研究生: |
陳獻桐 chen shan-ton |
論文名稱: |
南投縣易肇事路段路口交通事故傷害相關因素研究 |
指導教授: | 陳政友 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
畢業學年度: | 86 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 路口 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:283 下載:0 |
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本研究為鑑定並篩檢出南投縣境內危險路段、路口所在位置,並分析其發生原因,以研擬有效的改善措施。本研究採調查研究法針對:南投縣民國七十九年至八十三年警察局交通隊所登錄的「道路交通事故調查報告表」,計有 648份。死因資料卡中,機動車交通事故死者資料,即國際詳細死因分類號碼為E810-E819 。由死因資料卡與交通隊資料能配對者共 290份,再以自擬的結構式問卷進行追蹤訪問,收集死者相關資料,時間由七十九年至八十一年。本研究鑑定易肇事路段、路口的方法,採肇事次數法與肇事嚴重法配合使用,由計算出來的肇事危險程度指標對路段與路口進行危險排名,藉以篩選出危險道路位置所在。本研究得到如下結果:南投縣境內的交通事故九成以上是發生在省道上,只有少數發生在非省道上;發生在省道的部份又以台14線(33.6%)、台 3線(30.2%)、台21線(13.9%)其肇事次數頻率較高。南投縣各鄉鎮市危險路段之危險排名前五名分別是:草屯鎮中正路、名間鄉彰南路、國姓鄉中正路四段、埔里鎮中山路四段、信義鄉新中橫公路。分析交通事故肇事者性別,不論第一或第二肇事者以男性居多。分別為91.3%及77.8%;約95%以上的肇事者未使用安全帽或安全帶等防護設備;而第一肇事者的年齡主要分佈在20~39歲。其他天候、環境因素影響交通事故,在晴天中肇事發生佔絕大部份,在日間自然光線情況下最多,發生肇事的道路型態以直路(47.4%)、彎曲路及附近(24%)較多,而且發生在快車道上最多(43.9%)。說明交通事故發生以人為因素較多。肇事嚴重程度類型:以「車與車」的事故類型最多,有52.27 %,至於「汽(機)車本身」或「人與汽(機)車」的類型則分別為27.39%、20.34%。肇事車種以自用客車肇事最多,約78%。在所有事故中,自用客貨車肇事明顯高於營業用汽車。機車又以重型肇事百分比較高,在致死肇事中更明顯,第一肇事者是機車者有16.89%,第二肇事者則有36.26%。無照駕駛者,約有10~15%。肇事原因以車輛駕駛人的過失為主因,第一肇事者的過失以超速失控、未注意前方車(人)動態、未依規定減速為主要肇因;第二肇事者的過失以未注意前方車(人)動態、驚慌失措或躲避失當、橫越道路不慎等為主要肇因。研究結果已建立南投縣機動車交通事故的流行病學資料,使十三個鄉鎮發生的交通事故在衛生局能建檔長期追蹤,藉以充份瞭解交通事故的嚴重程度及變化趨勢,並以研擬適當的防制措施,減少民眾生命財產的損失。
The study was to identify locations of high incidenceof traffic accident in Nantou County and to make a causalanalysis. It is hoped that effective strategy to reduce theincidence could be developed according to the rusult.The data were extracted from two sources of offcial documents:one was traffic accident records in 1990-1994 from trafficpllice;the other was death certificates(ICD9 from E810 toE819)in the same period from Nantou County Govemment. Onlythose who matched each other in name and ID number wererecruited into the study. Families of 209 subjects wereinterviewed with a self-designed structured questionnairebetween 1990 and 1992. We used frequency as well as severityof accidents to create a danger index for latter comparison.The results were as followed:About 90% of traffic accidents occurred on provincial roads.The percentage of traffic accidents on Tai-14, Tai-3, and Tai-21 provincial roads were 33.6%, 30.2%, 13.9% respectively. Thetop five dangerous road segments in Nantou County were Chung-Zhang Road in Tsautun, Chang-Nan Road in Mingcheng, Chung-ZhangRoad Sec, 4 in Guoshing, Chung-Shan Road in Puli, and New Chung-Heng Road in Hsinit.Demographically, male causers were more than female causers,the former were about 91.3% in first causers and 77.8% in secondcausers. First causers were most in 20-39 age group. More than95% of causers didn't use helmets or seat belts.The types of traffic accidents included car-car, car itself,and people-car accidents, the percentage of which were 52.3%,27.4%, and 20.3% respectively.Most car accidents were caused by non-profit cars(78%) ratherthan profit cars. High cc motorcycles were more likely to causetraffic accidents than low cc motorcycles, especially in deathevents. Motorcycles drivers composed 16.9% of first causers and36.3% of second causers. About 10-15% of accidents were causedby dirvers without dirver license.Most causes of traffic accidents were drivers' inappropriatenessin driving. These included driving over-speed, unwareness ofcars/people in the front, and no reducing speed according toinstruction in first causers, and unwareness of cars/people inthe front, inappropriately avoiding, ahd inproperly crossingthe road in second causers.The study established epidemiological data about traffic accidentsin Nautou County. In filing all traffic accidents in all thirteentowns in the county, the severity and trend of traffic accidentscould be monitored and, hopefully, effective preventive strategywill be developed accordingly.