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研究生: 洪阡珈
Hong, Chien-Chia
論文名稱: 置入運算思維於學習鷹架中對高中程式寫作課程中之自我效能與學習成效之影響
The Influences of Inserting Computational Thinking in Learning Scaffolding on Self-Efficacy and Learning Outcome in High School Computer Programming
指導教授: 王健華
Wang, Chang-Hwa
口試委員: 趙貞怡
Chao, Jen-Yi
Chou, Tzren-Ru
Wang, Chang-Hwa
口試日期: 2022/09/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 程式設計學習運算思維學習鷹架學習成效自我效能
英文關鍵詞: programming learning, computational thinking, learning scaffolds, learning outcome, self-efficacy
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201797
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:161下載:23
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  • 程式設計內容相互具有關聯性,然而程式概念抽象不易理解且複雜性高,因此多數學習者對於程式學習產生消極的信念,造成自我效能降低並影響學習表現。為了解決程式學習的困境,教學者多運用運算思維的概念來設計教學策略。本研究假設教學者提供學習鷹架來協助學習者與已知知識相互融會貫通,因後設認知鷹架能喚起學習者的已知知識,藉以輔助學習新知識,但其缺乏邏輯系統性的引導方式,所以本研究設計將運算思維流程置入於後設認知鷹架中來引導學習者學習程式設計。研究目的在於探討運算思維流程與傳統教學兩者鷹架引導方式對於學習者自我效能與學習成效之影響。研究方法為實驗法,實驗對象為普通高中一年級學生共39人,實驗組以運算思維流程之步驟來設計鷹架引導內容,對照組以傳統教學方式之程式敘述順序來設計鷹架引導內容,以學習成效測驗試題與自我效能量表作為量化研究工具,並在實驗結束後透過半結構式訪談收集質性資料。研究結果發現在進行實驗課程後,使用運算思維流程鷹架引導方式之學習成效與自我效能表現皆優於使用傳統教學鷹架引導方式,且自我效能與學習成效表現具有相關性。建議未來相關研究可深入探討影響自我效能與學習成效的其他因素。

    Programming content is interconnected. However, programming concepts are mostly abstract, difficult to comprehend, and highly complicated. As a result, most learners have negative impressions about learning programming, leading to lower self-efficacy as well as learning performance. To solve this dilemma, instructors employed the idea of computational thinking when devising teaching strategies. Metacognitive scaffolds can evoke learners’ known knowledge. Thus, this study hypothesized that by providing learning scaffolds, instructors, can help learners integrate new content with their existing knowledge so as to facilitate their learning of new knowledge. However, a logical and systematic scaffolding is lacking. Therefore, this study was designed to integrate computational thinking processes into metacognitive scaffolds to guide learners for studying programming. This study aimed to investigate the influences of the teaching scaffolds of computational thinking processes and traditional teaching approach on learners’ self-efficacy and learning outcome. The experimental method was selected as the study methodology and 39 first-year high school students were chosen as the study subjects. For the experimental group, we adopted the steps of computational thinking processes to design the scaffolding content. For the control group, the scaffolding content was designed following the programming narrative sequence of the traditional teaching approach. We selected learning outcome related test questions and self-efficacy scale as quantitative research tools, and garnered qualitative data through semi-structured interviews at the end of the experiment. The study findings indicated that after the experimental sessions ended, learning outcome and self-efficacy driven by scaffolding of computational thinking were better than those under the traditional teaching approach. Moreover, a correlation existed between self-efficacy and learning outcome performance. It is suggested that future research works should investigate other factors affecting learners’ self-efficacy and learning outcome.

    第一章 緒論 1    第一節 研究背景與動機 1    第二節 研究目的與問題 3    第三節 研究範圍與限制 4    第四節 研究流程 5    第五節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 8    第一節 程式設計學習之困境 8    第二節 運算思維 9    第三節 鷹架理論 11    第四節 自我效能與程式設計學習成效 14    第五節 文獻探討小結 15 第三章 研究設計 17 第一節 研究架構 17    第二節 研究方法 19    第三節 研究對象 19    第四節 研究工具 20    第五節 教學內容設計 23    第六節 研究實施 29    第七節 資料處理與分析 31 第四章 研究結果與討論 33    第一節 不同鷹架引導方式之學習成效差異分析 34    第二節 不同鷹架引導方式之自我效能差異分析 35    第三節 自我效能與學習成效相關性分析 36 第四節 訪談內容分析 37 第五章 結論與建議 42    第一節 研究結論 42    第二節 後續研究建議 43 參考文獻 45 附錄一 教學課程教案 54 附錄二 教學教材 70 附錄三 課程練習題 75 附錄四 學習成效測驗試卷 81 附錄五 自我效能量表 84 附錄六 學習成效測驗評分表 90 附錄七 訪談大綱 91

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