Author: |
王景平 Jing-Ping Wang |
Thesis Title: |
公視「我們的島」環境議題的時空特性與其環境觀 Geographical Time-Space pattern of Environmental Issues and Environmental Concept in the “Our Island” Program of the Public Television Service |
Advisor: |
Liaw, Shyue-Cherng |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2005 |
Academic Year: | 93 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 124 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 內容分析 、環境議題 、時空特性 、論述分析 、環境正義 、地方感 |
Keywords (in English): | content analysis, environmental issues, time-space pattern, discourse analysis, environmental justice, sense of place |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 383 Downloads: 51 |
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The purpose of this paper is to understand the selection and change trends of report issues and locations in the “Our Island” program of the Public Television Service in Taiwan through the content analysis. I also try to study the characteristics of geographical time-space patterns of these environmental issues and the tendency of information source. Furthermore, I use discourse analysis and semiology to find the concepts of the program, and the representation of the locality in “Is the Land Safe?” film.
Results show that the conservation category is the most dominant in these environmental issues, while the pollution and natural hazard categories are following. The conservation category has stable proportion, however, the pollution and natural hazard categories have dramatic trends with the temporal change. Most report locations of this program are located in the northern Taiwan, especially in Taipei. In addition, pollution reports are concentrated on the Taipei and Kaohsiung areas, because those pollution events are higher in metropolitan areas. The conservation reports are dominant in the Taipei and Pingtung areas due to the geographical advantages and information resources for this program. Finally, the natural hazard reports are mainly located in the Nantou and Taipei areas, because most natural hazards occur there.
The argumentation of the “Is the Land Safe?” film sends out the ' environmental justice ' idea frequently. Reporter use the strategy of false balance to obscure the merchant’s speech, and stress on the local’s discourses to form an image of “people get along with the nature harmoniously” in Ankeng. Through the mass media, the sense of place of Ankeng is formed by the spectators.
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