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研究生: 陳沛妤
論文名稱: 不同性別家長親子共讀無字圖畫書之圖像詮釋與性別教養態度探究
Interpretation of Images in Wordless Picture Books during Parent-child Shared Reading by Parents of Different Genders and Exploration of Gender Parenting Attitudes
指導教授: 趙惠玲
Chao, Huei-Ling
口試委員: 潘淑滿
Pan, Shu-Man
Yu, Chi-ying
CHAO, Huei-Ling
口試日期: 2024/01/25
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 187
中文關鍵詞: 無字圖畫書圖像詮釋性別角色教養態度
英文關鍵詞: Wordless picture book, Image Interpretation, Gender Role Parenting Attitudes
研究方法: 觀察研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400369
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:44下載:8
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  • 隨著資訊社會越來越發達,思想與潮流上的演變更加多元,尤其在視覺圖像上,從以往的單一詮釋,逐漸涵蓋到多元文化的價值觀,因此當人們在閱讀視覺圖像時,其中詮釋與解讀除了自身經驗外,同時涵蓋了個人信念。在親子共讀無字圖畫書也是如此,在沒有字的無字圖畫書上,親子共讀有更多的想像力以及創造空間,聚焦於圖像的詮釋以及理解。本研究旨在探討不同性別家長在親子共讀無字圖畫書過程中,不同性別家長在圖像詮釋和育兒態度方面的差異。研究深入了解親子共讀過程中的圖像詮釋、性別角色,以及教養態度。本研究方法為質性研究之觀察法與訪談法,除了觀察親子共讀歷程與圖像性別詮釋之外,同時以訪談的方式訪談父母,了解父母親在性別角色教養態度,研究對象共六對親子,18人,全程透過錄音、訪談記錄表、觀察記錄表方式進行編碼與分析,據研究結果,歸納出五對親子共讀與訪談內容分析過後發現如下:

    As the information society becomes more and more developed, the evolution of ideas and trends becomes more diversified. Especially in visual images, the previous single interpretation gradually encompasses multicultural values. Therefore, when people read visual images, the interpretation and In addition to one's own experience, the interpretation also covers personal beliefs. The same is true for wordless picture books when parents and children read together. Wordless picture books allow for imagination and creative space when parents and children read together, focusing on the interpretation and understanding of images. This study observes the gender role parenting attitudes and interactions between parents and children reading wordless picture books together, and explores the process and image interpretation of parents of different genders in reading together, in order to use the gender role parenting in wordless picture books. the difference. This study aims to explore the differences in image interpretation and parenting attitudes among parents of different genders during parent-child reading of wordless picture books. Research provides insights into image interpretation, gender roles, and parenting attitudes during parent-child reading. There are fix pairs of parents and 18people in total. The entire process was coded and analyzed through recording, interview record sheets, and observation record sheets. According to the research results, five pairs of parent-child readings and interviews were analyzed and the following results were found:
    1. During the process of shared reading, the father pays attention to the logical connection of the story and the level of children's participation. Most of the questions are "sentence completion" and "open questions". Through joint questioning, discussing the plot of the story and sharing feelings, in general , parents' shared reading has educational significance. By guiding children to solve problems, this cultivates children's logical thinking and problem-solving abilities because parents realize that this helps promote children's cognitive development. In terms of gender image interpretation, fathers generally believe that there is no need to be too involved in explaining what is right, and at the same time, they do not particularly emphasize the difference between men and women. Instead, they allow children to construct their own gender structures in life, characters, and books, thinking that children will figure it out on their own. Feel. In terms of gender role parenting attitudes, parents focus more on image interpretation such as imaginary stories, real communication, and image functions. Therefore, for wordless picture books, fathers will moderately control the development of the story and care less about emotional issues.
    2. During the process of reading together, mothers use interesting interactions, educational significance, and diverse imaginative connections to bring them into children's lives. Questions are mostly "open line questions" and "distance questions" to lead children to express themselves. Self, obtained more children's views. In the interpretation of gender images, more attention is paid to emotional connections, breaking away from different frameworks, and interview-related issues such as multiple gender concepts are mentioned. It is believed that the attitude of gender role teachers should be diversified accommodation, acceptance and support, and should pay more attention to gender roles and have no restrictions on creativity.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 7 第三節 研究範圍與限制 8 第四節 名詞釋義 11 第二章 文獻探討 14 第一節 親子共讀圖畫書互動之探究 14 第二節 無字圖畫書圖像與讀者接收端之連結 25 第三節 性別角色教養態度與圖畫書性別訊息之理解 47 第四節 無字圖畫書讀者反應相關研究之分析討論 54 第三章 研究設計與實施 66 第一節 研究階段 66 第二節 研究場域與參與者 69 第三節 研究工具與流程 73 第四節 研究資料處理與分析 81 第五節 研究信實度與研究倫理 84 第四章 研究結果分析與討論 87 第一節 不同性別家長共讀時之互動歷程 87 第二節 不同性別家長共讀時圖像詮釋之教養態度 120 第三節 不同性別家長無字圖畫書性別態度之詮釋 139 第五章 結論與建議 160 第一節 結論 160 第二節 建議 164 參考文獻 169 中文部分 169 英文部分 174 圖畫書部分 179 附錄 181 附錄一 訪談大綱 181 附錄二觀察紀錄表 183 附錄三 參與研究訪談同意書 185 附錄四 訪談記錄表 187

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