簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 方安華
Fang An-hua
論文名稱: 探討路益師星際三部曲中的常規與幻想
Perspectives of Norm and Fantasy in C. S. Lewis’s Cosmic Trilogy
指導教授: 戴維揚
Dai, Wei-Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 路益師太空三部曲星際三部曲伊甸園科幻小說基督教常規幻想
英文關鍵詞: C. S. Lewis, Space Trilogy, Cosmic Trilogy, Fantasy, Christian, Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:331下載:13
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  • 摘要
    從幻想與常規的角度來看路益師的星際三部曲可以幫助讀者把握路氏作品中的精髓。路益師畢生追求至極境界(the Ideal World/the Ideal又譯作理型)。在作品中,他也創造了理想國度,藉之捕捉至極境界的吉光片羽,以慰活在現實世界中人們乾渴的心靈。

    When we say that something is fantasy, we mean that it is different from the reality. More precisely, it is different from what we think of the reality or what we think that things should be like, which I call “norm.”
    In a fantasy work, we can also find that the work itself suggests its own norm—its own version of what the reality is like, or of what things usually are. Fantastic ideas and fantastic events are fantastic because they are different from the norm.
    Reading C. S. Lewis’s Cosmic Trilogy from the perspective of norm and fantasy helps readers to catch the essence of his works. Lewis aspires for the Idea and the Ideal World throughout his life. In his works, he also tries to establish ideal worlds which could shed the glory of the Ideal World.
    In Out of the Silent Planet, he depicts a utopian: Malacandra. The hero, Ransom, was kidnapped by Weston and Devine and was forced to travel with them to Malacandra (Mars). As he left the earth, the familiar environment, and was exposed to new situations, new places, his values, his thoughts and what he had taken for granted formed a sharp contrast to Malacandrians’. Initially, Ransom thought that Malacandrians’ values and belief and fantastic. However, as he knew them more, he started to find that there was nothing wrong with them. It is the Humanity’s values and thoughts, which had gone wrong. Ransom had taken values of the human beings as norms. But he found now that Malacandrians’ values and belief were more desirable, more accurate, and more true.
    In Perelandra, the norm can be the Fall story of Man, while the fantasy can be the story of “an averted fall.” On Perelandra, the new-born planet, the Green Lady, the King, and Ransom did not fall as Eve and Adam did on the earth. Through Ransom, Lewis explores men’s inner struggle between obeying God and following one’s own wishes.
    That Hideous Strength deals with norms and choice. With a parallel narrative structure, it tells how a couple, Jane and Mark, each joined a team and started adventures. As Lewis says, we are not living in a world where every road finally meets at the same point, but “rather in a world where every road, after a few miles, forks into two, and each of those into two again” (The Great Divorce 10). Jane and Mark later on became important members in these two parties of opposite beliefs, values, and lifestyles. But one of them was living in happiness, enjoying warmth, friendship and rapport while the other was trying to survive in a world of hypocrisy, lies, threatening and violence. Such differences all result from their own choices—what each of them chose to be his/her norm.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACTS---------------i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS--------v CHAPTER Introduction: Fantasy and Norm---------------------------------1 One: Out of the Silent Planet: Juxtaposition and Inversion of Norm and Fantasy----------------------------------------------13 Two: Norm and Fantasy in Perelandra: The Fall Story of Man and Salvation---------------------------------------------------- 61 Three: That Hideous Strength: Norms and Choice----------------83 Conclusion---------------------------------------------------103 WORKS CITED--------------------------------------------------109

    Works Cited
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