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研究生: 沈心慈
Sim, Sin Chie
論文名稱: 從臺灣經驗探討馬來西亞獨中教師專業發展的可行運作策略
The Feasible Strategies for Teachers Professional Development of Malaysia Chinese Independent School: Implications from Taiwan’s Experience
指導教授: 甄曉蘭
Chen, Hsiao-Lan
口試委員: 張新仁
Chang, Shin-Jen
Ting, Yi-Ku
Mao, Chin-Ju
Chen, Peiying
Chen, Hsiao-Lan
口試日期: 2023/12/11
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 課程與教學研究所
Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 210
中文關鍵詞: 教師專業發展馬來西亞華文獨中在職專業發展專業發展需求
英文關鍵詞: teacher professional development, Malaysia Chinese Independent High School, in-service professional development, professional development needs
研究方法: 質性結合量化之混合研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400063
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:69下載:21
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  • 教師的專業發展是促進教師實踐教育改革,為學生帶來優質教學的重要條件。本研究旨在探討臺灣在職教師專業發展的推動經驗,以作為馬來西亞華文獨立中學推動教師專業發展時之參考。首先,分析臺灣在推動教育改革脈絡下,教師專業發展之運作與成效;次者,了解馬來西亞獨中教師的專業發展參與現況與需求;最後,從臺灣經驗的反思,提出馬來西亞華文獨立中學教師專業發展的可行方式。

    Teacher professional development is a crucial element in fostering educational reform and ensuring high-quality teaching for students. This study aims to explore how Taiwan promotes the professional development of in-service teachers as a reference for promoting the professional development of teachers in Malaysia Chinese Independent High Schools. This study analyzed the operational mechanism and effectiveness of teacher professional development in the context of promoting educational reform in Taiwan. Followed by investigating Chinese Independent High School teachers’ involvement in professional development and their needs. Drawing from Taiwan’s experience, this study suggests feasible ways to enhance teachers’ professional development in Malaysia Chinese Independent High Schools.
    This study adopted a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect research data. Document analysis was applied to analyze the policy and actual implementations of teachers' professional development in Taiwan. Interviews were conducted among stakeholders in promoting teacher development in Taiwan to understand their perspective of the operational strategies and effectiveness of professional development amid curriculum reform. Afterward, a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect opinions from teachers in Chinese Independent High Schools nationwide on teachers’ professional development to understand their participation and professional development needs. Drawing from Taiwan’s experience and the needs of Chinese Independent High Schools teachers, suggestions for the professional development of teachers were proposed. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, interviews were then conducted with Chinese Independent High Schools professional development units and school administrators to examine the feasibility of the suggestions.
    Based on the analysis of this study, the findings are as follows: (1) Taiwan’s approaches toward the implementation of educational reform and the promotion of teacher professional development at the central, regional, and school levels have enhanced teachers’ professional capabilities through both top-down and bottom-up initiatives. (2) Most of the professional development training programs for teachers in Chinese Independent High Schools are theory-driven, which fall short of meeting teachers’ expectations for improving their professional qualities. Teachers hope to participate in more training workshops that can provide more practical exercises to help strengthen their teaching strategies. (3) The central systems of Chinese Independent High Schools can promote teacher professional development through advocacy at the central level, can assist the establishment of regional teacher resource centers to help with organizing teacher professional development, and workshops. At the school level, initiatives can be driven by the administrative teams, teacher communities, and lesson studies.
    Finally, based on the above research findings, suggestions are put forward to promote the professional development of teachers in Malaysian Chinese Independent High Schools, as well as to add to the future related studies.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究緣起1 壹、提升馬來西亞教師專業能力的需求1 貳、臺灣多元的教師專業發展機制對我的啟發4 參、馬來西亞獨中推動教師專業成長的契機——教育改革5 第二節 研究目的與問題7 壹、研究目的7 貳、研究問題7 第三節 名詞釋義8 壹、馬來西亞獨中8 貳、教師專業發展9 第四節 研究範圍與限制9 壹、研究範圍9 貳、研究限制10 第二章 文獻探討13 第一節 教師專業發展的趨勢、方式與影響13 壹、教師專業發展的國際趨勢13 貳、教師專業發展的取徑與內容15 參、教師專業發展對教學實務與課程革新的影響32 第二節 臺灣的教師專業發展與相關研究35 壹、臺灣教師專業發展的政策沿革35 貳、臺灣教師專業發展的多元運作類型41 參、臺灣教師專業發展的相關研究52 第三節 馬來西亞教師專業發展的相關研究54 壹、馬來西亞教師專業發展相關研究54 貳、獨中教師專業發展相關研究58 第三章 研究設計與實施65 第一節 研究架構與流程65 第二節 研究方法67 第三節 資料蒐集與分析68 壹、量化資料蒐集與分析68 貳、質性資料蒐集與分析73 第四節 研究信效度與研究倫理79 壹、研究信效度79 貳、研究倫理79 參、研究者角色80 第四章、臺灣新課綱改革脈絡下的教師專業發展81 第一節 教師專業發展的推動方式81 壹、中央層級81 貳、地方層級88 參、學校層級91 第二節 教師專業發展的特色與效益93 壹、普及化的政策宣導93 貳、理論與操作兼備的研習工作坊96 參、集體學習的教師社群100 肆、客製化的入校陪伴103 伍、「看見」自己與他人教學狀態的公開授課105 第三節 臺灣教師專業發展總體運作策略109 第五章、馬來西亞獨中教師專業發展情況與可行運作策略113 第一節 獨中教師專業發展現況113 壹、董總主導的在職教師專業發展114 貳、學校推動的在職教師專業發展115 第二節 獨中教師專業發展參與現況與需求117 壹、教師專業發展的參與現況117 貳、提升教學能力為主的發展目的120 參、教學策略與實作演練為主的發展需求123 第三節 臺灣經驗對獨中教師專業發展的啟示133 壹、加強推動系統性的教師專業發展133 貳、鼓勵學校本位的教師專業發展146 參、相關配套機制與措施的思考156 第六章、結論與建議159 第一節 結論159 壹、臺灣推動教育改革脈絡下之教師專業發展運作與成效159 貳、獨中教師專業發展參與現況與需求162 參、從臺灣經驗反思馬來西亞獨中教師專業發展的可行方式164 第二節 建議168 壹、對獨中教師專業發展實務推動的建議168 貳、對未來研究的建議170 參考文獻173 附錄197

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