簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 洪子晏
Hung, Tzu-Yen
論文名稱: 探討相聲逗笑手法應用於音樂劇之實踐 -以音樂劇《一脫到底》為例
The Xiangsheng Comic Approach to Broadway Musicals: A Case Study of The Full Monty
指導教授: 吳義芳
Wu, I-Fang
口試委員: 吳義芳
Wu, I-Fang
Lin, Ming
Chu, Hung-Chang
口試日期: 2023/04/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 相聲喜劇逗笑手法The Full Monty
英文關鍵詞: The Full Monty, Xiangsheng(crosstalk), comedy, comic approaches/techniques
研究方法: 質性分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401306
論文種類: 代替論文:作品連同書面報告(藝術類)
相關次數: 點閱:43下載:0
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  • 本詮釋報告以相聲逗笑手法切入、解析音樂劇《一脫到底》(原英文劇名:The Full Monty),並以相聲的歷史開始了解相聲之中的逗笑角色其職能變化。同時透過分析歷史名家對相聲逗笑手法的經驗總結,並與之和西方逗笑方法做對比。接著以《一脫到底》中男主角與其脫衣舞團的故事主線為主,進行逗笑手法分析、對腳本進行更趨近於相聲逗笑技法的改寫最後再進行角色分析。

    This written report explores a possible interpretation of the musical, The Full Monty, from the perspective of comic approaches in Xiangsheng(crosstalk), starting from examining its history to highlight the changes in the functions of comic characters in this traditional form of art, to summarizing multiple Xiangsheng masters’ visions of comic techniques with a comparison to western comedy genres. The report then focuses on the narrative journey of the protagonist and his striptease troupe in The Full Monty, analyzes comic techniques utilized in the text, provides a rewriting of the text in an approach paying homage to the art of Xiangsheng, and concludes with a character analysis.

    The first chapter introduces a methodology and an outline of the report’s structure while the second chapter presents a literature review of researches related to the history and performance forms of Xiangsheng, traditional forms of comic techniques, the background and version comparisons of the script of The Full Monty. The third chapter, as the core of this report, explores the adaptation of Xiangsheng comic approaches in rewriting The Full Monty. Its first section summarizes an overall plot of The Full Monty, and categorizes the traditional Xiangsheng comic techniques into new sorting systems. New labelling of scenes for The Full Monty will be introduced to complements the formal analysis of the adapted text of the latter section. The fourth chapter will focus on character analysis, including actions, the determination of scene goals and subtexts, to explore Jerry's image and condition. The fifth chapter will conclude the report with a summary of the above contents.

    目錄 iii 表目錄 iv 第一章序論 1 第一節:研究動機與目的 1 第二節:研究方法 2 第二章:文獻探討 4 第一節:相聲的歷史與表演形式 4 第二節:東西逗笑手法之比較 7 第三節:劇本背景 15 第四節:電影與音樂劇版本差異 21 第三章:相聲逗笑手法在《一脫到底》之應用 26 第一節:《一脫到底》劇情概述 26 第二節:相聲逗笑手法分析與分類 31 第三節:《一脫到底》場次節選與場序編號 36 第四節:《一脫到底》中的相聲逗笑手法 45 第四章:角色分析與詮釋 55 第一節:角色性格 55 第二節:角色目標與場次目標 57 第三節:逗笑技術詳解 60 第五章:結語77 參考文獻 80 附件一《一脫到底》翻譯口考版 83

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