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研究生: 侯曉蓓
論文名稱: 日本商品文化對台灣包裝設計影響之研究—兼論「新台灣風」可行性之探討
指導教授: 施令紅
Shih, Ling-Hung
Wang, Hsin-Kong
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 商品包裝設計後日本殖民風格新台灣風
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:313下載:97
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  • 所謂台灣主要元素的組成有:源自於中國大陸閩南之元素、1895年之後來自於日本之元素及間接受西方影響之元素,而台灣自百年前日治時期開始,歷經了台灣光復之後的反共抗俄時期、美援時期、台灣本土文化再現等階段,到解嚴後至今,日本消費文化對現今的台灣包裝設計之影響,不論是在生活上或是消費商品上,都深受日本所影響。舉凡日治時期的產品包裝設計、皇民化運動所產生的日式風格命名,如:敏郎、敏雄、一郎、春子、雪子⋯等,或是至今的日本流行歌曲、日本偶像劇、視覺系歌手、料理東西軍節目、電視冠軍比賽節目,一直到最近傳媒流行的日式漢字運用,例如:職人、達人、油切⋯等,在在都受到日本風格所影響。
    就如同法國的 evian 礦泉水,每年都會推出紀念瓶,供全球愛好者收藏,因為外形的改變及原創,已經使得該商品超越水的本質變成全球年度盛事,更讓evian這個品牌與時尚、典藏、創新劃上等號。
    註1:剪黏—又名剪花、廣東稱之為嵌瓷,是一種剪花的裝飾技術,以鐵絲為骨,灰泥為肉,塑出人物、鳥獸及花草造形,外皮再以鉗子剪下碗片或彩瓷嵌上的裝飾藝品。多用於寺廟、屋宅之屋頂主脊或水車垛上的裝飾,通常將石灰、海菜、糖水等搗碾作為黏合劑,近年使用的材料則常用玻璃或塑膠片代替,這種工夫需由專門匠人負責,泥匠在完成屋脊後,剪黏匠即按房子的規模等級來設計,故花樣美輪美奐。 (取自 李乾朗《台灣古建築圖解事典》)
    註2:石球—又名抱鼓石、螺鼓,立於寺廟門柱前的鼓形石雕物,常雕成螺紋,與門臼連為一體,可加固門柱。台灣匠師稱之為石球,1980年代經訪問惠安匠師得知,此為很古老的用語,真正老匠師用石球一詞,球為古代圓形美玉,石球應是源遠流長的名稱,抱鼓石為引用清宮殿式建築之名稱。(取自 李乾朗《台灣古建築圖解事典》)

