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研究生: 陳寶珍
Paochen Chen
論文名稱: 台灣高中生英文作文中詞語搭配使用錯誤研究
A Corpus-Based Study of the Collocational Errors in the Writings of the EFL Learners in Taiwan
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 搭配詞詞語搭配錯誤分析語料庫英語教學作文第二外語學習字彙
英文關鍵詞: collocation, error analysis, corpus, EFL/ESL, interlanguage, composition, SLA, vocabulary
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:234下載:77
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  • 本篇論文研究的是台灣高中生英文作文中「詞語搭配」(collocation)使用錯誤的情形,以便瞭解學生所犯錯誤的類別、原因與性質,希望對教材編輯、教學方法、以及瞭解外語學習困難所在有所助益。「詞語搭配」(collocation)也就是字與字如何組成常用的「詞」,這種組合有某種限制,限制在於語法方面就稱為「語法搭配」(grammatical collocation),搭配的限制若在於詞義方面,就稱為「詞義搭配」(lexical collocation),因此「詞語搭配」分為兩大類,即「語法搭配」與「詞義搭配」。
    本實驗收集了台北市立永春高中高三學生三次模擬考卷共90份作文,作詳盡的錯誤分析,先找出錯誤,再作系統的分類與統計,最後並逐句提供修改的建議。在研究的過程中,使用英國國家語料庫(British National Corpus)作為「詞語搭配」錯誤分析的參考與準則。本研究在90篇作文中共找出272個詞語搭配錯誤,其中147個屬於「語法搭配」錯誤,125個屬於「詞義搭配」錯誤。根據研究統計結果顯示L3(形容詞+名詞)與L1 (動詞+名詞)是最常見的「詞義搭配」錯誤,而G4(介詞+名詞)與G8(MNS)(動詞+補語)則是最常見的「語法搭配」錯誤。「語法搭配」錯誤數目仍多,顯示雖然研究學者多半強調「詞義搭配」的教學,但對台灣高中生而言,「語法搭配」教學仍有待加強。另外,研究統計也顯示「詞語搭配」能力與學生的一般英語能力有關。高分組的同學所犯的「詞語搭配」錯誤,明顯較少。經過研究分析顯示,母語中沒有對應詞語,無法直接翻譯者較容易犯錯,類似同義詞較多的也較容易混淆。本研究所分析的雖然是特定的學生所犯的錯誤,但是許多中國學生所犯的錯誤都是類似的,老師瞭解學生常見的錯誤後,在教單字時 ,宜注意慣用語與搭配詞語的教學。此外,這類的「詞語搭配」錯誤研究,如果以聯考作文或全民英檢之類的全國性的樣本來做長期的大型研究,研究成果將可以作為作文軟體中,「詞語搭配」錯誤檢查軟體研發的依據。

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the collocational errors in the writings of the high school EFL learners in Taiwan. The subjects were 30 students who enrolled at YongChun High School, Taipei, Taiwan. Ninety exam papers were collected and analyzed for collocational errors, after which the unacceptable grammatical/lexical collocation errors were classified according to types of errors they contained, using a modified classification system originally established by Benson, et al. (1986b). A native-speaker corpus, the British National Corpus, was used as reference for identifying EFL learners’ collocational errors. Suggestions for improvement of each of the ill-formed sentences consisting of these collocation errors were offered.
    A total of 272 collocational errors (147 grammatical collocation errors and 125 lexical collocation errors) were identified. It was found that adjective-noun (L3) and verb-noun (L1) were the most frequent lexical collocation error types, and preposition-noun (G4) and verb collocations (G8) were the most frequent grammatical collocation error types. Other common lexical collocation error types in descending order were L7 (v+adv), L4 (n+v), and L6 (adv+adj). The least frequent types were G2 (n+ to infinitive), G6 (adj + to infinitive), G3 (n + that clause) and G7 (adj + that clause). In addition, more grammatical collocation errors (147: 54.04%) were found than lexical ones (125: 49.96%), and there were more collocational errors found in the low achievers’ writings. L1 transfer is a common source of errors, though some appears to be intralingual or communication-based in nature. Literal translation is still a common strategy adopted by the subjects. This implies that EFL teachers should be mindful of these mis-collocations made by learners of a particular first language background, and collocations without first-language translation equivalents require special attention. Finally, it is suggested that further study may look into a large number of subjects in big national tests, such as the General English Proficiency Tests or the Joint College Entrance Exams, to have a better picture of the collocational errors and competence of the EFL learners in Taiwan. A large-scale study of this kind may contribute to a more comprehensive database of the learners’ collocational errors, which may serve as a crucial part of a more “user friendly” computer collocation error-checking software package for the Chinese EFL learners.

