簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林彧如
Lin, Yu-Ju
論文名稱: 當代迷文化的神聖造像-林彧如繪畫創作論述
The Sacred Statue in Contemporary Fan Cultures -A Study of Lin Yu Ju's Painting
指導教授: 朱友意
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 初音未來造像迷文化角色扮演分眾文化
英文關鍵詞: Hatsune Miku, Iconography, Fan cultures, Cosplay, Focus culture
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202287
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:314下載:11
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  • 當今社會隨著都市化的轉變,人與人連結消失了而出現”大眾”,社會中偶像、娛樂媒體取代古代宗教,宗教已經沒有再扮演心靈寄託的獨一無二地位,精神寄託在當今已經由神轉變為各種不同的偶像,而當今的迷文化也是在此之下形成的特殊文現象。初音未來在大眾文化中占有相當的影響力,虛擬歌手成為眾人心中不可取代之偶像,在它們以迷的身分在進行活動時,環繞關於投入奉獻的舉動即與宗教活動在經歷上產生了相似性,因此在這樣的背景下筆者想以神聖化的形象來為初音未來造像,將當代虛擬偶像以宗教畫的形式營造出神聖感,散發靈光。
    將這形象以人的方式來詮釋,這即是角色扮演者在做的事。如同畫家們在畫宗教畫時,因從未有人看過神的樣貌,無論如何都必須附著在「人」的身上,對照初音未來的文本脈絡,若數位角色必須臨現在現實當中,在今日便是附著於稱之為 cosplay 的角色扮演者身上。因此為初音未來造像的宗教畫,便是以角色扮演者為對象進行。

    In today's society with the transformation of urbanization, people link disappeared and the emergence of "public", the community idol, entertainment media to replace the ancient religion, religion has no longer play the unique position of spiritual sustenance, spiritual sustenance in today has been transformed by God For a variety of different idols, and today's fan culture is also under the formation of the special phenomenon. The future of the Hatsune has a considerable influence in the popular culture, and the virtual singers become unparalleled idols in the minds of the people. When they are in the form of fans, the activities surrounding the devotion are similar to those of religious activities , So in this context I want to sacred image to the future of the original sound of the original, the contemporary virtual idol in the form of religious painting to create a sense of sacred, distributed emmanuel.
    In the history of religious painters who have not seen Jesus in the Bible, the saints, but by imagination and the common symbol to interpret them, such as the image of Jesus, the saints and the Virgin dressed in color, these are by the community The same vowel future for a virtual role, it does not have a real form but there is a generally recognized image, if the image of the symbolic way to use, even if the different people facial complexion Not the same, but as long as the use of Hatsune's future symbols still have the interpretation of its correctness.
    This image is interpreted in a human way, which is what role-playing is doing. As the painters in the painting of the religion, because no one has ever seen the appearance of God, in any case must be attached to the "person" who, against the future of the text of the text, if the role must be present in reality, Is attached to what is called cosplay role players. So for the sound of the future of the original portrait of the religious painting, is the role of actors for the object.

    摘要 .................................................. i ABSTRACT ............................................. ii 目次 ................................................ iii 第一章 緒論 .............................................1 第一節 研究動機與目的 ....................................1 第二節 研究方法與步驟 ....................................4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 ....................................5 第二章重返靈光的聖像......................................9 第一節取代宗教連結的大眾文化 ..............................9 第二節符號在文化中的意義 .................................11 第三節靈光的重返 ..........................................16 第三章迷文化之造像 .......................................19 第一節借古喻今之創作 ......................................19 第二節世俗的聖像 .........................................25 第三節創作媒材與技法之實踐 .................................27 第四章作品解析 ............................................33 第一節早期創作脈絡 ........................................33 第二節過渡時期作品 ........................................37 第三節 《再造彌賽亞》系列 ..................................39 第五章結論 ...............................................45 參考文獻 .................................................48 圖錄 ....................................................50

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