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研究生: 李世亮
論文名稱: 知識工作任務導向之知識建構的自我協調與心智模式形成研究
Self-Regulation and Mental Model Forming for Knowledge Worker’s Task-Oriented Knowledge Acquisition
指導教授: 吳美美
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 243
中文關鍵詞: 知識建構心智模式自我協調認知發展社會認知發展
英文關鍵詞: knowledge acquisition, mental models, self-regulation, cognitive development, social cognitive development
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:167下載:6
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  • 我們的營利與非營利的社會組職(包含政府組織),皆由擔負著不同的工作角色與任務的知識工作者所組成,而在變化快速的社會環境中,知識工作者藉由不同的資訊尋求的方式以滿足與克服其任務執行所需的資訊、知識與內涵,並確保其社會組職的運作順暢。知識工作者於任務執行時有兩種不同執行程序,一為依照其自身既有已建立的心智模式執行,也就是我們常說的經驗;另一則需經過不同的資訊尋求的方式與型態(包含網路搜尋、圖書館使用、詢問他人),才得以取得,這些新的資訊在經過不斷的使用後則會形成了知識工作者的知識與經驗,也就是說,當知識工作者不具備任務執行的經驗時,則須經由知識的建構才具備了解決問題與執行任務的能力。

    Knowledge workers play different roles in current for-profit and non-profit(including the government) organizations. They use different methods to seek information in fulfilling their needs for task implementation in a rapidly changing environment. Knowledge workers have two different procedures when performing
    tasks. One is the original mental model, also known as experience, and the different paths of information seeking and knowledge construction form the other one.
    Building on the major theories of mental model, approaches of knowledge acquisition, and individual and social cognitive development, this study aims to understand knowledge workers’ cognitive development in knowledge construction processes, and how motivation and self-regulation can affect and enhance knowledge acquisition. This research applied the semi-structured interview technique to elicit the experiences of knowledge workers who are from different social contexts, with different task implementation and histories of knowledge acquisition. A total of ten subjects are recruited and their jobs fall into the following three categories: (1) information professionals, (2) education professionals, (3) planning and promotion of professionals.
    The findings reveal goals, motivation and other issues in the task implementation process affect that self-regulation. The operation of self-regulation involves four procedures, (1) cognitive regulation, (2) method egulation, (3) regulation of goals and motivation and (4) the regulation of other factors. Except for the goals and motivation factors, other factors include (a) timeliness, (b) emotion, (c) knowledge acquisition development and (d) knowledge-sharing approach. When tasks are perceived more difficult during the implementation of tasks, it is more
    likely to seek help from experienced people within the social network to obtain information regarding problem-solving methods, task priorities and ordering. To
    enhance their knowledge acquisition and the task execution results, knowledge workers will seek help from the social environment by (a) peer discussions, (b) question-asking and imitation, (c) formal learning and (d) engagement with
    communities. The research findings suggest that knowledge workers could self improve their knowledge acquisition through self-regulation and mental model forming strategies. Evaluation and further examination of such strategies are proposed for future research.

    第一章 緒 論 第一章 緒 論 ...................................................................................................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 .............................................................................. 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 ...................................................................... 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 .............................................................................. 5 第四節 名詞解釋 .......................................................................................... 5 第二章 文獻探討 .................................................................................................. 7 第一節 任務類型 .......................................................................................... 8 第二節 知識工作者的知識建構 ................................................................ 10 第三節 心智模式相關研究 ........................................................................ 14 第四節 個人認知與社會認知的自我協調 ................................................ 22 第五節 討論 ................................................................................................ 30 第三章 研究設計與實施 .................................................................................... 35 第一節 研究方法 ........................................................................................ 35 第二節 研究對象 ........................................................................................ 36 第三節 資料收集與整理 ............................................................................ 37 第四節 資料分析 ........................................................................................ 40 第五節 研究信效度討論 ............................................................................ 42 第四章 資料分析結果 ........................................................................................ 45 第一節 受訪者與工作類型簡介 ................................................................ 45 第二節 知識工作者任務執行的知識建構分析 ........................................ 54 第三節 知識工作者知識建構的心智模式形成分析 ................................ 75 第四節 知識工作者知識建構的自我協調因素 ........................................ 84 第五節 知識工作者的知識建構歷程分析 .............................................. 123 第五章 結論與建議 .......................................................................................... 139 第一節 結論 .............................................................................................. 139 第二節 對知識工作者和組織培訓的建議 .............................................. 155 第三節 未來研究建議 .............................................................................. 156 第四節 研究反思 ...................................................................................... 157 viii 參考文獻 .................................................................................................................. 159 中文部分 .......................................................................................................... 159 英文部分 .......................................................................................................... 160 附 錄 ...................................................................................................................... 163 附錄一 訪談大綱初稿 .................................................................................... 163 附錄二 訪談大綱修正版 ................................................................................ 164 附錄三 訪談稿轉錄原始資料 ........................................................................ 165 附錄四 受訪者的訪談結果分析匯整表 ........................................................ 212 附錄五 受訪者知識建構心智模式形成內容示意圖 .................................... 223 附錄六 受訪者任務執行知識建構的自我協調發展示意圖 ........................ 227 附錄七 本研究開放編碼 ................................................................................ 237

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