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研究生: 廖美宏
論文名稱: 公共圖書館限制級出版品館藏政策及管理制度之研究
指導教授: 曾淑賢
Tseng, Shu-Hsien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 213
中文關鍵詞: 檢查制度圖書分級制度限制級出版品爭議性出版品館藏發展政策
英文關鍵詞: Censorship, The Rating system of Printed Materials, Restricted publication, Controversial Publication, Collection Development Policy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:171下載:5
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Collection is the core of a library. Developing and managing its collection on the basis of users’ need is always the most important mission of a library, and appropriate collection establishment relies on the constitution of collection policy and the progress of book selection. In 2004 the Government Information Office has brought into force the rating system of printed materials to put an end to unhealthy books involving in sex or violence that harm children and adolescents, who are the major users of public libraries. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the basic principles of collection development and management in face of the rating system of printed materials. The present research discusses the related issues of establishing collection policies on restricted publications, in order to have appropriate readers read appropriately, to protect reading freedom, and to do justice to public libraries that have contemporary vocations in the information society with growing diversity and rapid transitions.
The present research conducted an investigation via questionnaires into our national, municipal and county public libraries as well as the libraries of municipal or county bureaus of culture. Suggestions based on the results of investigation are offered to public libraries, as the reference for the constitution of collection policies and management systems on restricted publications.
Following are the results of research:
1.Most of our public libraries have not drawn a collection
policy on restricted publications, due to the lack of
budgets, space, and personnel.
2.The committees or crews taking specific responsibility to
set the direction and goal of collection development in
most of our public libraries consist of professional
librarians and leaders of departments. The lack of
participation of external professionals and scholars
confines the direction and goal of collection development.
3.In different area of Taiwan, most of the public libraries
consider that the establishment of a collection or
selection policy on restricted publications benefits or
influences on present management systems.
4.On the selection of printed materials: Most of our public
libraries have not set up a specific committee or crew
taking charge of book selection due to the lack of
budgets and manpower. Most commissions of printed
material selection are not given to external
professionals; the topics for printed material selection
are totally decided by libraries even they give the
commissions to external professionals. Furthermore,
advertisements from publishers, lists of best sellers,
and recommendations by critics and readers are important
references for book selection.
5.The collection development or book selection policies of
public libraries do not include related stipulations on
restricted publications, which makes restricted
publications excluded directly from acquisitions and
causes controversial publications, though not classified
as restricted by their publishers, to be rejected.
6.When a controversy over the acquisition of gathered
materials arises, the management has the say in most
public libraries. However, whether the collection
development or book selection policies include related
stipulations on restricted publications or not, there is
no “open discussion with readers” nor “consult with
publication appraisal associations”.
7.Most public libraries have not cooperated on the
publication rating measure as well as not labeled and
managed the restricted publications. Only a few libraries
have made particular notes in their catalogs for the
convenience of restriction on readership and inquiry
about locations. In addition, the proportion is far from
satisfying that libraries with acquisitions of restricted
publications have the stipulation “the patrons under 18
ages are prohibited from borrowing restricted (R-rated)
books and materials” in their reading rules.
8.As for publications which are not classified as
restricted under the rating system but still
controversial, no public libraries consult with
publication appraisal associations or discuss with
readers. Only a few libraries systematically record and
manage their readers’ comments on publication rating.
9.Most readers claim that they support the measures taken
by libraries after the rating system of printed materials
is carried into execution in our public libraries in
different areas, although complaints are voiced.

第一章 緒論...................................1 第一節 研究動機.............................1 第二節 研究目的.............................4 第三節 研究問題.............................5 第四節 研究範圍與限制................................6 第五節 名詞解釋.....................................7 第二章 文獻分析........................................10 第一節 爭議性出版品的源起背景........................10 一、禁書的形成..................................11 二、檢查制度的演變..............................15 第二節 我國出版品分級制之探討........................18 一、出版品分級制度之緣起.........................18 二、出版品分級之意義.............................20 三、出版品分級之主要目的.........................20 四、出版品分級之相關法令.........................21 第三節 圖書分級制及圖書檢查制度之探討.................23 一、圖書分級之具體做法...........................23 二、圖書檢查制度的省思...........................25 第四節 爭議性出版品之界定...........................29 一、爭議性出版品的定義...........................29 二、爭議性出版品的主題範圍........................31 第五節 公共圖書館限制級出版品相關議題之研究...........36 一、影響公共圖書館「爭議性出版品取得自由」的因素.....36 二、限制級出版品館藏政策之重要性...................47 三、限制級出版品館藏政策所應具備的項目..............53 四、「利於管理」及「便於讀者」的限制級出版品管理制度..57 五、公共圖書館因應知識自由及出版品分級所訂定的館藏政策..60 第三章 研究設計與實施..................................80 第一節 研究架構....................................81 第二節 研究方法....................................82 第三節 研究對象....................................83 第四節 研究工具....................................83 第五節 資料處理及分析..............................85 第四章 研究結果統計分析................................86 第一節 問卷調查結果分析 86 第二節 公共圖書館對於限制級出版品館藏政策及管理制度觀點與建議之 分析 ..........................................126 第五章 結論與建議 .......................................144 第一節 研究結論......................................144 第二節 研究建議......................................155 第三節 對未來研究的建議...............................162 參考文獻................................................164 附錄一 公共圖書館選書人員對限制級出版品館藏政策及管理制度 意見之調查問卷..................................174 附錄二 中華民國出版品分級實施規約.......................185 附錄三 兒童及少年福利法................................187 附錄四 大法官釋憲文...................................206


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