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研究生: 吳品寰
Wu, Pin-Huan
論文名稱: 都市田園類型社區營造共享經濟價值之研究―以臺北市東榮里社區公園與開心農場為例
A Study on the Value of the Sharing Economy on the Community Development of Urban Farming—Using Dong Rong Community as an Example
指導教授: 徐美
Hsu, Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 社區發展社區營造都市田園共享經濟外部經濟外溢效果
英文關鍵詞: Community Development, Community Architect, Urban Farm, Sharing Economy, External Economy, Spill-Over Effect
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202028
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:146下載:2
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  • 中文摘要

    Taiwanese community development has been implemented for over 20 years. The ways and strategies of implementation are different due to different regions, time and people. This paper takes the case of Dongrong Village, Minsheng Community in Taipei City as an example, to discuss the sharing economy value of idyllic urban community development; and to conduct a resident satisfaction survey. The study purpose of this dissertation is as follows. 1. A discussion on the sharing economy regarding community development 2. A study on the satisfaction of residents regarding the sharing economy on the community development. 3. Provide more concrete directions regarding spill-over and symbiotic effects for community developers. 4. Provide the practical and sustainable value of research regarding government's Long-Term Care policies in communities for reference.
    Most of the current thesis and dissertations for community development are about the shared profit by developing special resources, such as: Togo and Dajia Township. In this dissertation provides quantificative and statistics evidences of the sharing economy value;comparisons and assessments on the community development before and after. This study using SPSS quantitative analysis, the author could research the satisfaction of sharing economy value of parks and happy farm of Dongrong Village. Meanwhile,the author also can verify (view) the scale of the community development accomplished before 1967 based on the urban plan to witness the economic value after half a century of studious maintenance and investment of predecessors and descendants. Based on the interviews, questionnaires and discussions, there is a substantial evidence for spill-over and symbiotic effects due to this community development. This model can provide the government departments or other community promoters as a reference or to build up as a modle.Community development enables the integration of people and environment to become more closely, natural, and harmonious. Meanwhile, this thesis can provide an example to the community developers, encourage them to make use of specific resources of communities to create economic spill-over and symbiotic effects as these are important indicators for community uplifting.The modle studied in this dissertation is practical and sustainable, can be used as a reference for government in developing long term care policy,in particular,in the area of long-term care in the future.

    目 錄 目 錄 I 表目錄 II 圖目錄 III 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究對象 3 第二章 論文文獻回顧 4 第一節 社區營造部分 4 第二節 公共財(Public Goods)部分 8 第三節 外部性經濟(Exrernal Economics)部分 9 第四節 共享經濟(Sharing Economy)部分 10 第五節 策略分析 12 第六節 國內相關研究碩士論文列表 14 第三章 研究方法 20 第一節 研究架構 20 第二節 研究方法 21 第四章 研究個案介紹 24 第一節 社造背景歷史沿革 24 第二節 東榮里社區公園及開心農場參與社區營造的過程 26 第三節 臺北市東榮里社區營造的特色 32 第四節 社區營造與社區生活之連結─居民訪談 35 第五節 田園類型之社區營造―共享經濟價值與居民滿意度調查 41 第六節 社區營造─焦點社造座談會 86 第五章 研究結論與建議 102 第一節 SWOT分析 102 第二節 研究結論 105 第三節 未來研究之建議 108 參考文獻 110 附錄 115  

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