    The so called key elements that constituted Taiwan include the element originated from Ming Nan, Mainland China, the element from Japan after 1895 and the element influenced indirectly from the western. Since the start of the era Japan governed Taiwan some 100 years ago up to the days after Taiwan Recovery, Taiwan has been going through the times of anti-Communism & the Resistance against Russia, the U.S. aid and the reappearance of Taiwan local culture. Until the time after the end of martial law up to now, the Japanese consumption culture has deeply affected Taiwan package design, including commodity consumption in our daily life. The product package design in the period under Japanese control and the name of Japan style such as Toshilo, Toshier, Izilo, Haruko, and Ukiko, etc. were produced during the time of the Imperialized Movement. Also, the Japanese popular songs and TV programs such as Japanese idol drama, rock & roll singer, Japanese cooking contest and the contest of TV Champion as well as the practice of Chinese letters with Japan style like professionals (Darjen), experts (Chijen), and fat combustion (Yue Chia) appear in the media recently, are all greatly influence by the Japan style.
    After reviewing the influence of Japan package style to Taiwan commodity package design, analyzing the way of its development, the researcher has, from the work originality’s viewpoint, tried to ward off the circle which has long been affected by the Japan style. They have tried to express a new Taiwan style which is comparatively new to the post-Japan colonial style.
    In trying the work of a “TAIWAN MODERN”, the researcher was intended to select the bottled water as the working subject because of its wide tolerance character, magnanimity and high plasticity. Water, when packed in a different container, will appear in a different outlook. This phenomenon is quite similar to the character of Taiwan who may highly accept multiple foreign culture and meld it properly, enabling Taiwan to follow the transition of the age and practicing Taiwan to a new and variable package wave without interruption.
    In consideration of combining the work’s originality of the bottled water and the “TAIWAN MODERN”, it is workable to break the outlook limit of the current bottled water. In our living surroundings, we may try to search for some inspiring objects from our tradition and culture, such as bamboo articles and bamboo shoots, lanterns, Inlay Sculpture (remarks1) of ancient character or animal on the roof of the temple, Stone Ball (remarks2) sculpture in front of the door of the temple, ice, embroidery gold string on a tablecloth, billiards, an amulet received from a temple and the red strings tied on the amulet. Also, the calligraphy of “GOU TAI MIN AN” engraved on a wooden board placed at the sides of the main palace in the temple. We may re-analyze and describe the above Taiwan traditional objects and implement them on the original thinking of a bottle design and the design of a hanging card of the bottle. By that way, we may try to find the possibilities of a fashionable and collectible “TAIWAN MODERN”.
    In France, similar example happened to “evian” mineral water which develops memorial bottles annually for their fans in the world to collect. As a result, the memorial bottles surpassed the value of the commodity itself owing to the originality and the change of outlook, and it turns to an annual grand affair globally. This shift also has enabled the brand “evian” equally to the mark of fashion, collection and innovation.
    Through the thinking of a modern and fashionable exquisite article, the researcher tried to design a fresh outlook for the bottled water with the combination of Taiwan traditional objects, intending to get rid of the influence from the post-Japan colonial style. By that way, we may innovate a fashionable and collectible bottle design for the bottled water and obtain a chance to re-announce a “TAIWAN MODERN” of the 21st century.
    Remarks:1. Inlay Sculpture: Gian Nian (剪黏) or Gian Hua, known as Kan Chee (嵌瓷) in Canton, is a decoration technique of ceramic inlay. By employing iron wires as bones and clay as body to make the mode of figures, flowers, birds or other animals, dressed with decorations by color ceramics or bowl chips cut with a pincers. Most of them are decorated at the roof-ridge of a temple or a house. Usually, this art decoration is a sticky mixer by stirring limes, botany and sweetened water, but the materials have been replaced by plastics and glass in recent years. However, this combination technique must be responsible by the skilled workers. Usually, after the completion of a roof-ridge by the bricklayers, the ceramic inlayers will design the articles according to the house pattern and its grade so as to make the article’s appearance look splendid and magnificent. (selected from Lee Chian Lan, “Diagrams and Pictures of Taiwan Ancient Buildings”)
    2.Stone Ball:Stone ball (石球), Bao Ku Shi (抱鼓石) or spiral drum, is a drum-shaped stone in front of a temple, usually engraved with a spiral look and attached to a door socket to solid the door pillar. Bricklayers in Taiwan named it stone ball. However, according to the senior bricklayers in Hui An county of Fu Kian province, stone ball is a very old term used by them. The “ball” is a round and beautiful jade in ancient times, and stone ball could be a name representing long and lasting, while Bao Ku Shi (抱鼓石) is to quote the name of palace buildings in Ching Dynasty. (selected from Lee Chian Lan, “Diagrams and Pictures of Taiwan Ancient Buildings”)

    第一章 緒論 1-1 研究動機 1-2 研究目的 1-3 研究範圍與限制 1-4 研究內容 第二章 日治時期(1895~1945)台灣商品包裝風格分析 2-1 源自中國大陸(閩南之漳州、泉州)之元素 2-2 源自日本之元素(1895之後) 2-3 經由日本間接模仿西方潮流之風格 附錄(一)日治時期日本及台灣商品包裝取樣之風格分析圖.象限圖表(1)(2)(3) 第三章 台灣光復後至解嚴前(1946~1987)之包裝風格 3-1 反共抗俄時期 3-2 美援時期 3-3 台灣本土文化再現時期 3-4 台灣包裝設計界推手及台灣包裝設計先進訪談介紹 第四章 解嚴後(1988~)日本消費文化對現今台灣包裝設計之影響4-1 日本人的敬業服務態度及博物館性格 4-2 日本消費文化對台灣流行文化的影響 4-3 學習日本專業技術 4-4 日本產品概念及包裝設計的學習模仿 4-5 日本新包材及新瓶形的開發模仿 第五章 脫離後日本風格之「新台灣風」創作說明與作品分析 5-1 創作概念說明 5-2 創作品類選擇 5-3 創作元素思考 第六章 結論 參考書目 作品及作品說明 研究生簡歷

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