簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李宗薇
Li, Tzong-wei
論文名稱: 教學設計理論與模式的評析及應用:以師院社會科教材教法為例
The critique and application of instructional design theory and model: Using social studies materials and methods as an example
指導教授: 黃光雄
Huang, Kuang-Hsiung
Chien, Maw-Fa
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 209
中文關鍵詞: 教學設計社會科教材教法教學設計理論教學模式行動省思
英文關鍵詞: instructional design, socail studies materials and methods, instructional design theory, instructional model, reflective teaching
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:449下載:78
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1. 教學設計的義涵在提升教學成效。
2. 教學設計理論的特性為處方性質;教學設計模式則針對特定對象與脈絡。
3. 研擬兩階段之教學設計方案為實踐行動省思之社會科教材教法之依據。
4. 與提供觀摩及試教之國小未能建立更理想之夥伴關係。
5. 應用行動省思之社會科教材教法能帶來較佳之學習歷程與結果。
6. 影響教學成效之因素甚多,有待深入研究。
1. 從鉅觀層級的教學設計重新思考中小學教育學程。
2. 推動行動省思之師資培育方式。
1. 進行學校層級的教學設計以利課程銜接。
2. 加強「教材教法」教師之教學設計知能。
3. 重視教學的日常活動與師生的交互作用。
4. 透過制度與中小學建立夥伴關係。
1. 作業安排應考慮師生負荷。
2. 後續研究可安排學生指導與應用網路以協助學習者。

The purpose of this dissertation is to design and implement the course of social studies materials and methods in National Taipei Teachers College, and to explore the possibility and limitation of instructional design. Before designing the framework of the course and implementing, author did thorough literature review on the following core concepts: instructional design theory , instructional models, social studies in elementary schools and teacher preparation programs to clarify the meaning of key concepts. Author uses in-depth interview with scholars, elementary school teachers, and students to gather more first hand field information.
The research takes a year and ten month to finish, and the actual application or implementation time is about four months (a semester). After the implementation, the forty-one junior students who took the course feel satisfactory, and agree on the goal , activities and evaluation of the course, which is designed by the researcher. The only complaint is the study load, students think they spent too much time in homework and preparation of student teaching, though the outcome is pretty good. The conclusion of this research is as follow:
1. The essence of instructional design can enhance the effectiveness of teaching.
2. The characteristics of instructional design theory is prescriptive, while the instructional design model is for specific target learner and context.
3. The framework of this research is based on the” reflection in action” of the social studies materials and methods, and is two-stage.
4. Establishing the partnership relationship with elementary school, which offers
student teaching opportunities.
5. Using reflection-directed social studies materials and methods will have better
learning process and outcome
6. Research on teaching effective involves many factors, and it needs further study.
Based on the above conclusion, author makes following suggestions to administrative agencies of education, teacher preparation program and research‘s self-improvement:
1. From the angle of macro-level instructional design, Department of Education should redesign the teacher preparation program.
2. DOE should introduce reflective in action paradigm of teacher preparation program.
3. The teacher preparation agency should Implement the school-based instructional design to facilitate the connection of the curriculum.
4. School boards and leaders should enhance the instructional design capability of teachers.
5. Through reward system, teacher preparation agencies establish the partnership relationship with elementary school.
6. Researcher should redesign the homework and assignments for the students.
7. Researcher can consider web-site possibilities for follow-up study.

目 次 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………...1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………....1 第二節 研究架構……………………………………………………………..8 第三節 研究方法與研究流程……………………………………………..10 第四節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………………..16 第五節 名詞詮釋……………………………………………………………17 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………….21 第一節 教學設計的義涵……………………………………………...……..21 第二節 教學設計的理論依據………………………………………..…….29 第三節 教學設計理論…………………………………………………..…...40 第四節 教學設計模式…………………………………………………..…...50 第五節 教學設計理論與模式的評析…………………………………..…67 第三章 國小社會科及其師資培育……………………………71 第一節 社會科在小學的定位……………………………………………...71 第二節 國小兒童社會科的認知發展…………………………………….81 第三節 小學社會科的教學現況……….………………………………….83 第四節 社會科教師的培育…………………………………………………85 第五節 師資培育與教師專業發展.………………………………………90 第四章 實際教學歷程…………………………………….……...97 第一節 個案研究的理由…...…………………………………………...97 第二節 行動省思教學的分析…………………………………………….100 第三節 教學架構、類別與分法…………………………………………107 第四節 「社會科教材教法」教學內容與歷程……………………….110 第四節 行動省思社會科教學的特色……………………………….122 第五章 結果分析與討論………………………………………….125 第一節 座談與訪談意見………………..…………………………………125 第二節 受教學生之評鑑與省思………..………………………………..142 第三節 研究者的自我省思……..…………………………………………158 第六章 結論與建議………………………………………...………...163 第一節 結論…..………………………………………………………………..163 第二節 建議……..…………………………………………………………......169 參考文獻…………………………………………………..………………177 一、中文部份……………………………………………………………………...177 二、英文部份……………………………………………………………………..180 附錄 附錄一 社會科教師應具備之知能座談題綱 …..………………………..195 附錄二 電話訪問國小教師之題目…..…………………………………….196 附錄三 德懷術問卷題目…………….………………………………………197 附錄四 社會科教材教法教學大綱…………………………………………198 附錄五 教學內容與流程…………………………………………………….200 附錄六 社會科教材教法後續研究…………………………………………204 附錄七 杭特(M.Hunter)之教學活動設計表……………………………..205 附錄八 社會科概念通則教學要點………………………………………...208 圖 表 次 表3.1 社會科教學資源表…………………………………………….78 圖1.1 本研究架構圖……………………………………………………9 圖2.1 流程圖…………………………………………………………...31 圖2.2 施蘭姆(W.Schramm)的傳播模式………………………...33 圖2.3 學習與記憶的訊息處理模式(Gagne & Driscoll,1988) …………………………………………………………………...36 圖2.4 教學豐富與教學有效性的關係………………………….....41 圖2.5 處方性教學設計理論………………………………………....42 圖2.6 ASSURE模式 …………………………………………………..51 圖2.7 狄克與瑞澤的有效教學模式………………………………..58 圖2.8 新版系統取向模式(1996,第四版)………………………...60 圖2.9 堪普等人的環形模式(1993版)…………………………….62 圖2.10 R2D2教學設計模式……………………………………………63 圖4.1 本研究之教學模式……………...……………………….…..107 圖4.2 教學歷程的四個部分…………………………………..……109 圖4.3 螺旋式教學圖……………………...…………………………110

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