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研究生: 曾郁嘉
Tseng, Yu-Chia
論文名稱: 野柳地質公園遊憩承載量之推估研究
指導教授: 林雪美
Lin, Hsueh-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 野柳地質公園遊憩承載量地景保育實質承載量地景脆弱度
英文關鍵詞: Yehliu Geopark, recreational carrying capacity, landscape conservation, physical carrying capacity, landscape vulnerability
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:18
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  • 野柳地質公園有著獨特且珍貴的地質景觀,是臺灣重要且知名的觀光景點之一,吸引許多國內外遊客前往觀賞。近年來,遊客人數大幅增加,過多的遊客量對野柳地質公園造成很大的壓力,像是遊憩品質的下降,或是珍貴地景的破壞。因此,需要透過遊憩承載量的概念來進行野柳地質公園的管理行動,以確保野柳地質公園在地景保育方面的永續經營。

    Well-known for its unique and valuable geological landscape, Yehliu Geopark is an important and noted tourist attraction in Taiwan that attracts thousands of domestic foreign tourists every year. The number of visitors, however, increased significantly in recent years. Such an excessive amount of tourists presses great pressure on Yehliu Geopark, leading to its decline in the quality of recreation and destruction of precious landscapes. This study proposed that the concept of recreational carrying capacity should be applied to the geopark administration to ensure a sustainable operation in Yehliu Geopark.
    Considering landscape conservation and recreation, this study applied physical carrying capacity as the model and recreational area, visitor density and landscape vulnerability as three indicators to estimate the optimum recreational carrying capacity of Yehliu Geopark. This study assessed physical carrying capacity by comparing the differences of capacity on two areas at different times. The actual tourist numbers on different areas and in different months were sampled and recorded by field study. The results were then compared with physical carrying capacity of the geopark, pointing out a potential issue of tourist overload and a demand for responsive management plans.
    The study discovered that (1)The instant capacity in each month on the first area fell between 124 to 457 people, among which the capacity reached the maximum of instant capacity in June and the minimum in October. (2)The instant capacity on the second area reached the extreme value in February,whereas other months fell between 314 to 447 people with the highest tourist number in June and the lowest in February. (3)Visitors stayed for about 15 minutes on the first area and about 30 minutes on the second area. The result may be referred and applied to divisional management of carrying capacity control. (4)Considering the recreational features of visitors in a scale of the entire region and one hour as evaluative criteria, the instant capacity in each month of the entire region fell between 867 to 2,720 people with the largest amount in June and the smallest in February. The purpose of assessing recreational carrying capacity was to provide a reference for management department to employ the data to administrate the geopark according to local circumstances. The assessment model of physical carrying capacity established by this study would provide a model to recreational or protective area with similar landscape features regarding the assessment of their recreational capacities.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 目錄 iii 圖目錄 iv 表目錄 v 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧 4 第三節 研究方法 19 第四節 研究區概況 23 第二章 野柳實質承載量推估 35 第一節 野柳實質承載量推估指標 35 第二節 野柳實質承載量推估結果 44 第三章 野柳實際遊客數推估 50 第一節 野柳實際遊客數推估方法 50 第二節 野柳承載量推估值比較 57 第四章 野柳遊憩承載量分析與經營建議 65 第一節 野柳遊憩承載量分析:時間的比較 65 第二節 野柳遊憩承載量分析:空間的比較 72 第三節 野柳遊憩動線分析與經營建議 81 第五章 結論 88 參考文獻 91 附錄一 世界地質公園名單 95 附錄二 野柳第一區遊客分布全景 99 附錄三 野柳第二區遊客分布全景 105 謝辭 111

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