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研究生: 張鍠焜
Chang, Huang-Kun
論文名稱: 傅柯與哈伯瑪斯啟蒙觀點及其教育蘊義
The Viewpoints on Enlightenment and Their Implication in Foucault's and Habermas' Thoughts
指導教授: 楊深坑
Yang, Shen-Keng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 192
中文關鍵詞: 傅柯哈伯瑪斯啟蒙權力自我的技藝溝通行動批判
英文關鍵詞: Foucault, Habermas, enlightenment, power, technologies of self, communicative action, critic
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:1158下載:83
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  • 摘 要
    一、當代對於啟蒙問題的探討大體可歸結為:社會文化因素對人的宰 制的問題。
    (一)現代人的啟蒙困境在於權力作用限制了人的自主性和生命型態 的多樣可能性。
    三、 哈伯瑪斯的啟蒙主張及其教育蘊義,重點包括:
    (一)現代人的啟蒙困境在於技術層面凌越實踐層面,系統凌 越生活世界,壓縮了人們對於生活型態的自主與創造空間。
    (二) 啟蒙的出路在於開展理性溝通,以釋放社會的理性能量,導向理性社會之途。
    (三)現代教育體系是社會理性化發展的結果,但也有著系統 化的弊病。

    The purpose of the study is to explore Foucault’s and Habermas’ thoughts on enlightenment. The study begins with a review of the significant propositions on “what is enlightenment” since the time of the Enlightenment, so as to get the key point of argument on the topic. In the study, an important problem is discussed, that is Foucault’s and Habermas’ propositions and advocacy on the obstacles and the way for the enlightenment in modern social conditions. Based on the discussion, the derivative implications in education are raised.
    The conclusions are as the follows:
    First, the core problem in contemporaries on pursuing enlightenment is the domination from social and cultural conditions.
    Second, by the view of Foucault, the power effects confine modern people to certain normality, and prescribe a limit to the decision of individual life type. Power is the confinement that obstructs our way to enlightenment. For the solution of such a problem, we should have the “ethos” that is a permanent critique on power, and a creation of the life types on our own.
    Third, by the view of Habermas, the condition of colonization of lifeworld hinders people from realizing the project of enlightenment, and makes the deciding of social development less rests on the rational communication of social members than the system rules. For the accomplishment of the unfinished enlightenment project, we must practice widely rational communication, so as to release the rational energy of the society.
    Fourth, Foucault’s advocacy provides a new ethical basis for the creation of multi-value; Habermas’ advocacy affords the multi-society a rational procedure to coordinate a variety of opinions. The two kinds of advocacy could be complementary to each other.
    Finally, for the education of our own society, the propositions of Foucault may promote a positive concern for the multi-value pursuing of the Young; Habermas’ could help us to coordinate the variety of perspectives on educational problems.

    第一章 緒論 第二章 啟蒙時代以來主要的啟蒙主張 第一節 啟蒙運動的啟蒙計畫 第二節 啟蒙的困境 第三章 傅柯的啟蒙觀點及其教育蘊義 第一節 啟蒙所面臨的危險 第二節 啟蒙的出路 第三節 傅柯啟蒙觀點的教育蘊義 第四章 哈伯瑪斯的啟蒙觀點及其教育蘊義 第一節 當代啟蒙的困境 第二節 啟蒙的出路 第三節 哈伯瑪斯啟蒙觀點的教育蘊義 第五章 傅柯與哈伯瑪斯啟蒙觀點及其教育蘊義之比較 第一節 傅柯與哈伯瑪斯對人與社會的觀點 第二節 傅柯與哈伯瑪斯對啟蒙困境與出路的診斷 第三節 傅柯與哈伯瑪斯啟蒙觀點的教育蘊義 第四節 評論 第五節 傅柯與哈伯瑪斯主張的啟示 第六章 結論

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