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研究生: 孫易新
Sun, I-Hsin
論文名稱: 心智圖法導入高科技產業作為職場學習策略之個案研究
Exploring the Process of Mind Mapping as a Workplace Learning Strategy – A case study in hi-tech industry.
指導教授: 李瑛
Lee, Ying
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: 心智圖法職場學習學習策略知識管理師徒制團隊學習
英文關鍵詞: Mind Mapping, Workplace Learning, Learning Strategy, Knowledge Management, Mentoring System, Team Learning
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203380
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:129下載:36
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  • 本研究旨在探究高科技產業導入心智圖法作為職場學習策略的各種現象,採用質性的個案研究法,以某高科技公司一個專案團隊中的三位成員為對象,進行實地觀察、深度訪談與文件分析。本研究的目的如下:
    一、 瞭解高科技產業職場學習的樣貌。
    二、 分析企業導入心智圖法作為職場學習策略的因素。
    三、 探究心智圖法作為職場學習策略的歷程。
    四、 參酌研究發現,嘗試提出企業導入心智圖法作為職場學習策略的模式。
    一、 高科技產業重視員工的學習,職場學習的特性以鑲嵌在工作流程中的非正式學習為主,在重視知識管理的前提下,除了鼓勵自我導向學習之外,並採取師徒傳承與問題本位的團隊學習。
    二、 導入心智圖法作為職場學習策略的模式中,影響導入的個人因素包括感受到心智圖法的優點與發現工作上的壓力;情境因素則是心智圖法能有效回應職場學習的困境;機構因素則是主管的支持與扁平化組織提供實踐心智圖法的環境機制。
    三、 在導入歷程的措施上,是以心智圖法作為知識管理的策略、師徒制的學習策略與團隊溝通的平台。
    四、 在成果方面,正向影響有個人形成了語意與程序性的記憶、能力的養成與績效的提升,並意識到思考的限制;在團隊方面促使團隊綜效的學習、重建團體的認知框架與知識庫(組織記憶)的有效擷取與內容創新;待解決的問題有成員對心智圖法的熟諳程度,以及心智圖法應用範本的建立。


    In the present research, mind mapping as a workplace learning strategy in high-tech industry was explored with a qualitative case study method. Three members from a project team of a high-tech company were selected for site observation, interview, and file analysis. The specific research aims can be concluded as follows:
    1. To understand the background information of workplace learning in high-tech industry.
    2. To analyze the factors that would influence the application of mind mapping in workplace learning.
    3. To investigate the application approaches of mind mapping in workplace learning;
    4. To develop a strategy model for the application of mind mapping in workplace learning, based on the research findings in this study.
    Concluding from the material analyses, the research results in this study are as follows:
    1. Workplace learning is valued in High-tech companies. It is characterized by informal learning that embedded in normal work process. Except that, it emphasizes knowledge management, encourages self-directed learning, and applies mentoring system and problem-based team learning in workplace learning.
    2. In the model of introducing mind mapping as a workplace learning strategy, the personal factors influencing the introduction include feeling the advantages of mind mapping and discovering the pressure of work; the situational factor is whether the mind mapping can respond to the difficulties confronted in workplace learning; and the organizational factors are the supports of the supervisors and the environmental mechanisms provided by flat organization for mind mapping practices.
    3. In terms of the application approaches of mind mapping in workplace learning, the mind mapping is treated as a knowledge management strategy, a mentoring learning strategy and a team communication platform.
    4. Concerning the outcomes of the application of mind mapping in team learning, the positive influences on individuals include the formation of semantic and procedural memory, the development of capacity, and the awareness of the limitations of thinking; the positive influences on teams are the promotion of group synergistic learning, the reconstruction of group cognitive structure, the effective retrieval and organization of knowledge (memory), as well as the innovation of contents. On the other hand, however, the problems that should be solved are the staff’s familiarity level for mind mapping and the development of samples on the mind mapping’s application in team learning.

    Based on the above conclusions, the present research also makes recommendations for related institutions and future research.

    Keywords: Mind Mapping, Workplace Learning, Learning Strategy, Knowledge Management, Mentoring System, Team Learning.

    第一章 緒論 - 1 - 第一節 研究背景與重要性 - 1 - 第二節 研究動機 - 4 - 第三節 研究目的與問題 - 5 - 第四節 名詞釋義 - 6 - 第五節 研究範圍與限制 - 8 - 第二章 文獻探討 - 11 - 第一節 高科技產業的特性-知識管理與創新 - 11 - 第二節 職場學習與職場學習策略 - 14 - 第三節 心智圖法的理論基礎與應用 - 30 - 第三章 研究方法 - 49 - 第一節 研究取向與架構 - 49 - 第二節 研究個案 - 54 - 第三節 資料蒐集與分析 - 61 - 第四節 研究的信賴性 - 67 - 第五節 研究倫理 - 70 - 第四章 研究結果與討論 - 73 - 第一節 高科技企業職場工作與職場學習的樣貌 - 73 - 第二節 心智圖法作為職場學習策略的導入因素及歷程 - 91 - 第三節 心智圖法的學習方式 - 114 - 第五章 結論與建議 - 123 - 第一節 結論 - 123 - 第二節 建議 - 130 - 參考文獻 - 135 - 中文文獻 - 135 - 英文文獻 - 140 -


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