Author: |
張心瑜 Chang, Hsin-Yu |
Thesis Title: |
Getty Museum Challenge社群標籤動能與視覺流通研究 Study of the Getty Museum Challenge from the perspectives of Social Tagging Dynamics and Visual Circulation |
Advisor: |
Su, Yao-Hua |
Committee: |
Chih, Chih-Yung 蔡幸芝 TSAI, HSING-CHI 蘇瑤華 Su, Yao-Hua |
Approval Date: | 2022/06/06 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 87 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 網路迷因 、社群標籤 、病毒式傳播 、隔離 |
Keywords (in English): | Getty Museum challenge, social tagging, virality, internet meme, quarantine |
Research Methods: | 主題分析 、 批判性視覺研究法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 213 Downloads: 7 |
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在新冠疫情隔離下,人們的活動範圍與公共場所紛紛受到限制,社交活動也轉往社群媒體上,Getty Museum Challenge這場活動帶起了全球性的線上參與,邀請來自各方的創作者,選取家中的三個日常物件為道具,模仿一件藝術作品並拍攝上傳至社群平台。
研究將以Gillian Rose的批判性視覺方法論開展,針對這場疫情下的線上參與活動,可以從三個層次觀察標註#Getty Museum Challenge影像,特別是透過影像流通的:構成模式、技術模式,以及社會模式,本研究著眼於個案的影像流通過程,以及標籤所牽動的社群創造力與療癒效果,藉助網路迷因的視覺文化研究觀點加以思索,從而釐清挑戰活動的影像,流通於美術館、數位媒介及網路群眾背後縱錯複雜的社會關係,反身思考數位時代裡媒介匯流下的文化情境。
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, museums announced lockdown measures to keep physical distancing. Online services became a significant place for people to interact and spread information, while struggle in isolate anxiety. In the meantime, The J. Paul Getty Museum got people to engage a challenge, by recreating their favorite artworks with 3 things lying around their home. Soon after, the response has been massive and successfully sparked a viral trend of recreating.
Through the social tagging, digital images are able to diffuse rapidly to a large, widespread internet users, which is close to the concept of internet meme. In the isolation scenario, Getty museum challenge rebuilt the social interactions in addition to inspire creative powers and intertextualization.
This thesis began from the site of circulation of #Gettymuseumchallenge, approached the intersection of sites and modalities, through the Critical Visual Methodology, written by Gillian Rose. Elaborate on the internet memes and social tagging, particularly towards its technological, compositional, and social modalities. Furthermore, to extract the dynamic power of social tagging by the visual culture aspects of internet meme. Thinking reflexivity in relation to social connections, between museum, digital media, and internet user, in media-convergence culture.
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