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研究生: 李昱萱
Lee, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱: 男校高中生歧視性言論之質性研究-從反歧視教育角度探究
A Qualitative Study on Discriminatory Speech of Boys' Senior High School Students from the Anti-Discrimination Education Perspective
指導教授: 林佳範
Lin, Chia-Fan
口試委員: 林佳範
Lin, Chia-Fan
Teng, Yuh-Haw
Lin, An-Pan
口試日期: 2024/07/10
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 209
中文關鍵詞: 歧視性言論微歧視貶抑幽默反歧視教育陽剛氣質
英文關鍵詞: discriminatory speech, microaggression, disparagement humor, anti-discrimination education, masculinity
研究方法: 深度訪談法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401052
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:53下載:10
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  • 本研究旨在探討男校高中生對歧視性言論的觀點,以及接觸歧視性言論的經驗,透過深度訪談蒐集男校高中生為主、教師為輔之資料,並從反歧視教育的角度分析,形成男校高中生歧視性言論觀點與使用情形的可能因素。

    This study aims to explore the opinions and experiences of boys' senior high school students regarding discriminatory speech. Through in-depth interviews primarily with boys' senior high school students and supplemented by their teachers, the study analyzes potential factors influencing the perspectives and usage of discriminatory speech from the angle of anti-discrimination education.
    The results indicate that boys' senior high school students generally hold a strong negative attitude towards controversial speech events, thinking they should be addressed seriously. However, when defining discriminatory speech, they tend to focus excessively on the motives and harmful outcomes, overlooking the inherent inappropriateness of the speech itself. Overall, while emphasizing the feelings of those involved, they often assume that peers should tolerate discriminatory humor, making it difficult to reject such speech within the boys' senior high school environment.
    The second part of the study reveals that boys' senior high school students frequently encounter discriminatory speech in the form of jokes, which creates a joyful atmosphere at the moment and makes it challenging to resist such speech. This suggests that discriminatory speech might become a compliant culture within the boys' senior high school campus.
    The third part examines the views of boys' senior high school students and teachers on anti-discrimination education. The results indicate that current textbooks suffer from decontextualization and low relevance to students' lives. Additionally, limited teaching hours and high preparation requirements restrict the effectiveness and widespread adoption of anti-discrimination education. Consequently, students find it difficult to genuinely understand and embrace the values of equity, leading to a disregard for the importance of discriminatory humor and microaggressions.
    In conclusion, the study identifies two main factors contributing to the perspectives and usage of discriminatory speech: educational and environmental factors. Educational factors are the decontextualized anti-discrimination education with low relevance to students' lives and the failure to make students aware of the prejudices underlying discriminatory speech. As a result, boys' senior high school students may find non-malicious or non-harmful discriminatory speech acceptable, ignoring the harm of microaggressions and discriminatory humor, which leads to the prevalence of such speech wrapped in jokes within the boys' senior high school environment. Environmental factors highlight a tacit agreement within the highly masculine school culture to accept discriminatory humor, along with the distinction and exclusion of non-hegemonic masculinity, creating a hostile environment towards certain groups (e.g. disadvantaged groups and sexual minority).

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 壹、研究背景 1 貳、研究動機 6 第二節 研究目的與問題 9 壹、研究目的 9 貳、研究問題 11 第三節 名詞解釋 12 壹、歧視性言論 12 貳、歧視性言論觀點 12 參、歧視性言論經驗 13 肆、微歧視 13 伍、歧視性貶抑幽默 13 陸、反歧視教育 13 第四節 研究範圍與限制 14 壹、研究範圍 14 貳、研究限制 16 第二章 文獻探討 19 第一節 歧視性言論之意涵 19 壹、歧視性言論的定義 19 貳、歧視性言論與仇恨性言論之釐清 24 參、歧視性言論與貶抑幽默 27 第二節 歧視在男校環境的形成 32 壹、刻板印象、偏見與歧視的成因 32 貳、偏見歧視在男校環境的形成 36 第三節 反歧視教育之方式與現況 42 壹、消除偏見歧視的方式 42 貳、現行教育如何反歧視 45 第三章 研究設計與實施 59 第一節 研究方法與架構 59 壹、研究方法 59 貳、研究架構 60 第二節 研究步驟 62 第三節 研究對象選取與概述 66 壹、研究對象選取 66 貳、研究對象背景概述 67 第四節 研究工具 69 壹、 研究者本身 69 貳、 進行深度訪談之工具 71 第五節 資料蒐集與分析 74 壹、資料蒐集 74 貳、資料整理與分析 74 第六節 研究倫理 76 第四章 研究結果與分析 79 第一節 男校高中生對言論爭議事件的觀點 79 壹、對言論爭議事件的態度 79 貳、對言論爭議事件後續處置想法 86 第二節 男校高中生對歧視性言論的定義 91 壹、歧視性言論的共同要素 91 貳、對微歧視與具歧視性貶抑幽默的見解 100 參、與本研究定義的差異 106 第三節 男校高中生接觸歧視性言論的經驗與態度 108 壹、歧視性言論在男校校園的呈現 109 貳、接觸歧視性言論的感受與反應 119 參、對歧視性言論的態度 126 第四節 男校師生如何看待反歧視教育 137 壹、對教科書的印象與想法 137 貳、對課程的印象與想法 143 參、小結 157 第五節 形成男校高中生對歧視性言論觀點與使用情形的因素 158 壹、教學因素 158 貳、環境因素 162 參、小結 172 第五章 結論與建議 175 第一節 結論 175 壹、男校高中生對言論爭議事件與歧視性言論的觀點 175 貳、男校高中生在校園中接觸歧視性言論的經驗與感受 178 參、男校師生對反歧視教育的想法與感受 180 肆、形成男校高中生歧視性言論觀點與使用情形的可能因素 181 第二節 建議 186 壹、反歧視教育方面建議 186 貳、未來的研究建議 191 參考文獻 193 附錄 201 附錄一:訪談大綱(學生版) 201 附錄二:訪談大綱(教師版) 204 附錄三:訪談同意書(學生版) 206 附錄四:訪談同意書(教師版) 207 附錄五:訪談紀錄表 208 附錄六:雙向回饋表 209

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