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研究生: 王建堯
論文名稱: 虛與實的關係之抽象概念與具體現象之研究分析(應用於複合媒材 立體眼鏡等虛擬實境表現形式)
Research and Analysis of the Abstract Concept and Concrete Phenomenon of Void and Solid Relationships (Applied to Mixed Media, Three-Dimensional Glasses and Virtual Reality Representation)
指導教授: 賴建都
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 168
中文關鍵詞: 虛擬實境
英文關鍵詞: Solid, Void, Virtual Reality
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:213下載:85
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  • 摘要









    The four natures of “relativity”, “recurrence”, “polymorphism”, and “unity” are classified out of “void and solid relationships” from a philosophical perspective. These four natures are then tools for discussion about phenomena such as human senses, perception, human-environmental relationships, human-social relationships, and social evolution. All phenomena which exist in this world conform to the above principles. They are the common theme behind a multitude of phenomena, and from the reaction to these problems are developed creative concepts and forms, allowing us to explore our contemporary environment. Creative works magnify and solidify these concepts from the researcher’s subjective point of view, allowing the audience to recognize the unifying principle behind all life --- “Tao”. The aforementioned concepts have been developed into four subtopics.

    Concept Development

    The Wheel of Fate
    Humans have a need to control the uncertainty of the future. This is a force, and a motive to pursue a better tomorrow. Many Chinese believe in fate, and through the combination of natural signals and code, hope to understand the future. These actions occur throughout our lives. The researcher wishes to use this theme to emphasize the “relativity”, “recurrence”, “polymorphism”, and “unity” of “void and solid relationships”. The Wheel of Fate turns again and again, and the process of relativity in deciphering a deeper meaning behind symbols and codes is the perfect example of the process of “void and solid relationships”.
    Compressed Information Space
    Any one of our senses needs space (the co-existence of void and solid) in order to decipher stimulations around us. The explosion of the information age has exposed us to excess amounts of information. Although it is a commercial necessity, excess information is often incomprehensible. This work makes use of environmental installations, allowing participants to discover the compression in real space and to understand in a concrete way how information overflows the senses. This work emphasizes the “relativity” and “recurrence” of “void and solid relationships”.
    The “Gear Wheel” Linking Past, Present, and Future
    The present is the only mode of living, for we always exist in the present. Memories of the past are constantly reorganized for the present. The researcher supposes that life is like a series of three-dimensional gear wheels, with the gear wheels in the present the only one which is operable. However, because of the mechanism of the gear wheel, one change will lead to a shift in the entire unit. Thus, this work emphasizes the “recurrence” in “void and solid relationships”.
    The Origin of the World
    Digital codes engulf the world; it is difficult to imagine that the origin of the digital world began with zeroes and ones, much like the origin of the real world. Magnificent animations and websites are all built on layers upon layers of zeroes and ones. This describes the similarities of the digital and real world through “relativity”, “recurrence”, “polymorphism”, and “unity” of “void and solid relationships”. These properties are the same in both worlds. Reality for humans is actually only a combination of reactions as deciphered by the senses. The heart is the source of all reality, and thus the origin for the world for all humans.

    目錄 中文摘要-------------------------------------------------01 英文摘要-------------------------------------------------02 論文整體概念流程圖---------------------------------------04 目錄-----------------------------------------------------05 第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------07 1-1 研究動機------------------------------------------07 1-2 研究背景------------------------------------------09 1-3 研究目的------------------------------------------13 第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------------14 2-1 哲學層次的思考------------------------------------14 2-1-1 叔本華《意志與表象的世界》------------------------14 2-1-2 莊子《莊子》--------------------------------------19 2-1-3 《易經》------------------------------------------21 2-1-4 哲學討論總整理------------------------------------22 2-2 人類感官層次--------------------------------------25 2-2-1 視覺----------------------------------------------25 2-2-2 聽覺----------------------------------------------35 2-2-3 嗅覺+味覺-----------------------------------------37 2-2-4 觸覺和運動生理------------------------------------37 2-3 人類記憶與認知層經驗次----------------------------42 2-3-1 腦內幻象-個案身上超度現實的實例------------------42 2-3-2 記憶的缺點----------------------------------------50 2-3-3 人與環境的互動------------------------------------58 2-4 人類與環境互動而演化的文明社會--------------------66 2-4-1 虛實互生的社會演進--------------------------------66 2-4-2 虛實互生的現在所呈現的問題-虛擬實境技術的產生----77 2-4-3 關於虛擬實境的意義與技術討論----------------------96 2-4-4 虛擬實境實際利用案例-----------------------------123 2-4-5 數位藝術作品討論與分析---------------------------124 2-4-5 生活中可見的現象---------------------------------126 第三章 創作方法--------------------------------------128 3-1 哲學討論-------------------------------------------128 3-2 人類感官討論---------------------------------------130 3-3 人類認知與記憶討論---------------------------------132 3-4 人與環境的互動-------------------------------------134 3-5 人類與環境互動而演化的文明社會---------------------136 3-6 資訊時代的需求-------------------------------------137 3-7 虛擬實境技術討論-----------------------------------141 第四章 作品概念與視覺呈現----------------------------144 4-1 主題:命運之輪-------------------------------------144 4-2 主題:不斷被擠壓的資訊閱讀空間---------------------149 4-3 主題:環扣著過去現在未來的齒輪機組-----------------154 4-4 主題:世界原點-------------------------------------160 第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------163 參考文獻-------------------------------------------------167 圖目錄 圖(1-1)『「看見」還不能使我相信 但「相信」卻能讓我看見。』----------------------------------------------------------07 圖(1-2)虛與實的關係結構圖。---------------------------09 圖 (1-3) 個人獨有的真實定義(吉米,2001 P.20)---------09  圖(2-1)視覺構造圖-------------------------------------25  圖(2-2)尼克立方體-------------------------------------27  圖(2-3)蛋和空殼---------------------------------------28  圖(2-4)大小對比的幻覺。------------------------------.29 圖(2-6)各種感官的立體象限抽象模擬圖累積在心中的感官形塑出真實的感官認知--------------------------------------------55 圖(3-1)攝於瑞芳海邊海浪生滅一波未平一波又起;生生不息-----------------------------------------------------------126 圖(4-1)古太極圖。(孫再生,1992 P.21)--------------146 圖(4-2)內部概念機構草圖------------------------------146 圖(4-3)~(4-5)命運之輪-作品展示--------------------147 圖(4-6)~(4-11)不斷被擠壓的資訊空間-作品展示-------150 圖(4-12)~(4-20)環扣著過去現在未來的齒輪機組-作品展示----------------------------------------------------------156 圖(4-21)~(4-22)世界原點-作品展示------------------161


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