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研究生: 黃曉嵐
論文名稱: 優秀女性教育人員之創造性人格逆境轉化與創造表現
Creative Personalities, Adversity Transformation, and Creative Performance of Outstanding Female Educators
指導教授: 潘裕豐
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 創造力發展碩士在職專班
Continuing Education Master's Program of Creativity Development
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 185
中文關鍵詞: 女性教育人員創造性人格逆境轉化創造表現
英文關鍵詞: female educator, creative personality, adversity transformation, creative performance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:111下載:12
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  • 本研究是以八位在工作領域表現優秀的女性教育人員為研究對象,藉由深度訪談以及重要他人的訪談了解其生涯發展、人格特質、逆境經驗轉化及其創造表現。研究資料則是將訪談內容轉成文字稿,經由反覆閱讀、分析、交叉比對、歸納、綜合,以理解這些優秀女性教育人員的人格特質、逆境經歷轉化與其創造表現,藉由她們的生命故事啟發後進者。家庭環境方面,受訪者的父母教育態度在要求中有空間,適時地提供支援或協助,即使無法提供支援,也不壓抑女兒的發展。受訪者的求學過程都很順利,在校成績皆有中上表現,深受老師的影響與啟發。工作歷程方面,有受訪者從小就立志從事教職,也有受訪者基於因緣際會、自身興趣與能力而進入教育界。對工作的不滿足以及渴望工作上的變化促使她們盡其所能在工作中求新求變並樂在其中。本研究主要發現如下:
    一、 人格特質
    二、 逆境轉化
    三、 創造表現

    The research was based on outstanding eight female educators that showed creative behavior in their field of expertise. It was through in-depth interviews of the subjects and their important people that the career development, personality traits, adversity transformation, and creativity of the subjects were made known. The researcher transformed the data from those interviews into written forms. It was through repeated reading, analyzing, cross-referencing, categorizing, combining, that the researcher understood the creative behavior which included personality traits, adversity transformation, and creativity. At home, the parents of the interviewees had liberal attitudes towards their education. The parents were supportive of their daughters' hobbies and provided support or help whenever needed. At school, the interviewees studied smoothly with grades above average. The interviewees were deeply influenced and inspired by teachers. At work, some interviewees wanted to be an educator while young; still others entered the field by chance, self-interest and capability. The interviewees desired changes and were unsatisfied with work, which made they enjoy evolving in their field. Their life stories inspired others that followed. The findings of the research are as the following:
    1. Personality Trait
    The interviewees had the traits of being independent, sincere, capable, self-confident, unsatisfied, honest, well-mannered, reflective, persistent, initiative, and were involved in different domains. For family factor, the parents set example and taught the interviewees, which influenced the life and work of the interviewees. The interviewees had great appreciation and gratification for the parents. The interviewees
    maintained great relationships with parents and family members. For environmental factor, interviewees indicated that the educational environment showed great respect for teachers, allowed and encouraged interviewees to create freely. It was under such a supportive environment, the interviewees were able to create with a flow, which balanced their work and lives.
    2. Adversity Transformation
    There were a few different kinds of adversities in the interviewees' life: (1) being treated unfairly resulting in feeling discriminated; (2) passing of family member; (3) life threatened; (5) being a defendant in court; (6) divorce. At work: (1) contribution to the history made unknown or neglected; (2) public humiliation; (3) submit a piece of writing and get rejected with non-constructive criticisms; (4) difficult or uncooperative colleagues, working pace unsynchronized with colleagues, and jealousy and questioning from colleagues ; (5) the subject of teaching is not valued; (6) error in policy; (7) unreasonable emotion transfer or accusation from others. As for gender stress factor, seven interviewees thought there was not much difference between the male and female in the field of education. Primary difference lied on personal recognition of work, passion for work, and individual capability. As time progressed and society evolved, the value of female gradually equaled the value of male. Adversity transformation meant a few things to the interviewees: (1) positive thinking; (2) increase ability to self-transform and adjustment; (3) widen perspective of viewpoints afterward; (4) learning of more solutions to problems; (5) acknowledge the adversity and move on to something more important or interesting.
    3. Creative Performance
    Interviewees' creative behaviors may be categorized into the following: submitting work to periodic journals aboard, establish system for institution, writing lesson plans, teaching performance, and transforming work contents. Inner motivation included sense of accomplishment, goal management, dedication to work as learning opportunities, exceptional joy after overcoming difficulty, self-development, sense of mission on self, self-responsibility, affirmation of value of teaching, personality that would not yield to defeat, desire to be imperishable, dedication to work, passion for work, curiosity of new things, challenge of self, testing one's own limits, the joy of seeing the maturing of the students. On diverse creativity, interviewees expressed the desire of showing creativity in life but they also expressed a strong sense of mission towards work. Even though they had many creative ideas, they always put work before anything else. The interviewees would prioritize the use the new ideas or thoughts on teaching, research or administrative work.

