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研究生: 梁高賓
Sigmund K. P. Liang
論文名稱: 台灣地區外來種亞洲錦蛙族群來源與生態研究
A study on the impact from exotic Asiatic painted frog (Kaloula pulchra) in Taiwan and its origin
指導教授: 呂光洋
Lue, Kuang-Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: 外來種亞洲錦蛙生態衝擊族群動態年齡結構物種來源
英文關鍵詞: exotic species, Asiatic painted frog, Kaloula pulchra, impact, population dynamic, demography, origin
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:36
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  • 亞洲錦蛙(Kaloula pulchra)在台灣是近期才發現的新紀錄種。為了解亞洲錦蛙基本的生物特性、在生態上可能的衝擊,以及族群遺傳結構的特性,我們在高雄縣鳳山水庫地區進行了21個月的野外調查。
    在調查期間,估計族群數量為259隻,以生殖族群為主。大部分亞洲錦蛙個體活動範圍侷限在100 m2以內。族群活動與當日雨量有顯著正相關(R=0.7841, P<0.00004),除了雨量外低溫也是影響亞洲錦蛙活動的因素。

    Asiatic painted frog, a medium size one is a newly recorded species in Taiwan. It belongs to family Microhylidae, genus Kaloula, Kaloula pulchra. Asiatic painted frog was suspected to be introduced with imported timbers in last couple years. In order to understand the ecological impacts from Kaloula pulchra on local frog fauna, we conducted a study in Fong Shan reservoir.
    We used Martof toe clipping method to mark each individual encountered in the wild. Population size in Fong Shan reservoir was estimated by using Jolly-Seber mark and recapture method. The population age structure was constructed by skeletochronology. Meanwhile, home ranges of several individuals were calculated.
    Niche breath of microhabitat resource and food items in the stomach were calculated by Hurlbert’s niche breath measurement. We also estimated niche overlap between Asiatic painted frog and other sympatric species.
    PCR and other molecular techniques were applied, and mtDNA were sequenced, we compared the genetic structure of individuals from Taiwan and Hong Kong.
    The estimated population size is about 259 individuals in Fong Shan reservoir, and captured individuals mainly are the breeding ones. The appearance of Kaloula during the night is significantly related to precipitation (R=0.7841, P<0.00004). Besides precipitation, the other factor affects the appearance of Kaloula is the low temperature in winter.
    In microhabitat resources, the niche breath of Kaloula is 0.67±0.12. The competition between Kaloula pulchra and Bufo melanostictus is prominent, Horn’s index is 0.98. We suspected that invaded Kaloula pulchra may cause species composition shift in a local frog fauna.
    Kaloula pulchra in Taiwan showed only one haplotype. While more than one haplotypes were discovered from Hong Kong frogs. This indicated that they invaded to Taiwan from a single source recently all descendants may come from a single female frog only. To find out the area where it came from, more specimens from other countries will be needed.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 一、前言 1 二、材料與方法 3 三、結果 7 四、討論 10 五、結論 20 六、參考文獻 21 附圖 27-35 附表 36-38 附錄 39-42

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