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研究生: 李方
Fang Li
論文名稱: 基於深度視覺語義嵌入之零樣本學習
Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model for Zero-Shot Learning
指導教授: 葉梅珍
Yeh, Mei-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 26
中文關鍵詞: 零樣本學習視覺語義嵌入模型
英文關鍵詞: zero shot learning, visual semantic embedding model
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900468
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:103下載:1
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  • 零樣本學習是指能夠識別從未在訓練階段看過的物件的能力。習得這個能力的關鍵是藉由資料集提供的類別描述,將已知的類別和未知的列別相互關聯起來。目前現有的方式則直接探討影像視覺特徵與語義嵌入之間的關係,透過學習線性或非線性的相容性函數(compatibility function),並預測其相容性分數最高的類別作為該樣本的類別標籤;然而這些方法經常受到語義模型和映射模型本身的泛化能力的侷限。
    問題的關鍵在於建構分類器的方式。首先,儘管語義嵌入對轉移已知類別的經驗到未知類別至關重要,但這不代表語義嵌入所建構的分類器具有足夠的辨識力。在語義嵌入空間中,每一個類別原型都是固定的,但樣本的視覺特徵卻是多樣而複雜的,因此以語義嵌入建構的分類器可能難以應付多變的視覺特徵;另外,將視覺特徵映射到語義空間也會面臨到映射領域遷移 (projection domain shift) 的問題。

    Zero-shot learning refers to the problem of recognizing objects that are unseen at the training stage. The key of the problem is to associate the seen and unseen classes by their semantic information. Existing approaches learn the mapping functions from the visual, semantic, or visual-semantic joint features; and then recognize the class label of an instance by ranking the similarity scores of all classes in the embedding space. However, these methods are often limited by the semantic gap between the visual features and the corresponding semantic features.
    The compatibility learning framework applied in existing methods has the following drawbacks. First, although semantic embedding is critical to transfer the experience of seen classes to unseen classes, it does not mean that the classifier constructed by semantic embedding is discriminative. Each class prototype is fixed in the semantic space, but the visual features of a class are diverse and complex, so the classifier constructed by using semantic embedding may be difficult to cope with the dynamic visual features; in addition, mapping from the visual space to the semantic space faces the problem of projection domain shift.
    To solve these problems, we propose a deep model which is used to transform an image into a classifier -- the output of our model is a transformation function of labels. The transformation function seeks for a linear/nonlinear combination of semantic embedding, and is able to differentiate the labels in the semantic space. Experiments results using several benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of our method.

    附表目錄 v 附圖目錄 vi 第一章 簡介 01 1.1研究背景 01 1.2研究動機 02 1.3研究目的 03 1.4論文架構 05 第二章 相關研究探討 06 2.1語義嵌入 06 2.2零樣本學習 07 第三章 方法與步驟 10 3.1問題定義 10 3.2模型架構 11 第四章 實驗 13 4.1資料集 13 4.2實作細節 14 4.3評估方式 15 4.4 實驗一:與其他模型的比較 16 4.5 實驗二:校準實驗 18 4.6 可視化與混淆矩陣分析 18 第五章 結論與未來工作 22 參考著作 23

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