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研究生: 劉品鈞
Liu, Pin-Chun
論文名稱: 知覺父母過度教養與大學生個人及人際範疇適應之關係:以雙元自主性為中介變項
The Relationships Between Perceived Over-Parenting and College Student Adjustment in Personal/Interpersonal Domain: Dual Autonomy as The Mediator
指導教授: 吳志文
Wu, Chih-Wen
口試委員: 葉光輝
Yeh, Kuang-Hui
Liu, Yih-Lan
Wu, Chih-Wen
口試日期: 2022/07/07
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 過度教養直升機教養雙元自主性適應表現
英文關鍵詞: over-parenting, helicopter parenting, dual autonomy, adjustment
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201532
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:134下載:11
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  • 本研究旨在檢驗過度教養的研究工具在台灣的適用性,以及探討大學生知覺父母過度教養行為對其個人及人際範疇適應表現之關係,並進一步使用雙元自主性探討其中介歷程。本研究對象為18~23歲之間的台灣在學大學生,以預試研究的198份參與者資料檢驗過度教養研究工具的結構與信效度,並使用正式研究的424位參與者資料檢驗知覺父母過度教養行為、雙元自主性與大學生適應表現之關係。分析方法包含內部一致性信度、探索性與驗證性因素分析,以及結構方程式模型。以下為主要的研究結果:
    1. 過度教養具有二階的因素結構,其中「密切監視」、「干涉生活」、「重視成就」三個一階因素對應於二階因素「過度要求」;而「解決問題」、「情感涉入」兩個一階因素對應於二階因素「過度保護」,而該研究工具有可接受的信、效度。
    2. 知覺父母的「過度要求」教養行為與大學生較低程度的幸福感、較高程度的憂鬱、較高程度的焦慮,以及較低的親子關係滿意度有關。
    3. 知覺父母的「過度保護」教養行為與大學生較高程度的幸福感,以及較高的親子關係滿意度有關。
    4. 知覺父母的「過度要求」教養行為會透過較低的個體化自主性,進而影響大學生有較低程度的幸福感、較高程度的憂鬱,以及較高程度的焦慮。
    3. 知覺父母的「過度要求」教養行為會透過較低的關係自主性,進而影響大學生有較低的親子關係滿意度。

    The purpose of this study is to examine the psychometric validation of Over-parenting Scale in Taiwan, and to explore the relationship between college students' perceived parental over-parenting behaviors and their adjustment in intrapersonal and interpersonal domain, and taking dual autonomy as mediators. The participants were Taiwanese college students from 18 to 23 years old. There were 198 data in pilot study used to examine the structure, reliability and validity of Over-parenting Scale, and there were 424 data in the formal study used to investigate the relationship between parental over-parenting behavior, dual autonomy and college students' adjustment. Analytical methods included internal consistency reliability, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The main findings are:
    1. Over-parenting has a second order factor structure, in which the three first-order factors of “close monitoring”, “intrusion of child’s life”, and “over-emphasis on child’s achievement” corresponded to the second-order factor “over-demandingness”; In addition, the two first-order factors of " anticipatory problem-solving " and " excessive affective response " corresponded to the second-order factor "overprotection". This scale had acceptable reliability and validity.
    2. Over-demandingness was associated with lower well-being, higher depression, higher anxiety, and lower parent-child relationship satisfaction.
    3. Over-protectiveness were associated with higher well-being and higher parent-child relationship satisfaction.
    4. The effect of over-demandingness was negative on individuating autonomy, which was further related to youths’ lower well-being and higher anxiety and depression. The mediating effects were statistically significant.
    5. The effect of over-demandingness was negative on relating autonomy, which was further related to youths’ lower parent-child relationship satisfaction. The mediating effects were statistically significant.
    6. The effect of over-protectiveness was positive on relating autonomy, which was further related to youths’ higher parent-child relationship satisfaction. The mediating effects were statistically significant.
    Finally, according to these results, the study provided suggestions for future research and practitioners, and provided the limitations of the study.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 名詞釋義 3 第貳章 文獻探討 5 第一節 過度教養內涵與華人文化相關量表 5 第二節 過度教養對大學生適應表現影響的相關研究 12 第三節 雙元自主性的中介效果 16 第參章 研究設計 20 第一節 預試研究:過度教養量表編修 20 第二節 正式研究:主要變項之關聯性 35 第肆章 研究結果 44 第一節 研究工具驗證性因素分析結果 44 第二節 大學生知覺過度教養、雙元自主性與大學生適應表現之概況 51 第三節 大學生知覺過度教養與適應表現之關聯 56 第四節 雙元自主性的中介效果 58 第伍章 結論與建議 64 第一節 研究結果討論 64 第二節 研究貢獻與實務價值 76 第三節 研究限制與未來方向 77 參考文獻 79 附錄 88 附錄一:預試問卷 88 附錄二:正式施測 96 附錄三:量表使用同意書 106

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