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研究生: 孫倩君
Sun, Chien-Chun
論文名稱: 臺灣銀行業者運用大數據優化徵信流程之探討:以T銀行為例
Applying Big Data for Improving the Process of Credit Investigation : Case Study on T Bank
指導教授: 施人英
Shih, Jen-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 大數據徵信金融科技
英文關鍵詞: Big Data, Credit Checking, Fintech
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.017.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:187下載:0
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  • 大數據在我們的日常生活中越來越密不可分,所得到的數位資料類型及數量也越來越多及廣泛,在龐大的資料中找尋線索、利用整理過的統計趨勢瞭解過去、預測未來以外,如何善加運用大數據並將枯燥的數據轉換成商業價值或機會更是關鍵。在大數據浪潮下,大數據已不只是資料分析及處理而已,現已發展成為企業新思維和商業模式不可或缺的運用,而大數據應用價值上最具發展潛力的四大產業為資訊業、金融保險、政府、批發貿易;若以數據資料量來看,資訊業、金融保險、及公用事業的料量則最為龐大。因此,金融保險產業將會是大數據時代下,最為重要的產業之一。



    Big data is becoming more and more inseparable in our daily lives. The type and quantity of digital data we receive has become more and more extensive. We look for clues in large data, use compiled statistical trends to understand the past and predict the future. How to make good use of big data and turn boring data into business value or opportunity is even more critical. In the wave of big data, big data is not just an analysis and processing of data. It has now become an indispensable application of new thinking and business models, and the four industries with the greatest potential for development in big data are the information industry, financial industry, government, and wholesale and retail industry; in addition, if based on the volume of data, information industry, financial industry, and utilities industry are the most abundant. Therefore, the financial industry will be one of the most important industries in the era of big data.
    There is a highly competitive and highly risky pain point in the financial industry, and big data is about to transform the financial industry. The purpose of this research is to explore how the financial industry can use big data technologies and massive data to gain an opportunity in the era of big data and improve business performance and risk management. Through accessing publicly available materials such as relevant periodicals, books, articles, and the Internet, and borrowing examples of foreign use of big data credits, a domestic bank was selected as a case to study how banks can make good use of big data and utilize existing credit information. The process brings benefits to the bank.
    The study found that through the analysis of customer transaction records and consumption patterns through big data, more accurate marketing goals were obtained and products that met customer needs were provided in a timely manner. Secondly, through the exploration of big data , assessing customer credit risk, and analyzing transaction records to determine risks such as money laundering, deception, and fake loan, can effectively reduce the occurrence of losses. The use of big data technology will transform the traditional manual operation process into the new process based on the results of big data analysis, conduct differentiated marketing and services, explore more potential customer needs and business opportunities, and also reduce the occurrence of risks.

    致謝辭 摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 vii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究流程 6 第貳章 文獻探討 7 第一節 徵信及授信基本介紹 7 第二節 徵信之創新 12 第三節 大數據徵信應用典範 15 第四節 大數據徵信的效益及問題探討 23 第參章 臺灣金融業徵信現況 25 第一節 財團法人聯合徵信中心簡介 25 第二節 大數據在金融業之應用 27 第肆章 個案銀行介紹及分析 32 第一節 個案銀行介紹 32 第二節 個案銀行信用卡徵信流程介紹 38 第三節 大數據徵信運用方式 40 第四節 效益分析 44 第五節 挑戰與因應 45 第伍章 結論與建議 47 第一節 結論 47 第二節 建議 48 參考文獻 50

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