簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李孟峰
Meng-Feng Li
論文名稱: 國小學童對於中文字形音義結構之認知與發展
The development of orthographic awareness of Chinese characters for Taiwanese elementary school students
指導教授: 蘇宜芬
Su, Yi-Fen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 語音一致性語音規則性語義透明度認字策略
英文關鍵詞: phonetic consistency, phonetic regularity, semantic transparency, character-identification strategy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:158下載:49
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  • 本論文包含兩個研究。研究一的部分,將98學年度國民小學一至六年級的國語科教材,包括南一、康軒及翰林三種版本所列之生字作特性上的分析(包括字元種類、空間結構、視覺複雜性、語音規則性及一致性、聲旁和部首家族數、語義透明度,以及獨立性和附著性的部件等),並依中文閱讀習得理論及過去實徵研究的結果檢視國小國語科課本生字編排的適切性。整體而言,臺灣地區教育部審定的國小國語課本,相較於北京地區及香港地區的國小國語科教材,其生字編排的方式仍算適切,雖然顯現了簡體字與繁體字彼此間的特殊性,亦反映出不同區域政策對於選擇和落實教育方案時其迥異的本質,但應有助於初學識字學童的認字發展。此外,研究一之結果亦作為研究二挑選實驗材料的依據。



    Study 1 aims at analyzing the properties of the listed vocabularies which are included in three versions of current mandarin textbooks, Nan-Yi, Kang-Syuan and Han-Lin, for students in grade one to grade six. The characteristics of vocabularies, including types of characters, spatial structure, visual complexity, phonetic regularity, phonetic consistency, semantic transparency, independent and bound components, as well as phonetic and semantic radical families, are carefully analyzed. In general, the elementary level mandarin textbooks validated by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education may display differences between the simplified and traditional characters, when compared to those used in China or Hong Kong. The results of Study 1 were also used to select types of stimuli for Study 2.

    A 3×2×7 (grade level x regularity x stimulus type) mixed-factor design was adopted in Study 2 to investigate the development of character-identification strategies among Chinese beginning readers. Khomsi’s task was the major task and radical identification task was the minor. Generally speaking, the first graders more rely on configuration and the pronunciation provided by the phonetic radicals as clues to identify characters when they read high-frequency words. The second graders less rely on configuration of characters as the dominant cue, but they still use phonic radicals as clues to recognize characters. As for third graders, except for phonetic radicals, they seem also use high-frequency semantic radicals as clues to recognize characters. In third grade, the influence of phonetic regularity on high-frequency character identification seems to gradually decrease. Moreover, students’ radical awareness start to sprout.

    This research established a property database of Chinese character for mandarin textbooks used in Taiwanese elementary schools. This database can be a reference for both the mandarin textbook publishers and the instructional supplement materials which are compiled by the course developers. It is also a useful resource for future researchers to select experimental materials.

    中文摘要....................................................i 英文摘要...................................................ii 目次.....................................................iii 表次......................................................iv 第一章 緒論..............................................1  第一節 研究動機與目的....................................1  第二節 研究問題..........................................3 第二章  文獻探討............................................5  第一節 中文字的特性......................................5 第二節 中文字部件於認字策略中所扮演的角色..............12 第三章  研究一 國民小學國語課本生字特性之研究.................21  第一節 研究方法.........................................21  第二節 研究結果.........................................27  第三節 結果討論.........................................42 第四章  研究二 初學識字學童認字策略發展研究...................47  第一節 研究方法.........................................47  第二節 研究結果.........................................51  第三節 結果討論.........................................66 第五章  综合結論與建議.....................................71   第一節 综合結論.........................................71   第二節 建議............................................74 中文參考文獻...............................................75 西文參考文獻...............................................78 附錄一 各部首所隸屬的模式..................................84 附錄二 研究二的刺激項類別..................................85 附錄三 本研究設計的Khomsi’s task.........................87 附錄三 本研究設計的radical identification task...........122


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