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研究生: 劉映秀
Ying-hsiu Liu
論文名稱: 女性的神話世界:瑞琪對男性神話之改寫
A Mythic World for Women: Adrienne Rich's Revision of Male Myths
指導教授: 史文生
Frank Stevenson
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 瑞琪神話女性主義
英文關鍵詞: Adrienne Rich, myth, feminism, poetry
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:208下載:17
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  • 女性的神話世界:瑞琪對男性神話之改寫

    A Mythic World for Women: Adrienne Rich’s Revision of Male Myths
    This thesis investigates Adrienne Rich’s poetics in the light of mythmaking. Rich, believing that language has been the device with which patriarchy oppresses women and that it is also the weapon with which women can fight back, is particular aware of the influence of female creative power. Her ultimate vision, therefore, is to create a myth that women can call their own. In Chapter One, I examine the literary development of Rich, who, after being nurtured on patriarchal, canonical literature, later confronted it. Rich’s feeling was not simply that women find nothing congenial to their experience in the established literature, but also that women are stereotyped and seen as the Other in the dominant literary texts and especially in mythic ones. In Chapter Two, I explore how female images are distorted in male-centered discourses and how Rich encounters those misconceptions by resorting to myths. In Chapter Three, I investigate Rich’s rewriting of male myths, which she imbues with feminist overtones. Specifically I consider the poet’s revision of the familiar quest-and-rescue pattern, changing the nature of the quest and also the hero(ine) who undertakes it. I also consider Rich’s creation of legendary women-figures in her recurring portraits of modern or contemporary “outstanding women” whose contributions have not received the attention they deserve in a history written by men. This can be read also as a communal bonding of/ among women through the narrative of myths and (mythic or legendary) history. In Chapter Four, I discuss Rich’s non-conventional conceptions of nature and body, exploring her projection of nature as the manifestation of female desire. Chapter Five starts from discussing Rich’s lesbianism, and how she later envisions the mythic world as a female continuum in which two women are united in mutual devotion. Finally I turn to Rich’s view of language as a device by which women can reject the patriarchal myth(s) and create their own vision. Here she moves beyond the strictly feminine sphere to an egalitarian vision that embraces all of the oppressed and the marginal.

    Table of Contents Chapter One Adrienne Rich: Heritage and Revision 1 Chapter Two Encountering Phallogocentric Discourses: Rich’s Revisionist Efforts 10 Chapter Three Rewriting the Myth: The Emergence of a Heroine 30 Chapter Four Body and Nature: The Manifestation of Female Desire 49 Chapter Five It Is the Lesbian in Us: Toward a Female Continuum 65 Conclusion Power, Difference, and Change 82 Works Cited 86

    Works Cited
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