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研究生: 張筠崴
Chang, Yun-Wei
論文名稱: 英文單字知識對台灣高中生翻譯能力之影響
The Effects of Vocabulary Knowledge on Translation Competence of Taiwanese EFL High School Students
指導教授: 劉宇挺
Liu, Yeu-Ting
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 單字知識單字量單字深度翻譯能力
英文關鍵詞: vocabulary knowledge, vocabulary size, vocabulary depth, translation competence
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201901121
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:230下載:53
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  • 翻譯在台灣是主要的教學目標也是大學入學考試測驗題型的一種,一般而言,單字知識能力被認為是整體語言表現的核心,本研究旨在探討不同單字面向與翻譯能力之間的關係,以及單字知識對於台灣高中生的翻譯能力影響為何。研究結果發現,單字廣度與單字深度知識以及翻譯測驗之間具有高度的相互關係,而其中單字量與翻譯能力呈現最高相關。此外,在單字量知識對翻譯能力的貢獻之外,三種單字深度測驗(拼字,字詞搭配,多義字)都對翻譯能力有額外的獨特貢獻。當四種單字測驗組合起來, 解釋力達到了百分之六十二之高,意味著在單字量的基礎之上,單字深度對於翻譯能力能提供更完整的解釋力。最後,在四個單字測驗中,字詞搭配的標準化迴歸係數最高,表示字詞搭配對翻譯能力的預測力最高。總結來說,單字深度與單字量在預測翻譯能力上同樣地重要。希望在未來教師教學時,能將增加單字量以及尤豐富單字深度的目標納入到語言學習的課程裡,以確保翻譯表現的成效。

    In Taiwan, translation is an aim and also a way of testing in college entrance exams. Vocabulary knowledge is generally believed to be the core of overall language performance. This research aims to investigate how the dimensions of vocabulary knowledge interrelate with translation performance and the effect of vocabulary knowledge on translation competence among senior high students in Taiwan. The findings from this current study affirmed that scores on vocabulary size, depth and translation competence were highly correlated with each other and vocabulary size had the strongest relationship with translation competence. Furthermore, each of three measures of vocabulary depth (spelling, collocation, polysemy) was capable of making a unique contribution to predicting translation competence, adding an additional variance over and above vocabulary size. In other words, the predictive power was increased when vocabulary breadth knowledge was combined with vocabulary depth knowledge. When four measures were combined together, the predictive power accounted for as many as 62 percent of translation competence, indicating that under the premise of vocabulary breath, vocabulary depth could provide a fuller explanatory power in translation. Last, collocation had the highest B weight, suggesting that collocation is the greatest predictor of translation competence among the four measures. In conclusion, the study confirms the importance of vocabulary depth as well as vocabulary size knowledge in translation competence. It is hoped that in pedagogical practices, vocabulary size expansion and vocabulary depth enrichment in particular should be encompassed and integrated into the language learning curriculum to ensure a successful translation performance.

    CHINESE ABSTRACT i ENGLISH ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES viii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Research Questions 4 Significance of the Study 5 Organization of the Thesis 5 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Translation 7 From Recognition Assessment to Performance Assessment 8 The Dismissal of Translation 8 The Revival of Translation 10 Analysis of Translation Errors 11 Translation as an Assessment and Pedagogy 13 Vocabulary Knowledge 15 What Is Counted as a Word? 16 What Is Involved in a Word? 18 Vocabulary Breadth 20 Text Coverage 21 Vocabulary Depth 23 Productive/Active Vocabulary vs. Receptive/Passive Vocabulary 25 Measure Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge 26 Significance of Vocabulary Learning 28 The Contribution of Vocabulary Knowledge to Reading Performance 28 The Contribution of Vocabulary Knowledge to Listening and Speaking 30 The Contribution of Vocabulary Knowledge to Writing 31 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 34 Participants and Test Administration 34 Instruments 36 Data Collection and Analysis 47 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 49 Correlation Analysis 49 Hierarchical Multiple Regressions 51 Discussion 55 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 59 Major Findings and Conclusion 59 Pedagogical Implications 62 Limitations and Suggestions For Future Research 65 REFERENCES 67 Appendix 1:Translation Items 78 Appendix 2:The Vocabulary Test (Form B) 79 Appendix 3:The collocation test 84 Appendix 4:The polysemy test 86 Appendix 5:Prompted Productive Written Form Test 88

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