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研究生: 奚珍珍
論文名稱: 以不同教材實施理想氣體方程式教學之個案研究
Case Study of the ideal-gas equation Instruction Using Different Teaching Material
指導教授: 黃芳裕
Huang, Fang-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 166
中文關鍵詞: 教材分析理想氣體方程式評量工具氣體粒子概念
英文關鍵詞: analysis of teaching material, ideal gas equation, assessment tool, gas particle concept
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:118下載:1
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  • 過去研究顯示氣體粒子觀念對於探索學生的概念形成能提供良好的指引,而面對新舊課程的轉換此特定概念的教學規劃亦有不同的設置。因此本研究目的在於(1)開發有關理想氣體方程式的評量工具及基準,促進教師在氣體概念和相關認識論層面的教學知識,並可作為教師未來命題的參考。(2)新舊教材與自編教材對學生氣體粒子概念及其認識論基礎,是否有所差異?(3)修改針對「氣體粒子概念形成」所設計的教材,提供教師未來進行該單元教學時的參考。

    Investigation of gas particles idea, which revealed in previous study , can provide the good direction for student's conceptual formation. Facing the transformation between new and old curriculum, establishment of teaching program for the specific concept is also different. Therefore, the study aims at three purposes lies in (1) Develop assessment tool and criteria about ideal gas equation, which prompts the pedagogical recognition to gas concept and related epistemological dimension and are regarded as the reference to teachers’The researcher uses the above teaching material to instruct three classes in high school in Taipei county. Afterwards researcher collects the test achievement of the unit, and let the students in the class fillout the questionnaire based on the concept of gas particles. Colleted data were not only appraised by the yardstick revised from Perry (1970) schema, but also were used by statistical methods to acquire the validity and reliability of the examination as well as to compare the differences in performance among these students. formulation of questions in the future. (2) Exhibit the diversity of the old, new, and researcher-edited teaching materials providing with gas particles concept and epistemological foundation. (3) The teaching material designed for the formation of gas particle concept can adopted to suit individual demand.
    The researcher uses the above teaching material to instruct three classes in high school in Taipei county. Afterwards researcher collects the test achievement of the unit, and let the students in the class fillout the questionnaire based on the concept of gas particles. Colleted data were not only appraised by the yardstick revised from Perry (1970) schema, but also were used by statistical methods to acquire the validity and reliability of the examination as well as to compare the differences in performance among these students.
    The results of the research present as follows (1) The problem about absolute zero measure further the students’ knowledge in particle concept. (2) The questionnaire confirmed the validity and reliability through students’ performance in the examination will be continuously developed and will become the latter assessment and inquiry basis.(3) Students who learn new and edited teaching material are significantly different from the students who learn old teaching material after antecedent knowledge consideration in monthly test achievement. (4) Observation from grade tendency reveals the demarcation in absolute zero and real gas related problems. (5) After monthly test and questionnaire examination, we think there is discrepancy between learning experience of edited teaching material including the conflicting concept in ideal gas history and old teaching material, but the former is consistent with learning experience of new teaching material.(6) The performance of class students who learn edited or new teaching material is similar except for the slight differce in the performance of questions on ideal gas and real gas.

    第壹章 緒論 一、研究動機..................................................1 二、研究目的..................................................1 三、名詞釋義..................................................2 第貳章 文獻探討..............................................3 一、相關文獻分析..............................................3 二、研究工具和教材內容說明....................................5 三、資料分析的尺度............................................9 第章 資料收集與數據分析...................................11 一、研究樣本.................................................11 二、研究流程.................................................11 三、研究資料收集.............................................13 四、工具檢證.................................................13 第肆章 結果分析與討論........................................22 一、全體學生的問卷結果分析...................................22 二、樣本學校內部一致性分析...................................46 三、A校班級各種成績差距的共變數分析與討論....................55 第伍章 結論與建議...........................................69 一、結論.....................................................69 二、建議.....................................................71 參考文獻.....................................................74 附錄A 問卷內容..............................................69 附錄B 問卷評分標準..........................................78 附錄C 問卷作答實例.........................................159 附錄D A校月考試題..........................................164

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