研究生: |
徐珮瑜 |
論文名稱: |
影響大學生親密關係分手調適因素之研究–以北部地區為例 The Influential Factors On University students' psychological adjustment following the end of romantic relationships - An example of Northern Taiwan area |
指導教授: | 周麗端 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 155 |
中文關鍵詞: | 分手 、社會支持 、分手益處追尋 、分手調適 |
英文關鍵詞: | breakup / the end of romantic relationships, social support, fining breakup advantage, breakup adjustment / psychological adjustment following the end of romantic relationships |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1483 下載:357 |
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本研究所得之資料乃以SPSS 11.5進行資料處理,以描述統計、t考驗、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關進行統計考驗。分析結果如下:
This study aims to explore social support, fining breakup advantage, and breakup adjustment of university students. By using questionnaire survey method and judgmental sampling, the study obtained 719 valid samples from university students and graduate students in North Taipei Area. The instruments of the study include scale of social support, scale of fining breakup advantage, scale of breakup adjustment, and the personal information of the samples.
The data was processed with SPSS 11.5, and was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Chi-square test, one-way ANONA, and Pearson product- moment correlation. The results are followed:
1. Current status
Concerning couples’ breakups, the university students feel much more support from the same generation than from family members. The university students’ fining breakup advantage has positive growth and experience. Moreover, the condition of breakup adjustment is also good.
2. Analysis of social support
Gender, level of education, object of the love, number of relationships, and the way of breakup leads to a significant difference in the “type of social support”; however, a significant correlation in the “type of social supports” is found with the duration of the relationships, and the time spend from last breakup.
Gender, level of education, object of the love, number of relationships, and the way of breakup leads to a significant difference in the “type of social support”; however, a significant correlation in the “type of social support” is found with the duration of the relationships.
3.Analysis of fining breakup advantage
“The growth of relationship” varies significantly as the gender of the college students is different. The different grade in college brings about a significant difference in “the growth of ego” and “the growth of love ”.
4.Analysis of breakup adjustment
A way of break-up and the degree of body intimacy of college students lead to a significant difference in their “pain of break-up”. Gender, the number of being in love, a way of break-up, and the degree of body intimacy of college students cause a significant difference in their “the felling of ashamed and uneasy”. Gender, the number of being in love, the object of love, a way of break-up, and the degree of body intimacy of college students result in a significant difference in their “the felling of refuse”. the number of being in love of college students bring a significant difference in their “shift the core of life”. A way of break-up, and the degree of body intimacy of college students lead to a significant difference in their “the happy memory”. Gender and different grade, the number of being in love, object of love, a way of break-up, the degree of body intimacy of college students leads to a significant difference in their “far away from the pain”. Furthermore, a significant correlation is found among the time from relationship beginning to break-up and “the felling of ashamed and uneasy”, “the happy memory”, “the trust”, “far away from the pain”. And a significant correlation is found among the time from the relationship break up to now and “pain of break-up”, “the felling of ashamed and uneasy”, “the felling of refuse”, “shift the core of life”, “the happy memory”, “the trust”, “far away from the pain”.
5.Results of multiple regression of breakup adjustment
Gender, the time from the relationship break up to now, and the degree of body intimacy can predict “pain of break-up”. Gender, the number of being in love, a way of break-up of, the time from relationship beginning to break-up, and fining breakup advantage can predict “the felling of ashamed and uneasy”. The number of being in love, different ways of break-up, the time from the relationship break up to now, the degree of body intimacy , and fining breakup advantage can predict “the felling of refuse”. Gender, the number of being in love, the time from the relationship break up to now, and the degree of body intimacy can predict “shift the core of life”. A way of break-up, the time from the relationship break up to now, the degree of body intimacy, and social support can predict “the happy memory”. The number of being in love, different ways of break-up, and fining breakup advantage can predict “the trust”. Gender, the number of being in love, and fining breakup advantage can predict “far away from the pain”.
Suggestions are made according to the results shown above for family, school, various level of education or counseling and further studies.
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