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研究生: 徐台閣
su Tai-Ger
論文名稱: 高強度耐力運動訓練對免疫功能的影響
The Effects of High-Intensity Endurance Training on Immunological Response
指導教授: 謝伸裕
Hsieh, Shen-Yu
Lin, Hsiao-Yi
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 高強度耐力運動訓練免疫反應
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:199下載:10
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  • 高強度耐力訓練中免疫反應的變化曲線, 對擬定國家及一般代表隊的運動訓練及營養計畫相當重要, 同時也是現今運動醫學上熱門討論的課題,無論在冬季或夏季奧運會比賽期間, 感染性的疾病一直困擾著比賽的選手與教練們。本研究的目在探討高強度耐力運動訓練對免疫功能的影響,乃以24位長跑選手為受試對象,受試者平均(年齡18.8±2.8 yrs、身高173.1±4.6 cm、體重61.4±4.8kg及最大氧攝取量60.1±3.8ml/kg/min),以隨機方式分為實驗組(12人)與控制組(12人),實驗組每天以75﹪VO2max運動強度,在跑步機上跑60分鐘,控制組以60﹪最大心跳率在田徑場跑60分鐘,訓練期間為7天,分別於第一、三、七天的跑步前、後及後一小時抽血,以流式細胞分類儀( flow cytometry )的方法,檢測受試者在跑步前、後及跑步後1小時淋巴球亞型(幫助性T help、胞殺性cytotoxic T 與B淋巴球)與自然殺手(nature killer cell)細胞的數目;並以比濁計(nephelometry)的方法分析免疫球蛋白IgA、IgG、IgM 和補體C3C、C4和CRP的濃度,以有絲分裂原(mitogen)測試淋巴細胞分裂增生的功能。結果發現實驗組淋巴球功能在跑步後明顯下降(p<.05),白血球、淋巴球、及淋巴球亞型的細胞數目,在跑步後明顯增高(p<.05)),而在跑步後一小時明顯下降(p<.05)。 CD4/CD8比值,在第七天跑步後下降到1以下(p<.05)。免疫球蛋白(IgA、IgG、IgM)濃度較不受單次運動的影響,實驗組受試者在第七天免疫球蛋白才明顯下降(p<.05)。在跑步後補體C3C、C4及急性蛋白CRP的濃度並沒有明顯增加(p<.05),顯示在高強度的等速度跑步,並不會造成肌肉的損傷而引起發炎反應。經本研究可以得到以下的結論:在高強度耐力跑後免疫反應的變化曲線是跑步後的1小時,運動員的免疫能力最差,且每天有壘積的現象,此時應特別注意身體的保養,由於耐力跑後的恢復期,運動員都會暴露此環境,因而對疾病感染的比例可能增加;至於控制組運動後並沒有免疫反應下降情況。

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of high-intensity endurancetraining (HIET) on immunological response (IR). Twenty-four (24) long distanceathletes (age= 18.8±3.1 yrs, ht=176.3±3.3 cm , wt=62.9±4.9 Kg , VO2max=59.6±3.3 ml/kg/min) were matched and then randomly assigned to a high intensitytraining group (HIT, n=12) or control group (n=12). Both groups ran for 1 hour pe y for consecutive days. The HIET group ran at 75﹪VO2max and the controlgroup ran at 60﹪HRmax. On day one, three and seven blood samples were collectedbefore, immediately after running and 1 hour during recovery. The changes inphytohemagglutinin (PHA) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) which stimulated lymphocyteproliferation were determined. The plasma complements C3c and C4, C reactiveprotein (CRP), creakine kinase (CK), and immunoglobulin A (IgA), G (IgG), M(IgM), were tested. The whole blood of natural killer cells ( NK cells ), T helper cells (TH cells), T cytotoxic cells(TC cells), B cells, and the activities of cytokine IL-2, IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) and IL-4 were also measured.The results indicated that the titer of (PHA) and (PWM) stimulated lymphocyteproliferration, and the concentration of NK cells, TH cells and TC cells significantly decreased (p<.05), at 1 hour of recovery. The concentrations ofCK were within the normal range immediately after and 1 hour after running. The complements C3c and C4, and CRP did not change after exercise. It is concluded that 1 hour of HIET will not cause tissue damage and inflammatory response.But HIET can temporarily decrease immune function, and the decrease is accumulative. This may increase runners' infection rates due to a decrease in lymphocyte proliferation, concentration of NK cells, TH cells and TC cells .
