Keywords: reality, illusion, body, scenery
The style of “Traveling around the edge of reality and illusion” has long been the author’s direction of creation. The present study aimed to describe the image of “body scenery”. There are countless bodies in the surface of this world. The author tried to point out the images of body from the natural scenery and to survey them from the aspect of cosmology. The body was regarded as a tiny universe which was explored the mutual relation to the giant universe. The author came back to her inner self to re-monitor herself so as to create art works in the most sincere manner. For ages, the author had been traveling constantly to seek the real freedom and release out of the fixed mode. Then, the author figured out fondly what she had been looking for was lingering about between reality and illusion.
There were six chapters involved in the present study, each of which was summarized as follows: in the first chapter, the author indicated the motive and purpose of the present study as well as the research scale and method. The development of the topics, “traveling around the edge of reality and illusion” and “body scenery” were also precisely described in this chapter. The second chapter explained the support of the main thesis, which is based on creation theories. It started with reality and imagination, explored philosophically by traveling around illusion, and indicated the illusion shown in the virtual and real image in Asian and western cultures and in art. In the third chapter, the author treated, according to her own creation theory, the effect of the reality of mind thinking, the image of body scenery, the illusion of nature and female body and the philosophy of drawing creation on individual drawing. The forth chapter talked about the content and style of the author’s creation as well as the media and skills of her main creation. The fifth chapter was to read the works by analyzing and reading the illustrations with the paintings. The readers can realize the author’s reasons and intention while creating every single work. Finally, in the sixth chapter, the author reviewed the research process and gave suggestions for future studies.
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