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研究生: 應仁翔
Ying, Jen-Hsiang
論文名稱: 可見光眼動儀頭動補償及眼球模型最佳化硬體實現
Head Movement Compensation for Visible-Spectrum Gaze Tracking Systems and Hardware Architecture of Optimal Eye Model Design
指導教授: 高文忠
Kao, Wen-Chung
口試委員: 林政宏
Lin, Cheng-Hung
Fan, Yu-Cheng
Kao, Wen-Chung
口試日期: 2024/01/22
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電機工程學系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 眼動儀頭動補償眼球建模晶片架構
英文關鍵詞: eye tracker, head movement compensation, eye model, hardware architecture
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400279
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:48下載:9
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  • 本論文致力於改善可見光眼動儀在頭部移動時可能產生的凝視點計算錯誤。傳統眼動儀主要分為可見光眼動儀和紅外線眼動儀兩大類。雖然紅外線眼動儀技術已經成熟,但長時間使用可能導致眼睛疲勞。相反地,可見光眼動儀雖可長時間使用,但易受到環境光源或頭部移動等因素的影響,進而影響計算精確度。本論文提出了一種方法來改善可見光眼動儀在頭部移動時可能導致的凝視點計算錯誤。此方法包括計算頭部在相機空間中的三維位置,並透過幾何運算來補償頭部移動導致的眼睛旋轉向量偏移,將之校正到正確的凝視點位置。在眼球建模方面,由於眼球建模所需計算龐大,單純依賴軟體運算速度難以滿足消費型電子產品的需求,因此,本研究基於一個最佳化演算法,設計出對應的晶片架構,實現高度平行計算並結合管線式處理,有效提升計算效率。相較於傳統軟體方法,硬體架構在眼球建模時的運算速度提高了約 40 倍,從而增強眼動儀的效能,使其更加順暢和精確。總而言之,本論文提出了改進可見光眼動儀在頭部移動時的計算準確性,並提出了一個高效的晶片架構,使可見光眼動儀在實際應用中更為可行。

    This thesis aims to improve the calculation accuracy of gaze points by visible spectrum eye trackers during head movement.Traditional eye trackers are mainly divided into two categories: visible-spectrum eye trackers and infrared eye trackers. While infrared eye tracker technology is mature, prolonged usage may lead to eye fatigue. In contrast, visible-spectrum eye trackers can be used for extended periods but are susceptible to factors such as environmental light sources or head movement, thereby affecting calculation accuracy.This paper proposes a method to address potential gaze point calculation errors caused by head movement in visible-spectrum eye trackers. The approach involves calculating the three-dimensional position of the head in camera space and compensating for eye rotation vector offsets caused by head movement through geometric operations, ultimately correcting it to the accurate gaze point position. In terms of eye modeling, due to the substantial calculations required for eye modeling, relying solely on software processing speed is challenging to meet the demands of consumer electronic products. Therefore, this study, based on an optimization algorithm, designs a corresponding chip architecture, achieving highly parallel computation combined with pipeline processing to effectively enhance computational efficiency. Compared to traditional software methods, the hardware architecture demonstrates a speed improvement of approximately 40 times during eye modeling,thereby enhancing the efficiency of the eye tracker for smoother and more precise performance. In conclusion, this paper presents improvements in the calculation accuracy of visible-spectrum eye trackers during head movement and proposes an efficient chip architecture, making visible-spectrum eye trackers more feasible in practical applications.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究問題 2 1.3 主要架構 4 1.4 論文架構 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 頭動補償方法探討 7 2.1.1 眼球模型 7 2.1.2 眼角與眼球模型的關係12 2.1.3 頭動補償 19 2.1.4 眼球參數搜尋最佳化演算法 21 2.2 最佳化演算法硬體架構 25 第三章 研究方法 28 3.1 頭動補償 28 3.1.1 尋找頭部的三維位置 28 3.1.2 動態調整眼球模型參數 31 3.1.3 頭部移動後對眼球旋轉角補償 33 3.2 最佳化搜尋眼球模型硬體架構 34 3.2.1 硬體架構設計 35 3.2.2 控制單元 36 3.2.3 隨機模組 39 3.2.4 計算爆炸半徑模組 40 3.2.5 計算煙花數量模組 41 3.2.6 計算偏移量模組 42 3.2.7 計算下次位置模組44 3.2.8 粒子映射模組 45 3.2.9 分數比較模組 47 第四章 實驗結果與討論 49 4.1 頭動補償演算法驗證 49 4.1.1 實驗環境與設備49 4.1.2 頭動補償後比較 50 像素轉視角 50 系統精準度 51 系統精密度51 4.1.3 比較結果 51 4.2 最佳化眼球硬體架構驗證 55 4.2.1 實驗環境與設備 55 4.2.2 硬體效能分析與結果 55 4.2.3 硬體效能及結果 56 第五章 結果與未來展望 58 5.1 結論 58 5.2 未來展望 58 References 59 自傳 62 學術成就 63

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