Author: |
吳依穎 Wu, Yi-Ying |
Thesis Title: |
國民中學藝術教科書之音樂創作教材內容分析 A Content Analysis of the Music Creation Materials of the Arts Textbooks at Junior High School Level |
Advisor: |
Pan, Yu-Wen |
Committee: |
Pan, Yu-Wen 林小玉 Lin, Sheau-Yuh 莊惠君 Chuang, Wuei-Chun |
Approval Date: | 2023/06/06 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
音樂學系 Department of Music |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2024 |
Academic Year: | 112 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 124 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 音樂創作 、音樂創作教材內容 、教科書內容分析 |
Keywords (in English): | music creation, music creation teaching material, textbook content analysis |
Research Methods: | 內容分析法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 236 Downloads: 35 |
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This study aimed to analyze and compare the content of music creation materials in the music section of the junior high school arts textbooks written according to the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines, and to explore the content of composing form, music elements, composing medium, the relationship between materials and teaching activities, and activity forms, similarities and differences between four editions of textbooks: Hanlin Edition, Kangxuan Edition, Qiding Edition and Quanhua Edition. This study used the "content analysis method" to analyze the content of the four editions of music creation materials. Research datas were presented qualitatively and quantitatively in the study. In addition, the researcher refered to the national curriculum guideline and relevant literature to construct the "Music Creation Teaching Content Analysis Category of Music Textbook" as a research instrument.
The significant findings of this study were as follows:
1. Among the composing forms of four editions, "composition" is the most common, and "rhythm" is the most used musical elements. The creation medium was presented as "notation", often linked with "music appreciation" materials. Activity form used the "individual" activities most.
2. Each Hanlin, Qiding and Quanhua edition volume had music creation materials. The four editions all focused on "composition". In terms of musical elements, the Hanlin and Qiding editions used the most timbre, the Kangxuan edition used lyrics, and the Quanhua used the rhythm. The four editions used notation as the medium of music creation and are often connected with music appreciation. Regarding the form of activities, the Hanlin and Kangxuan editions focused on individuals, the Quanhua edition focused on groups, and the Qiding edition placed equal amounts of both.
Finally, based on the research findings, the research proposed relevant suggestions for the junior high school music teachers, textbook editors and future research studies.
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