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研究生: 鄒佳哲
Tsou, Chia-Che
論文名稱: 「身體場域」之繪畫創作研究
A Study of “Body Field” in Creation Paintings
指導教授: 黃進龍
Huang, Chin-Lung
口試委員: 廖仁義
Liao, Ren Yi
Chuang, Kun-liang
Su, Hsien Fa
Chu, Yu–Yi
Huang, Chin-Lung
口試日期: 2022/06/01
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 227
中文關鍵詞: 身體場域存在他者的他者性臉龐鏡像
英文關鍵詞: Body Field, human being, the other, visage, mirror
研究方法: 文獻探討 圖像學分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200915
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:72下載:16
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  • 一個人不多不少就是他的一系列行徑的總合,足見人與世界的關係最主要是靠身體、行動來建構,然而作為意識而存在的人,他的存有必須是怎樣的一種存有方式,才能夠是虛無所藉以進入世界的中介呢? 沙特的自由哲學,自為身體對自在身體的虛無化,以焦慮做為一種內在否定關係,身體成為與情境交錯的場域,列維納斯的異質性他者理論,強調他者的非自我同一性,他者與我們共同存在於世,我與他者的關係是先於他者與我的關係,唯有藉由與他者建立有愛的倫理關係才能使我們從孤寂裡逃離。這種絕對自由的自我選擇的決定,使身體行動與意識心靈形構在一起,身體也因此開顯出存有的意義。



    A person is more or less the sum of his actions. And his connection to the world is mainly built by his body and actions. However, for a person who exists via his consciousness, what kind of existence it is to become the medium through which nothingness enters the world? Sartre's “philosophy of freedom” illustrates the nihilization of the body to the body-in-itself. Using anxiety as an “internal negation” relationship, the body becomes a field that intertwined with the situation. Levinas’ “Otherness” emphasizes the non-self-identity of the other; the others and us coexist in this world. My relationship to the others is prior to the other's relationship to me. Only through loving ethical relationships with others can we escape from loneliness. This absolutely free decision of self-choice shapes body action and conscious mind together. The body thus opens up the meaning of existence.
    In this dissertation, the author analyzes the literature of art history and existential philosophy, and develops a creative method that combines “representational realism” and “subjective expression.” By deconstructing the illusionary space of “time situation” with “overlapped time”, the author aims to establish a theoretical system of spiritual vision of the body and to represent “non-material reality” with “material reality.” Let the body tell the lust to complete the psychological self-integrity, and the feeling of shame creates an intense compositional language for the art works. It embodies the various desires created by human consciousness, and creates an alternative self-portrait to record the lost layers of sentimentality through painting. The author interprets three series of works through figurative painting techniques: The Imprisoned Soul, The Wanderer, and The Other. The purpose of art is not purely to seek knowledge of the world, but to reflect on people's own problems. The truth that the painter wants to convey is beyond the appearance of the senses. It is a silent truth. The work of art becomes a spiritual entity and conveys the visible form of the invisible. It is hoped that this research can broaden the author's horizons, clarify the ideological context, establish a theoretical system, and provide more complete profiles and new insights for art lovers in this field.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 2 第二節 研究範圍與限制 4 第三節 研究方法與論文架構 6 第四節 名詞釋義 17 第二章 西方繪畫的身體探索 19 第一節 裸體的目的與脈絡 19 第二節 肖像畫的脈絡 49 第三節 自畫像中恥感風格的演進 93 第三章 身體的辯證與表現 117 第一節 沙特自為存在的身體 117 第二節 列維納斯的為他倫理學 128 第三節 沙特自為的身體在創作中的體驗 135 第四節 列維納斯的異質性他者在創作中的意涵 143 第四章 創作與實踐 149 第一節 空間場域中的身體圖式 149 第二節 藝術中的形式表現 155 第三節 藝術中的情感表現 162 第四節 材料與技法的運用 171 第五章 作品的創作解析 177 第一節 幽禁的靈魂系列 178 第二節 他者系列 194 第六章 結論 213 第一節 論文研究成果 213 第二節 創作研究心得 215 第三節 省思與展望 216 參考文獻 219

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