    Acknowledgements iii Abstract (Chinese) iv Abstract (English) v List of Tables viii List of Figures x Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Purposes of the Study 3 1.2 Definition of Terms 4 1.3 Organization of the Thesis 5 Chapter 2: Review of the Literature 7 2.1 Collocations in Theoretical Linguistics 7 2.2 Collocations in Error Analysis and Interlanguage Studies 10 2.3 Collocations in Language Teaching 15 2.4 Collocations in Corpora Linguistics 18 2.5 Summary 23 Chapter 3: Experimental Design and Results 26 3.1 Subjects 26 3.2 Materials 27 3.3 Methods 28 3.3.1 Identifying Collocation Errors and Error Checking 29 3.3.2 Classification System of Collocation Errors 30 3.3.3 Classifying the Errors 34 3.4 Procedures 35 3.5 Results 36 3.5.1 Errors Found in Compositions of Topic 1 37 3.5.2 Errors Found in Compositions of Topic 2 41 3.5.3 Errors Found in Compositions of Topic 3 46 3.5.4 Sample Collocation Errors Found in the Study 49 3.6 Summary 54 Chapter 4: Discussion 57 4.1 Grammatical and Lexical Collocation Errors 57 4.2 Collocation Errors and General English Proficiency 60 4.3 Collocation Errors and Topics 63 4.4. Number of Each Type of Collocation Errors 65 4.5 Hierarchy of Difficulty Based on the Most Frequently Produced Errors 69 4.6 Least Frequent Collocation Types 70 4.7 Summary 72 Chapter 5: Conclusions and Pedagogical Implications 74 5.1 Conclusions 74 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 75 5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research 78 Bibliography 80 Appendix A: Benson, Benson, and Ilson’s Collocation Classification System 87 Appendix B: The Learner Corpus 94 List of Tables Page Table 2-1: Definition of Collocations and Free Combinations (Benson et al., 1986a) 9 Table 2-2: Lewis’ Definition of Fully Fixed and Less Fixed Collocations 10 Table 2-3: Stockwell, Bowen and Martin's Hierarchy of Difficulty 11 Table 2-4: Causes of Errors (Adapted From Larsen-Freeman and Long, 1991) 12 Table 2-5: Features of the British National Corpus 19 Table 2-6: Johansson’s Adverb-Adjective Collocation Patterns. 22 Table 3-1: Topics and Numbers of the Sampled Compositions 28 Table 3-2: Examples Extracted from the British National Corpus 30 Table 3-3: Benson, Benson, and Ilson’s Collocation Classification System 31 Table 3-4: Modified Classification System of Collocation Patterns 32 Table 3-5: An Example of Records in the Database 35 Table 3-6: Number of Errors Found in the 30 Compositions of Topic 1 37 Table 3-7: L3 (Adj+N) Collocation Errors and Their Contexts 38 Table 3-8: G4 (Prep+N) Collocation Errors and Their Contexts 40 Table 3-9: Number of Errors Found in the 30 Compositions of Topic 2 41 Table 3-10: L1 (V+N) Collocation Errors and Their Contexts 42 Table 3-11: G8(EH) (SV[O] to Inf.) Collocation Errors and Their Contexts 44 Table 3-12: G8 (MNS) (SV[O]C) Collocation Errors 45 Table 3-13: Number of Errors Found in the 30 Compositions of Topic 3 46 Table 3-14: L7 (V+Adv) Collocation Errors and Their Contexts 47 Table 3-15: G8(D) (SV[O] Prep O) Collocation Errors and Their Contexts 48 Table 3-16: Typical Lexical Collocation Errors Found in This Study 49 Table 3-17: Typical Grammatical Collocation Errors Found in This Study 51 Table 3-18: Typical G8 Verb Grammatical Collocation Errors Found in This Study 52 Table 4-1: Number of Grammatical/Lexical Collocation Errors 57 Table 4-2: Descriptive Statistics of Grammatical/Lexical Collocation Errors 57 Table 4-3: T-Test Values for Grammatical/Lexical Collocation Errors 58 Table 4-4: Number of Collocation Errors by the Two Groups of Different Levels 61 Table 4-5: Descriptive Statistics of Collocation Errors by the Two Groups 61 Table 4-6: T-Test Values of Collocation Errors Made by the Two Groups 62 Page Table 4-7: Number of Collocation Errors Found in Compositions of the 3 Topics 64 Table 4-8: Statistics of Collocation Errors Found in Compositions of the 3 Topics 64 Table 4-9: T-Test Values of Collocation Errors in Compositions of the 3 Topics 64 Table 4-10: Number of Each Type of Collocation Errors Found in This Study 66 Table 4-11: Number of Each Type of Collocation Errors (G8 Types Combined) 67 List of Figure Page Figure 4-1: Ratio of the G8 Verb Grammatical Collocation Errors 68 Figure 4-2: Hierarchy of Difficulty 70

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