    目錄 誌謝-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii 摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v 目錄-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------xi 表目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------xiii 圖目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------xiv 第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與目的---------------------------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究問題------------------------------------------------------------------------5 第三節 名詞釋義------------------------------------------------------------------------6 第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 第一節 創造性人格特質---------------------------------------------------------------9 第二節 逆境經驗與逆境轉化-------------------------------------------------------20 第三節 創造力相關議題-------------------------------------------------------------36 第四節 逆境與創造力----------------------------------------------------------------43 第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------------------53 第一節 研究設計----------------------------------------------------------------------53 第二節 研究參與對象----------------------------------------------------------------56 第三節 研究工具----------------------------------------------------------------------58 第四節 研究程序----------------------------------------------------------------------60 第五節 資料處理分析----------------------------------------------------------------61 第四章 結果與討論-------------------------------------------------------------------------65 第一節 生涯歷程----------------------------------------------------------------------65 第二節 創造性人格特質-------------------------------------------------------------87 第三節 逆境轉化---------------------------------------------------------------------111 第四節 創造表現---------------------------------------------------------------------138 第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------------------------163 第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------------------------------163 第二節 建議---------------------------------------------------------------------------169 第三節 研究限制---------------------------------------------------------------------171 參考文獻---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------173 附錄一:訪談邀請函------------------------------------------------------------------------181 附錄二:研究同意書------------------------------------------------------------------------184 附錄三:優秀女性教育人員之創造性人格、逆境轉化與創造表現研究問卷---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------185 表目錄 表2-1 人格特質各家觀點----------------------------------------------------------------10 表2-2 需求層次與人格功能-------------------------------------------------------------18 表2-3 抗壓三元素-------------------------------------------------------------------------30 表2-4 社會生態模式下的保護因子----------------------------------------------------33 表2-5 阻礙女性創造潛能的內外在障-------------------------------------------------41 表3-1 調查訪問與深度訪談特徵比較-------------------------------------------------55 表3-2 試驗性參與研究者背景資料----------------------------------------------------56 表3-3 參與研究者背景資料-------------------------------------------------------------57 表3-4 原始資料各代碼意義-------------------------------------------------------------62 表3-5 質性研究結果可信的指標與策略----------------------------------------------63 表4-1 受訪者人格特質檢核表----------------------------------------------------------98 表4-2 人格特質形容詞檢核人次暨百分比統計表---------------------------------100 圖目錄 圖2-1 Maslow的需求層次論------------------------------------------------------------17 圖2-2 逆境的三種程度-------------------------------------------------------------------21 圖2-3 AQ的三大理論基礎--------------------------------------------------------------23 圖2-4 保護因子的生態學模式----------------------------------------------------------27 圖2-5 女性創造力的多樣化-------------------------------------------------------------42 圖2-6 壓力轉化為創造力系統概念----------------------------------------------------50 圖3-1 資料分析架構----------------------------------------------------------------------62

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