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研究生: 葉宗儒
Chung-Ju Yeh
論文名稱: 以FPGA為基礎之即時車牌定位系統
FPGA-Based Real Time License Plate Localization System
指導教授: 陳世旺
Chen, Sei-Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 場域可程式化閘陣列彩色邊線偵測型態學連通元件標籤法
英文關鍵詞: Field Programmable Gate Array, color edge detection, morphology, connected component labeling
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:269下載:13
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  • 自動車牌辨識系統的研究發展也有數十年的歷史,國內、外皆有相當多的研究人員投入相關研究,也有相當多的研究成果技術產生,但是自動車牌辨識卻在人類的生活中無法普及化,其最大的原因是影像處理需要花費大量計算時間,所以導致車牌定位不夠快速和精確。若車牌辨識系統能夠具備高度的辨識率和可靠性,則可應用在無人監控的交通運輸系統上。本論文提出一個硬體架構之車牌定位系統,來加速其處理速度。

    The study of license plate recognition (LPR) has been developed for over the decade of years. There were also plenty of contributions by this area of research. However, LPR is not the universal system in human daily life. The reason is that image processing costs large amount of computation by personal computer so that license plate does not preciously and slowly locate. If license plate location can be implemented by hardware, it will enhance the performance, speed, preciseness and reliability for the use of the system of intelligence transportation. The thesis proposed an approach of license plate location implemented by hardware in order to improve the speed of operation.
    In section of license plate location, using the color attribute of license plate is to be the feature for detecting four kinds of license plate in Taiwan, that is to eliminate the edge which is not belong to the color of license plate by color edge detection. Because the remained license- plate edges are almost closed to each other, the approach of morphology using closing, opening and dilation respectively can connect those edges to be a bigger region and remove the noise out simultaneously. After binarization, applying connect component labeling is to assign the unique number to each region. The size filter and aspect ratio can seize the location of license plate. In experimental results, the execution time of one color image is about 6.543ms by FPGA architecture, Color edge detection

    Chapter 1 Introduction………………1 1.1 Motivation……………1 1.2 Objective…………………………4 1.3 Related Researches……………5 1.3.1 Edge Detection........5 1.3.2 Morphology............6 1.3.3 Connect Component Algorithm………8 Chapter 2 License Plate Location System…11 2.1 License Plate Specifications and Categories....11 2.2 System Configuration……………14 Chapter 3 Approach of license plate location………17 3.1 Color Edge Detection……………19 3.1.1 Edge Detection of License Plate…20 3.1.2 Resolution of Elimination of Complementary Color…22 3.2 Morphology……………25 3.2.1 Dilation……………26 3.2.2 Erosion……………27 3.2.3 Closing……………27 3.2.4 Opening……………28 3.3 Connected Component Algorithm……28 3.3.1 Flowchart of connect component labeling…29 3.3.2 Connect Component Labeling Algorithm...30 Chapter 4 Hardware Architecture of license plate location………33 4.1 Hardware Architecture of Color Edge Detection……34 4.1.1 Gradient Calculator…………34 4.1.2 Edge Detector…………………35 4.2 Hardware Architecture of Morphology……………38 4.2.1 Programmable Dilation/Erosion Unit (PDEU)……40 4.2.2 Output Unit (OU)……………43 4.2.3 Control Unit (CU)…………44 4.3 Hardware Architecture of Connected Component……44 4.3.1 Label-Assigning Block………45 4.3.2 Class Register Array………47 4.4 System Integration…………………48 Chapter 5 Experimental Results……………………………51 5.1 Experiment results of license plate location……………52 5.1.1 Experiment results of single license plate…………54 5.1.2 Experimental results of multiple license plates.57 5.2 Hardware resource and performance..60 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work………………………………62 Biblography…………………………………………………………….65

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