簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳韋辰
Chen Wei-Chen
論文名稱: 反省與覺照-人體與自然結合之創作研究
Introspection and Awareness-A Research on the Creation of The Integration of Human Body and Nature
指導教授: 蘇憲法
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 存在主義覺照緣起無常執著空性涅盤四聖諦
英文關鍵詞: existentialism, awareness, dependent origination, impermanent, attachment, emptiness, nirvana/nibbana, the four noble truths
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:133下載:41
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  • 宇宙間的事事物物,包括一切客觀的物質現象和主觀的思想現象—從微塵到世界,從活質到人,從感受到認識,都是時時刻刻在運動流行、生滅變化著。我們目前所接觸到的一切現實,不過是一堆變遷著的現象的總和;同時,在複雜的事物變遷過程中,每一事物的生滅代謝,都和它周圍事物互相聯繫、互相影響,而發生著息息相關的因果連續關係。這種宇宙萬有、生滅變化、互相聯繫的規律,佛法叫做「因緣(各種條件)所生法」。

    The universe of all things, including all the material in an objective and subjective thinking phenomenon - from the fine dust of the world, from the quality of living, from the feel to awareness, all they have birth and death ,and changing. We are all exposed to the reality, it is just a heap of changes in the sum of the phenomenon at the same time, things change in the complicated process of the birth and death of each metabolic things, and its surrounding things interactive system, affected, and place in the closely related to the causal relationship between continuous. This universe of subjects, birth and death change, the interaction of the law, Buddhism called " Dependent origination."
    This occurred, development, the eradication process, in Buddhism, collectively known as a "trip impermanence of all." Since the universe, all things are birth and death kept the false impression. Unfortunately, people accustomed to subjective persistent paranoia, not from an objective perspective on the real problem and therefore do not understand this universe, the true appearance of life.
    Artists like trying to be realistic by the plane drawing creation, the expression "given religious significance of the plane painting", and Buddhism in the "Origin" and "impermanence" is the whole concept of creative thinking and the way of the spindle, aimed at trying to Vision art as a transmission medium, will be conveyed to the religious views of art, or not thinking of the religious groups access to inspire their lives for another level of understanding and reflection, or even elimination excessive " Attachment."
    This paper forms for the creation of paper, so the focus is the author wrote on the plane I painting creation, and not biased towards academic research or study, it is not related to explore religious and philosophical theory.

    第一章 緒論...................................1 第一節 創作研究之動機與目的..................1 一、對於人物創作之著迷.....................1 二、對於「佛教教法」之了解與體悟............1 第二節 創作研究之方法.......................2 一、理論部份之進程........................2 二、實踐部份之進程........................3 第三節 創作研究之範圍.......................4 一、創作內容之範圍.........................4 二、創作形式之範圍.........................4 第二章 創作思想與理論基礎.......................6 第一節 創作理念.............................6 第二節 人本主義心理學到超個人心理學............9 第三節 從佛學與存在主義談「生命存在」..........18 第四節 佛陀所說的「無我」.....................23 第五節 巴洛克藝術-戲劇張力十足的幻象繪畫.......25 第三章 創作主題之元素...........................29 第一節 千姿百態之人體造形.....................29 第二節 浩瀚無疆之大地與自然元素................30 第四章 創作內容、形式、技法與媒材.................34 第一節 人與自然元素交融之創作內容..............34 一、人身構成與自然環境之共通性 ..............34 二、身體的狀態與舉動.........................36 第二節 以超現實空間為主的具象創作形式………………….38 一、具象寫實形式 .............................38 二、超現實空間構成 ...........................38 三、東方水墨構圖形式 .........................39 第三節 創作技法與媒材…………………………………………39 一、創作技法.................................39 二、創作媒材.................................41 第五章 作品解析...................................43 第六章 結論.......................................52 參考文獻..........................................56 作品圖錄..........................................58

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