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研究生: 張如杏
Chang, Juhsing
論文名稱: 嚴重情緒障礙學生自我決策及其家庭參與在轉銜服務歷程之探討—以又一村情障班個案為例
The Decision Making and Family Involvement in the Transition Process of the Serious Emotional Disorders Adolescent: The Students’ Experience in “The Other Village”
指導教授: 林幸台
Lin, Hsin-Tai
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 175
中文關鍵詞: 嚴重情緒障礙轉銜服務家庭參與自我決策
英文關鍵詞: serious emotional disorder, transition service, family involvement, decision-making
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:217下載:58
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  • 嚴重情緒障礙學生是特教的對象,他們比其他障礙學生較晚成為特殊教育學生,學生離校後發展有更多問題,離校前的轉銜服務對於其日後的發展尤其重要。

    Serious emotional disorder is one of the categories in special education in Taiwan. Serious emotional disorders onset at the early adolescent and it will impact the youths’ outcome in the future. It is importance that the transition service of the disability students in the special education; it’s especially for the serious emotional disorder students. They need the special education, psychiatric services, and social welfare and so on; the multi-system services will supply the more comprehensive services for the students and their family.
    “The other village” is combined with the psychiatric medical and special education services for the students with serious emotional disorders; it is the placement for the cooperation by the Department of Education Taipei City and the Taipei City Hospital, Songde branch. “The other village” is one of the special education class for the emotional disorders students who onset the psychiatric disorders before 22 years old. “The other village” is a day care center for the young psychiatric adolescents; it is also a more protective education and rehabilitation place for the young psychiatric students. They can also get the work training and transition service in “The other village”.
    This is the qualitative research for the young psychiatrics and their family, I interview 8 participations and 5 of the participations’ families in “The other village”, I used the semi-structural questions and reviewed their charters, I also interviewed the professionals who serve the emotional disorders students, including the case managers, special educational teachers, child psychiatrist, head nurse, et al. I will analysis the data by the hermeneutics approach.
    The first finding is about the impact of the participations’ cognitive function deficit in their understanding and their communication level. The interviewees can’t comprehensive communicate to the interviewer, they need more explanation about the interview questions and their feedback are simplicity. Therefore the decision-making of the interviewee and the involvement for the leaving school transition is limited. The family makes more protection and decision for the low level adolescents. The family is the first protection for the young psychiatrics.
    Second, the poorer, single parent, and the other disability in the family I interviewed. This is the same with the Wanger’s finding. The protective function of the family is weak and deficit for the participations. It’s important to establish the protective network from social resource or outside the family; it can reinforce the family protective function. The family center service will empower the family protective function and good for the emotional disorders students. The family involvement in the special education is unprepared, even they join and discuss in the meeting. The families ask for more explanation about the professional services and transition services for the involvement and making-decisions.
    Third, the medicalization is the core problem in the special educational professionals, there are many different services for the emotional disorders students and their families; the cooperation in the professionals is diversity and fragment. The professionals should emphasis their cooperation in the service. But the special educators need more active and leading the multi-system cooperation.
    Finally, “The other village” is a placement for emotional disorder student, the more professionals’ inclusion in the special educational and psychiatric services will help prompt the service outcome. The more cooperation between the professionals and the more emphasis the special educations are need for future.
    This article will discuss the characteristics of the serious emotional disorder and their need in the transition services. The author hope the professionals can more understanding the transition needs of the serious emotional disorders and their family, and provide the more comprehensive services for them.

    目錄 謝辭 1 中文摘要 3 ABSTRACT 4 目錄 6 圖表目錄 9 第一章 緒論 10 第一章 緒論 10 第一節 研究背景與動機 10 第二節 研究目的 11 第三節 名詞釋義 12 第二章 文獻探討 14 第一節 嚴重情緒障礙者的特質與特教服務 14 一、名詞界定的問題 14 二、美國嚴重情緒障的人口學特質 17 三、情緒困擾者的學校適應 21 四、美國特殊教育對嚴重情緒障礙的服務 24 五、我國嚴重情緒障礙服務現況與問題 28 第二節 特殊教育轉銜服務 33 一、轉銜(Transition)的意義與現況 33 二、法規中轉銜概念的演變 35 三、最佳轉銜實務(Best Practices in Transition) 36 四、嚴重情緒障礙者的轉銜服務 39 第三節 家庭參與(FAMILY INVOLVEMENT) 43 一、美國身心障礙家長參與的發展過程 44 二、台灣身心障礙家庭參與的經驗 45 三、美國身心障礙兒童家長參與教育的情形 46 四、家庭及家庭參與在轉銜的角色 48 第四節 自我決策(Self- determination) 50 一、身心障礙者自我決策的依據與意義 50 二、自我決策與轉銜服務 53 第三章 研究方法 57 第一節 質性研究的特質與典範 57 第二節 研究架構 59 第三節 研究參與者與研究者 60 一、研究參與者 60 二、研究者及訪員 67 第四節 研究場域:又一村 67 第五節 資料整理與分析 71 第四章 研究結果 74 第一節 嚴重情緒障礙者的面貌 74 一、訪談過程說明 74 二、嚴重情緒障礙的疾病歷程 75 三、受訪者的「自我決策」 83 第二節 嚴重情緒障礙者的家庭面貌 89 一.情障者家庭多弱勢,是重要但脆弱的支持系統 89 二.家庭參與教育 93 三.討論 94 第三節 專業人員與專業服務現況 97 一.高中職特教老師依環境特質、學生需要提供彈性多元服務 97 二.又一村特教老師和東區巡輔老師的穩定度較低 101 三.教育與醫療專業人員的角色與運作 103 四.專業合作仍持續磨合 105 五.討論 106 第四節 專業人員與嚴重情緒障礙者的互動經驗 110 一.專業人員對嚴重情緒障礙學生的服務經驗 110 二.專業人員對情障家庭的看法 111 三.家長對於專業服務的經驗與看法 112 四.討論 114 第五節 又一村(蘭亭書苑)與轉銜 115 一、轉銜到又一村 115 二、又一村與學校的差異 119 三、轉銜離開又一村 122 四、討論:又一村的轉銜服務 124 五、結語 127 第五章 研究結論與限制 129 參考文獻 139 附錄 151 附錄一:個案訪談提綱 151 附錄二:家屬訪談提綱 153 附錄三:教育人員訪談提綱 154 附錄四:醫療相關人員訪談提綱 155 附錄五:臺北市情緒行為專業支援輔導團 156 附錄六:特殊教育學生社工個案管理服務 158 附錄七:臺北市特殊教育學生社工個案管理工作實施計畫 162 附錄八:臺北市立聯合醫院人體試驗委員會受試者同意書 168 附錄九:臺北市政府教育局與醫療機構合作辦理嚴重情緒障礙特殊教育班實施計畫 170

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