簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 詹子琦
Chan, Tzu-Chi
論文名稱: 百科全書式的冬景畫:Hendrick Avercamp冬景畫研究
An encyclopedic winter scene: A study on winter landscape paintings of Hendrick Avercamp
指導教授: 楊永源
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: Hendrick AvercampKarel van Mander小冰期冬景畫風景畫
英文關鍵詞: Hendrick Avercamp, Karel van Mander, Little Ice Age, Winter Landscape, Landscape Painting
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DFA.016.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:90下載:31
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  • 十七世紀尼德蘭地區如雨後春筍般大量出現冬景畫,其質量與主題在藝術史的綿延長流中獨一無二,幾乎無其他地區或時代的作品可與之相比,成為不可忽視的一個研究領域。Hendrick Avercamp(1585-1634),便是十七世紀冬景畫的代表畫家,且幾乎傾其一生專注於冬季風景畫的創作。


      小冰期的肆虐與氣候變化,對十七世紀冬景畫的發展與圖像的內容帶來部分影響。但總體來說,時人的世界觀與繪畫的圖像及視覺傳統則扮演更重要的角色。Avercamp自南方佛拉蒙傳統中建構出北方特色,並使用無數的民間軼事組成魅力獨具的冬季景象。如同Karel van Mander的繪畫理論與喀爾文教派所推崇的「神性自然」,Avercamp的畫作成為一面反射十七世紀尼德蘭社會的鏡子;無論好壞、貧富、真實或者虛構,Avercamp如同在建立圖鑑百科般,將世界收進自己的畫作裡,創造出一個普世適用的冬季風景。使得直到今日,他的作品仍持續主宰我們對尼德蘭的冬季視覺印象。

    In the 17th century, a large number of winter landscapes emerged in the Netherlands. The quality and themes were so unique, almost no other region or era can compare with it. Spent almost entire life devoted himself to winter landscapes, Hendrick Avercamp (1585-1634) became a representative painter of the winter landscape painting in the era.

    The winter landscape of Hendrick Avercamp had both features of genre painting and Landscape painting since he not only depicting winter scenes but also drew countless human activities in the landscape. This dissertation begins with the history and development of winter landscapes, then gradually sorts out and analyzes the development of the style of Avercamp’s paintings. At the same time, I use culture activities, geographic information, and painting theory in the 17th century Netherlands to analyze and compare with the elements in the paintings. Finally, I discuss the relationship between painting and the climate change through climate data of the Little Ice Age.

    The climate change and ravages during the Little Ice Age had partially affected the development of the winter landscape and the content of the images, whereas the metaphysical concept of the world and visual tradition played a more important role. Avercamp used countless anecdotes to create a unique winter scene and built out the northern character of south flemish tradition. As Karel van Mander's painting theory and the "divine nature" promoted by the Calvinists, no matter it was good or bad, rich or poor, real or fictional, Avercamp's paintings reflect the society of the 17th century Netherlands as a clear mirror. Avercamp collected the world into his paintings, created a universal winter landscape as an encyclopedic illustration. That is why his work continues to dominate our impression on the winter scene of the Netherlands until now.

    中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 致謝辭 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究動機與問題意識 1 第二節、文獻回顧 4 一、 Hendrick Avercamp相關研究 4 二、冬季風景畫之研究回顧 7 第三節、研究方法 10 一、圖意學 10 二、歷史研究法 10 三、藝術社會學 11 第二章、冬景畫起源背景與Hendrick Avercamp生平 13 第一節、冬景畫圖像溯源 13 一、四季的圖像起源 13 二、冬景畫的演進與發展 19 第二節、Karel van Mander繪畫理論 30 第三節、坎彭鎮的啞子:Hendrick Avercamp 32 一、Hendrick Avercamp生平背景 32 二、Hendrick Avercamp的風格養成 35 第三章、Hendrick Avercamp冬景畫圖像解析 45 第一節、尼德蘭流行文化與風俗 45 一、冰上遊戲與競賽 45 二、交通工具 53 三、社交與商業活動 60 四、日常生活百態 68 五、冬季的不便與危險 71 六、幽默滑稽的細節 80 七、冬季的象徵與化身 82 第二節、整體畫面的構成與解讀 85 一、畫作圖像的繼承與創新 85 二、自真實建立的虛擬世界 86 三、社會百態的舞台與自然神學 89 第四章、氣候變遷下的冬景畫圖像 93 第一節、小冰期與極端氣候的威脅 93 第二節、氣象變化與冬景畫的發展 99 結論 105 【論文圖版】 107 【參考書目】 129 英文專書 129 中文專書 131 英文期刊 131 碩博士論文 133

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