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研究生: 陳靜萱
Chen, Ching-Hsuan
論文名稱: 以眼動追蹤技術探討語音報讀對國中閱讀障礙學生閱讀理解表現之影響
The Effects of Reading Aloud on the Reading Comprehension in Junior High School Students with Reading Disabilities: An Eye-Tracking Study
指導教授: 洪儷瑜
Hung, Li-Yu
Jian, Yu-Cin
口試委員: 洪儷瑜
Hung, Li-Yu
Jian, Yu-Cin
Ku, Yu-Min
口試日期: 2024/09/23
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系碩士在職專班
Department of Special Education_Continuing Education Master's Program of Special Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: 眼動追蹤技術閱讀理解語音報讀讀寫障礙注意力缺陷過動症
英文關鍵詞: eye-tracking, reading comprehension, reading aloud, dyslexia, ADHD
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:6下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討語音報讀對不同類型國中閱讀障礙學生的文章理解能力與閱讀歷程之影響。研究對象取自北部都會區14所國中的60位學生,藉由眼動追蹤的方式探討不同類型的閱讀障礙學生閱讀說明文文本時閱讀歷程的差異,並探究學生在安靜閱讀與語音報讀下閱讀理解表現的差異。研究方法採3X2混合設計,第一個自變項為受試者變項—「讀寫障礙學生」、「非特定型閱讀障礙學生(即ADHD伴有閱讀困難)」以及「一般發展學生」,第二個自變項為閱讀情境—「安靜閱讀」以及「語音報讀」,而依變項為「文章理解能力」與「閱讀眼動型態」。研究結果發現如下:(一) 不同類型學生在不同閱讀情境下文章理解能力有交互作用。在安靜閱讀情境下,讀寫障礙學生和非特定型閱讀障礙學生文章理解能力顯著低於一般發展學生;在語音報讀情境下,讀寫障礙學生文章理解能力仍顯著低於一般發展學生。而非特定型閱讀障礙學生在語音報讀情境下的文章理解能力顯著優於在安靜閱讀的情境。(二) 不同類型學生在不同閱讀情境下眼動型態有交互作用。在安靜閱讀情境下,讀寫障礙學生、非特定型閱讀障礙學生與一般發展學生的眼動型態有顯著差異,讀寫障礙學生和非特定型閱讀障礙學生在閱讀整篇文章上的「總閱讀時間」、「總凝視時間」和「總凝視次數」顯著多於一般發展學生,且讀寫障礙學生相較於一般發展學生「每分鐘閱讀字數」更少,「平均凝視時間」更長,「平均跳移距離」更短,在閱讀專有名詞的「連續凝視時間」也顯著長於非特定型閱讀障礙學生與一般發展學生;在語音報讀情境下,三組學生則無顯著差異。而所有組別在不同閱讀情境下的眼動型態皆會有顯著差異,讀寫障礙學生在語音報讀情境下,閱讀整篇文章的「平均跳移距離」顯著較長,且閱讀專有名詞的「總凝視時間」也顯著較少;非特定型閱讀障礙學生在語音報讀情境下,閱讀整篇文章的「平均凝視時間」顯著較長;一般發展學生在語音報讀情境下,閱讀整篇文章的「總閱讀時間」、「總凝視時間」、「總凝視次數」和「平均凝視時間」都顯著較多,「每分鐘閱讀字數」較少且「平均跳移距離」較短;而所有學生在語音報讀情境下,閱讀專有名詞和關鍵句的「佔總凝視時間比率」都顯著較少,且閱讀關鍵句的「第一次凝視點時間」和「回視次數」都顯著較多。綜上,本研究結果顯示不同類型閱讀障礙學生與一般發展學生的眼動型態會有顯著差異,而不同閱讀情境對不同類型學生在閱讀理解表現上也有差異。在語音報讀情境下,讀寫障礙學生閱讀專有名詞的時間縮短,但閱讀理解測驗結果與安靜閱讀沒有顯著差異;非特定型閱讀障礙學生的平均凝視時間變長,有語音的引導使其閱讀理解測驗結果更佳;一般發展學生花費的閱讀時間更久,但閱讀理解測驗結果卻與安靜閱讀沒有顯著差異。由此可見,語音報讀有助於讀寫障礙學生和非特定型閱讀障礙學生的閱讀歷程,且對非特定型閱讀障礙學生的文章理解能力有助益,但卻會對一般發展學生的閱讀歷程造成干擾。最後依據研究結果分別對教育和相關主題研究提出建議。

    This study aims to investigate the influence of reading aloud on the reading processes and comprehension abilities of junior high school students with different types of reading disabilities. The participants included 60 students from 14 junior high schools in the northern metropolitan area of Taiwan. The study employed eye-tracking techniques to examine the differences in the reading processes of students with various types of reading disabilities when reading expository texts. Additionally, the study explored the differences in reading comprehension between silent reading and text-to-speech reading (TTSR). The research design adopted a 3x2 mixed design, with the first independent variable of participants — “students with dyslexia,” “students with non-specific reading disabilities (ADHD with reading difficulties) (NSRD),” “typically developing students (TDS).” and the second independent variable of the reading condition — “silent reading” and “TTSR.” The dependent variables included “eye movement patterns of reading” and “passage-comprehension abilities.” The results of the study were as follows: (a) There was an interaction between the passage comprehension abilities of different types of students in different reading conditions. In the silent reading condition, the passage comprehension of students with dyslexia and NSRD was significantly lower than that of the TDS, and in the TTSR