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研究生: 胡肇勳
Hu, Chao-Hsun
論文名稱: 國小低年級孩童與父母於親子衝突的反應方式之研究
A Study of Response Types in Taiwan Lower Grade Elementary School and Their Parents during Parent-Child Conflicts
指導教授: 程景琳
Cheng, Ching-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 親子衝突社會領域理論父母親的衝突反應孩童的衝突反應
英文關鍵詞: parent-child conflicts, social domain theory, parental conflict response, children's conflict response
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:183下載:42
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  • 本研究旨在探討國小低年級孩童與其家長在面對不同領域的親子衝突時,使用不同反應方式的情況。主要的研究目的如下:(一)探討在不分領域的衝突事件中,國小低年級孩童與父母親使用不同反應方式的情況。(二)探討在不同領域的衝突事件中,國小低年級孩童與父母親使用不同反應方式的情況。(三)分析在不分領域的衝突事件中,國小低年級孩童與父母親使用不同反應方式間的關係。(四)分析在不同領域的衝突事件中,國小低年級孩童與父母親使用不同反應方式間的關係。

    This study investigates how lower grade elementary school children and their parents, when different types (domains) of parent-child conflicts occur, use different responses. Its main objectives are (1) to study the differences in the responses of lower grade elementary school children and their parents when dealing with parent-child conflicts; (2) to study the differences in the responses of lower grade elementary school children and their parents when dealing with the parent-child conflicts of different domains; (3) to study the correlation between the responses of lower grade elementary school children and their parents when dealing with parent-child conflicts; (4) to study the correlation between the responses of lower grade elementary school children and their parents when dealing with the parent-child conflicts of different domains.
    This study made use of observation research, and the subjects consisted of 34 lower grade elementary school children (with the average age of 7.83) and their parents. Parents were asked to record parent-child interaction using a voice recorder at four different times for a total duration of two hours. The acquired information was coded and analyzed for conflict domains and response types. There were a total of five conflict domains, namely moral-convention, achievement, prudence, person, and other. Parents’ responses could be differentiated as demanding, inductive, power assertive, or soothing, and those of the child as rejecting, argumentative, fighting or compromising. Data was analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Summarizing study results, this study found the following:
    1.In terms of conflict domains, the order of high-to-low occurrence was achievement, prudence, moral-convention, and person (other domain is not included).
    2.In terms of the types of parents’ response, the order of high-to-low occurrence was demanding, inductive, soothing, and power assertive response. Furthermore, in terms of the types of children’s response, the order of high-to-low occurrence was rejecting, argumentative, compromising, and fighting response.
    3.A positive correlation was found between parents’ inductive response and children’s argumentative response, between parents’ inductive response and children’s compromising response, and also between parents’ power assertive response and children’s fighting response.
    4.In all four domains, the first and second most frequent parents’ responses were demanding and inductive response, respectively. The power assertive response occurred more frequently in the moral-convention domain; however, the soothing response occurred more frequently in the personal domain.
    5.In all four domains, the first and second most frequent children’s responses were rejecting and argumentative response. The rejecting response occurred more frequently in the personal domain; however, the compromising response occurred more frequently in moral-convention domain.
    6.In the achievement and prudential domain, a positive correlation was found between parents’ power assertive and children’s fighting response; in the moral-convention domain, a negative correlation was found between parents’ power assertive and children’s argumentative response; in the personal domain, a negative correlation was found between parents’ power assertive and children’s rejecting response.
    According to this study, the correlation between parents’ power assertive response and different children’s responses is dependant on the conflict domains. This may be due to the nature of involvement in the domains. Therefore, when dealing with parent-child conflicts, special attention must be paid to the specific meaning of parental power assertion in each different domain, and the different effects.

    中文摘要------------------------------------------- Ⅰ 英文摘要------------------------------------------- Ⅲ 目錄----------------------------------------------- Ⅴ 附表目次------------------------------------------- Ⅶ 附圖目次------------------------------------------- Ⅷ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的---------------------------- 1 第二節 研究問題與假設---------------------------- 5 第三節 名詞釋義---------------------------------- 6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 親子互動的相關研究------------------------ 9 第二節 社會領域取向的理論架構-------------------- 23 第三節 社會領域理論的親子衝突研究---------------- 28 第四節 相關研究比較------------------------------ 35 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究架構---------------------------------- 38 第二節 研究對象---------------------------------- 39 第三節 研究程序---------------------------------- 40 第四節 研究工具---------------------------------- 42 第五節 資料分析方式------------------------------ 49 第四章 研究結果 第一節 衝突與反應次數的描述統計分析-------------- 50 第二節 領域衝突與親子衝突的描述統計分析---------- 51 第三節 領域間之各類親子反應的頻率分析------------ 55 第四節 父母親與孩童之各類反應間的相關分析-------- 57 第五章 討論與建議 第一節 討論-------------------------------------- 61 第二節 建議-------------------------------------- 70 參考文獻 中文部份------------------------------------------- 75 西文部份------------------------------------------- 77 附錄 附錄一 參與研究意願調查表------------------------- 83 附錄二 錄音時間表--------------------------------- 84

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