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研究生: 謝秉桓
論文名稱: 以新興臉部微表情分析技術探討電腦互動POEC與師生共構教學之成效-奈米級鐵粉燃燒認知衝突實驗
Effects of Computerized Interactive POEC and Student/Teacher Co-construction Instructions Analyzed by the Use of Novel Facial Micro-expressions Technique – Burning Nano-iron Cognitive Conflict Experiment
指導教授: 邱美虹
Chiu, Mei-Hung
Chou, Chin-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 臉部微表情認知衝突POEC師生共構
英文關鍵詞: facial micro-expressions, cognitive conflict, POEC, student/teacher co-construction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:279下載:23
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  •   本研究試圖以臉部微表情分析電腦互動POEC與師生共構教學之成效,其中研究內容可分為四個研究目的,分別為:(1)探討使用「可燃的鐵」認知衝突實驗影片進行教學是否具有概念改變成效;(2)探討有無使用POEC策略進行教學,學生學習歷程的學習成就與臉部微表情變化差異之關係;(3)探討學生觀察「可燃的鐵」教學影片時有無使用師生共構,學習成就與臉部微表情變化差異;(4)探討學生觀察「可燃的鐵」實驗影片之實驗結果時,臉部微表情變化情形。
      本研究之研究結果發現:(1) 「可燃的鐵」實驗是一個極佳的認知衝突實驗;(2) 使用具認知衝突情境的認知衝突實驗影片進行教學成效佳;(3) 經歷認知衝突情境的學生較容易產生概念改變;(4) 實驗影片教學中必須加入「預測」步驟;(5) 歷經認知衝突後仍須經由教學才可產生概念改變;(6) 實驗影片教學中「慢速重播」步驟是絕對必要的。

    This study attempts to figure out the effectiveness of computerized interactive POEC and student/teacher co-construction instructions which analyzed by the use of novel facial micro-expressions technique. The research purposes are as the following:
    1. Investigate the effectiveness of conceptual change which use “burning nano-iron” cognitive conflict experiment film to teach.
    2. Investigate the relationships between students’ learning achievement and facial micro-expressions change whether the use POEC strategies or not.
    3. Investigate the differences between students’ learning achievement and facial micro-expressions change whether the use of student/teacher co-construction instructions or not, when students watching instructional videos.
    4. Investigate the situations of facial micro-expressions changes, when students watching the results of“burning nano-iron” cognitive conflict experiment film.

    This study chooses “burning nano-iron” experiment as teaching material. “Burning nano-iron” experiment makes iron powder by diiron trioxalate. Then the iron powder pour down and burn. It’s a cognitive conflict phenomenon for students. It can also teach students the concept of “reaction rate and surface area”. The concept of “reaction rate and surface area” will be taught at the second semester of eighth grade. Therefore, choose 115 eighth grade students and hold at the first semester. Impose pretest-posttest by “burning nano-iron” concept questionnaire. Collect students’ face video and analyzed by facial micro-expressions recognition system.

    The research results are as the following:
    1. “Burning nano-iron” experiment is an excellent cognitive conflict experiment.
    2. Using cognitive conflict experiment which contains cognitive conflict situations to teach has good effect.

    3. Students who experience cognitive conflict situations are more prone to conceptual change.
    4. “Predict” step must be added to the teaching of experimental film.
    5. After the cognitive conflict still have to teach to achieve conceptual change.
    6. “Slow playback” step must be added to the teaching of experimental film.

    第壹章 緒論..............................1 第一節 研究動機...........................3 第二節 研究目的與問題......................5 第三節 名詞釋義...........................7 第四節 研究範圍與限制......................9 第貳章 文獻探討..........................11 第一節 臉部表情與科學教育之相關研究..........11 第二節 認知衝突與概念改變相關研究............15 第三節 POEC教學法相關研究..................20 第四節 師生共構相關研究.....................22 第五節 小結...............................24 第參章 研究方法............................25 第一節 研究設計............................25 第二節 研究對象............................28 第三節 教學與教材設計.......................29 第四節 研究工具............................35 第五節 研究流程............................40 第六節 資料分析............................43 第肆章 研究結果與討論.......................49 第一節 實驗影片教學前後概念學習情形............49 第二節 實驗影片教學中臉部微表情變化與概念學習情形.53 第三節 「可燃的鐵」概念問卷試題分析結果.........69 第四節 討論................................76 第伍章 結論與建議...........................79 第一節 結論................................79 第二節 建議................................82 參考文獻.....................................85 壹、中文部分..................................85 貳、英文部分..................................86 附錄........................................90 附錄一 臉部資料分析使用同意書...................90 附錄二 可燃的鐵實驗流程........................92 附錄三 可燃的鐵概念問卷........................94 附錄四 食譜組教學投影片........................99 附錄五 POEC組與(POEC)S/T組教學投影片..........103 附錄六 食譜組與POEC組教學影片之初稿投影片........113 附錄七  (POEC)S/T組教學影片之初稿投影片.........117

    邱美虹(2007)。化學教育中建模模式的研發與實踐-子計畫四:以認知師徒制探討建模能力與歷程對學生學習物質科學中「氧化與還原」之影響。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫(NSC 95-2511-S-003-025-MY2),未出版。

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