condition, dyslexic students' passage comprehension was still significantly lower than that of the TDS. Students with NSRD had significantly better passage comprehension in the TTSR condition than silent reading. (b) There was an interaction between the eye movement patterns of different types of students in different reading conditions. The eye movement patterns of students with dyslexia, NSRD, and TDS were significantly different in the silent reading condition, Students with dyslexia and students with NSRD had significantly longer total reading time, total fixation duration, and total fixation count when reading a full passage compared to TDS. Moreover, students with dyslexia read fewer words per minute, had longer average fixation duration, and shorter mean saccade length. Their gaze duration on proper nouns was also significantly longer than both students with NSRD and TDS. However, in the TTSR condition, no significant differences were found among the three groups. All groups exhibited significant differences in eye movement patterns across different reading conditions. In the TTSR condition, students with dyslexia showed significantly longer mean saccade length when reading a full article and significantly less total fixation duration when reading proper nouns. Students with NSRD exhibited significantly longer average fixation duration when reading a full article in the TTSR condition. TDS showed significantly longer total reading time, total fixation duration, total fixation count, and average fixation duration, as well as fewer words read per minute and shorter saccade length when reading a full article under the TTSR condition. In addition, all students showed a significantly lower percentage of fixation duration on proper nouns and key sentences, with significantly longer first fixation duration and higher number of regressive saccades on key sentences in the TTSR condition. In summary, the results of this study indicated that eye movement patterns differed significantly between students with different types of reading disabilities and TDS. Different reading conditions also affected reading comprehension performance in these groups. Under the TTSR condition, students with dyslexia spent less time reading proper nouns, but their reading comprehension test results were not significantly different from silent reading. Students with NSRD had longer average fixation duration, and the guidance of speech sound improved their reading comprehension. TDS spent more time reading, but their reading comprehension test results were not significantly different from silent reading. These findings suggested that reading aloud aided the reading process for students with dyslexia and NSRD and enhanced passage comprehension for students with NSRD, but it may have interfered with TDS' reading process. Finally, suggestions for education and research are put forward based on the research results.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 閱讀障礙學生與閱讀理解評估 11 第二節 眼動追蹤技術與閱讀的相關研究 19 第三節 在語音介入下閱讀的眼動型態 34 第三章 研究方法 43 第一節 研究設計 43 第二節 研究對象 46 第三節 研究工具 51 第四節 實驗設計 61 第五節 研究程序 65 第六節 資料分析與處理 67 第四章 研究結果 69 第一節 文章理解能力差異分析 69 第二節 眼動型態差異分析 75 第三節 綜合討論 97 第五章 結論與建議 105 第一節 結論 105 第二節 研究限制 109 第三節 建議 110 參考文獻 113 中文部分 113 英文部分 116 附錄 125 附錄一 家長同意書 125 附錄二 自編說明文閱讀理解測驗 128 附錄三 眼動實驗材料 137

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