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研究生: 陳慧玲
Chen, Hui-ling
論文名稱: 博物館家庭志工解說員戲劇詮釋之心流經驗個案研究
Case Study on Flow Experience of Museum Family Volunteer as Narrating Guides in Theatre Interpretation
指導教授: 林曼麗
Lin, Mun-Lee
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 270
中文關鍵詞: 心流經驗博物館教育戲劇詮釋合作共同體家庭志工
英文關鍵詞: flow experience, museum education, cooperative learning community, theatre interpretation, family volunteer
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204332
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:437下載:36
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  • 國際博物館逐漸普遍地發展戲劇詮釋教育活動,然而國內博物館囿於人力與經費的限制,只有國立台灣歷史博物館從2009年起持續性地由國立台南大學協助策劃相關教育活動。志工是博物館重要的人力資源與最親密的觀眾群,但是鮮少有文獻針對十五歲以下的孩童志工或家庭志工進行相關探討。

    因此本研究從Csikszentmihaly 心流理論、Dewey的經驗理論及佐藤學的學習共同體的觀點,探討家庭志工執行博物館戲劇詮釋之心流經驗及發展歷程。本研究採用質性研究法,以宜蘭縣自然史教育館的志工為研究對象,共有二十位志工參與,主要由五個核心家庭成員組成。宜蘭縣自然史教育館扮演著促進心流的學習中心 。研究發現個性、文化、環境與家庭的支持能影響人們進入心流。


    針對博物館界的建議如下 :


    International museums have been gradually developing educational activities involving theatre interpretation, however due to limited funding and man-power available for museums inside the country, the only museum that has been continually developing education activities in this field since 2009 is the National Museum of Taiwan History, with the help of the National University of Tainan. Volunteer is not only the museum's most important human resource, but is also the museum's most intimate group of audience. However there are very few literature and research that discuss the topics of children volunteers under the age of 15, and family volunteers.

    Therefore, this research will investigate the flow experience and development of family volunteers' involvement in the museum's theatre interpretation activities from the perspectives of Csikszentmihaly's theory of flow, Dewey's theory of experience, and Manabu Sato's cooperative learning community.

    This research uses qualitative research, studying a sample of 20 people, mainly made up of 5 core families who volunteered at the Yi-Lan Natural History Educational Museum. The Yi-Lan Natural History Educational Museum acts as a learning center which stimulates and facilitates flow. Research has found that personality, culture, environment, and the support of family can all affect one's ability to enter flow.

    This research's conclusions are as follow:
    1.The involvement of family in the effect of education is also an important factor in an individual's ability to enter flow.
    2.Education should bring out the urge to learn through touching the learner's heart and soul, because the quality of learning is determined by proactivity.
    3.Education should provide the learner with challenges slightly above his or her ability, in effect inducing action taking and allowing the satisfaction of happiness and boosts in self-esteem.

    Recommendations for museums are as follow:
    1.Museums should open to family volunteers and allow them to cooperatively promote educational activities.
    2.A museum's setting is fit to develop theatre interpretation activities because stories of people, events, and items related to the objects of exposition can be displayed.
    3.Museums should respect the unique value of the narrator guides and assist in their self-realization to constantly enter flow.

    In general, family volunteers not only invest full effort in the education center, they are also able to alter the form of the center's activities, provide an extraordinary narrative tour guide model, and even transform the way family members interact, changing the personality of their own children, forming, from small to vast, an interlocking cycle of domino effects affecting individuals, families, community, and institution.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 ··························1 第二節 研究背景與重要性 ···················7 第三節 研究方法與設計 ·····················9 第四節 研究範圍與限制 ····················11 第五節 名詞釋義 ·······················12 第二章 探究基礎 第一節 博物館志工 ·······················15 第二節 博物館與戲劇詮釋 ·············· ···23 第三節 心流理論························· 43 第四節 博物館教育 ······················ 55 第五節 博物館中的心流經驗 ················68 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究目的 ·························81 第二節 方法與程序························82 第三節 研究對象··························88 第四節 研究期程··························95 第五節 資料分析與解釋 ····················96 第六節 科博館戲劇詮釋發展背景 ···········100 第七節 地方自然史教育館 ·················105 第八節 研究活動介紹 ·····················107 第四章 研究結果分析 第一節 前期:尚不知道行不行 ············· 113 第二節 早期:製偶驚艷點火苗 ··············117 第三節 中期(一):中途加入小福將···········125 第四節 中期(二):面對挑戰勇敢行···········133 第五節 晚期:如魚得水樂悠遊···············145 第六節 後期:走火入魔待未來···············157 第七節 再生(一):黑光海底尋寶趣···········176 第八節 再生(二):永續的支持系統···········196 第九節 綜合分析與討論····················203 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 ·····························231 第二節 建議 ·····························234 參考文獻···········································237 附錄 附錄一 附錄二 附錄三 附錄四

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