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研究生: 盧雅宣
論文名稱: 製作電腦程式除錯訊息動畫的動畫事件順序
Animation Ordering of Debugging Animation
指導教授: 鄭永斌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵詞: 除錯動畫軟體視覺化
英文關鍵詞: Debugging Animation, Software Visualize
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:121下載:5
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  • 理解程式碼在開發軟體的過程中是一個很重要的環節。隨著程式的複雜度越來越高,理解程式碼的工作也變得越來越艱難,一般傳統除錯器隨著程式的複雜度增加,對於程式設計師的幫助也就跟著減少。尤其要在既有的軟體上加入新的功能或者要將程式碼作重構,勢必要了解部分或者全部程式碼的運作流程,當面對複雜且龐大的資料結構時,就不是在短時間內所可以理解的。在文字除錯器效用有限的情況下,出現了許多軟體視覺化的程式,來幫助程式開發者了解複雜的結構。
    為了讓程式開發者能夠從圖形的改變來了解程式的運作,我們提出了xDiva這個軟體視覺化的系統。藉由視覺化隱喻(visualization metaphor, VM)本身的改變和位置的改變來呈現一段動畫,並且在動畫中呈現出中斷點與中斷點之間程式的動態行為。

    Understand the code in the software development process is a very important part. With the increasing complexity of the program, understanding the code has also become increasingly difficult, conventional debugger for helping programmers will become limited.

    Especially in the existing software, programmer have to add new functionality or make refactoring code, is bound to some or all of the code to understand the operation of the process, face to the complex and large data structures. We can not understand those code in short time. When the text debugger’s effectiveness has limited, there were many visual programming software provider to help developers understand the complex structure.

    To make the program developers understand from the graphical changes to the operation of the program, we developed xDiva, a software visualization system. Through visual metaphors (visualization metaphor, VM) itself changes and position changes to render an animation, and shown in the animation of the program's dynamic behavior between the two breakpoints
    How to make animation meaningful, let program developers understand the code when the animation can be obtained from the information they need. In this paper, we try to search a sequence from the different sequence of events, and then find out the closer animation sequence of human thinking.

    摘 要 i ABSTRACT ii 感 謝 iv 目 錄 v 圖 表 vi Chapter 1 緒論 1 Section 1.1 研究動機 1 Section 1.2 論文架構 5 Chapter 2 研究背景 6 Section 2.1 軟體視覺化工具 6 2.1.1. xDiva 6 Section 2.2 State Space Search 10 2.3.1. 螞蟻演算法 11 2.3.2. 禁忌搜索演算法 11 2.3.3. 基因演算法 12 2.3.4. 模擬退火法 12 2.3.5. 爬山演算法 13 2.3.6. A*演算法 13 Chapter 3 Animation Ordering 15 Section 3.1 Animation Types 15 3.1.1. 新增(Add) 15 3.1.2. 刪除(Delete) 15 3.1.3. 移動(Move) 15 Section 3.2 評分 16 Section 3.3 總評分 23 Chapter 4 Algorithm of Animation Ordering 25 Section 4.1 A* 演算法的h(n)函式 25 Section 4.2 Animation Ordering的Heuristic Function設計 27 Section 4.3 演算法實作 30 Chapter 5 結論及未來展望 31 Section 5.1 結論 31 Section 5.2 未來展望 31 Reference 33

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