employment agencies

    摘要 ii Abstract iv 目 次 vi 表 次 viii 圖 次 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 主要研究目的 4 第三節 研究流程與章節架構 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 臺灣就業能力薄弱族群問題 7 第二節 多元就業開發方案及其發展脈絡 10 第三節 非營利相關理論基礎與策略困境 12 第四節 多元就業方案對於臺灣社會的影響 15 第五節 非營利就業機構、第三部門、企業及政府間的關係 16 第六節 非營利輔導就業機構邁向社會型企業案例及策略研析 20 第七節 小結 33 第三章 研究設計 36 第一節 研究架構 36 第二節 訪談問卷設計 37 第三節 研究對象及其背景 39 第四節 資料彙集與訪談方法 41 第四章 分析結果 43 第一節 多元就業方案整體政策效能及核心KPI分析 43 第二節 互動研討會及諮詢輔導委員效能分析 53 第三節 各類諮詢輔導委員效能分析 62 第四節 權責單位、非營利組織及進用人員運作策略分析 68 第五節 多元就業方案輔導對非營利組織效益分析 75 第六節 最佳多元就業方案KPI分析 81 第七節 多元就業方案活動效益分析 86 第八節 多元就業方案邁向企業策略分析 95 第五章 結論與建議 101 第一節 研究發現與整理 101 第二節 管理及實務意涵 108 第三節 研究限制與貢獻 116 參考文獻 117 附錄1 訪談記錄彙整表 120 附錄2 多元就業方案問卷 141

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