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研究生: 陳雅筑
論文名稱: 教育部委託研究與政策決策之關聯性研究
A study of the relationship between the commissioned research and policy-making of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan
指導教授: 王麗雲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育政策與行政研究所
Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 182
中文關鍵詞: 政策決策教育研究研究應用
英文關鍵詞: policy-making, education research, research utilization
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:113下載:13
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  •   本研究以教育部就所管教育事務進行之委託研究為研究對象,旨在探討委託研究與政策決策之關聯性為何,以了解教育政策研究應用情形,並歸納研究應用之模式與影響研究應用的因素,據以提出促進研究應用之建議。

    This study aims to examine how the evidence of commissioned research is used or not used in educational policy-making in the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Various models and influential factors of research utilization are also explored in the Taiwanese contexts.
    This is a multiple-case study, which is qualitatively driven. The case study data was mainly collected via semi-structure interviews and a documentary review. The six commissioned research projects by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan were analyzed as study cases. The interviewees consisted of six central civil officials from the Ministry of Education and five academic scholars from various research institutions. Ultimately, this study finds that the evidence of commissioned research enables to shape the result of the central education policy-making in indirect ways. This finding confirms the existing literatures. The purposes of the commissioned research projects are mainly for solving the internal needs of the central government and responding to pressures from the external as well. As for research impact on policy-making, direct impact, indirect impact, potential impact and unexpected impact are found in the study cases. It also finds that processual modem which synthesises the enlightenment model and evolutionary model has better explanation of the complexity and nuance of the research utilization. The further models of research utilization will be needed to enrich the analysis due to the complexity of research utilization. As for the building of theoretical models, it is necessary to include the notion of ‘time’ into the conceptualizing of research utilization. Furthermore, the comprehensive model, including broad environment, social context, research community, organization community, linkage and research quality factors, seems to have better explanatory power for influential factors of research utilization. Finally, the recommendations are proposed on the basis of research findings and discussion for their reference by government aouthorities and research institutions.

    誌謝詞.................................................i 中文摘要...............................................iii 英文摘要...............................................v 目次...................................................vii 表次...................................................xi 圖次...................................................x 第一章 緒論...........................................1 第一節 研究動機.....................................1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題...........................4 第三節 名詞釋義.....................................5 第四節 研究方法與範圍...............................6 第五節 研究限制.....................................7 第二章 文獻探討.......................................9 第一節 教育政策及政策決策之概念.....................9 第二節 教育政策研究之意涵與現況.....................22 第三節 研究應用模式及其影響因素.....................40 第三章 研究設計與實施.................................61 第一節 研究架構.....................................61 第二節 研究實施.....................................62 第三節 資料處理.....................................77 第四節 研究倫理.....................................80 第四章 研究結果與討論.................................85 第一節 教育部進行委託研究之目的及作法...............85 第二節 教育部對於委託研究案之應用情況...............109 第三節 影響教育部委託研究應用因素分析...............133 第五章 結論與建議.....................................163 第一節 研究結論.....................................163 第二節 研究建議.....................................168 參考文獻...............................................171 附錄 附錄一 研究說明及邀請函.............................179 附錄二 「教育部委託研究計畫作業要點」與「教育部補助及委辦計畫經費編列基準表」經費項目額度比較表.................181

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