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研究生: 鄭伊珊
Cheng, Yi-Shan
論文名稱: 以制度分析發展架構探討原住民族參與棲蘭山生態旅遊之成效
The Effectiveness of Aboriginal People Participating in ecotourism in Chilanshan Area based on the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) Framework
指導教授: 廖學誠
Liaw, Shyue-Cherng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 制度分析發展架構原住民族生態旅遊棲蘭山區
英文關鍵詞: Institutional Analysis and Development Framework, ,Aboriginal People, Ecological Tourism, Chilanshan Area
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204474
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:90下載:7
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  • 本文選擇以宜蘭縣大同鄉鄰近棲蘭山檜木林之社區為研究對象,筆者試圖以制度分析發展(IAD)架構,分析三種生態旅遊模式:一、由公部門、民間業者與當地居民合作;二、以民間企業主導而公部門協助;三、當地居民籌劃之模式。以該地豐富的生態資源轉型推展生態旅遊之發展情形,藉此展現在地的特色。從訪談中詮釋屬於當地居民對生態旅遊發展之情形與觀點,瞭解關於棲蘭山生態旅遊的結構與演變,以及社區內部組織運作之過程,並釐清影響參與者之行動因子。本研究的研究方法採用質性訪談與問卷調查方式,透過訪談瞭解公部門、民間業者參與生態旅遊之過程,以及原住民族為主的居民特性、規範與傳統的約束力,從中理解當地居民參與不同生態旅遊模式之影響性,並且由問卷調查分析當地居民對於生態旅遊的認知與發展生態旅遊的態度,對於棲蘭山發展生態旅遊之影響,藉此評估棲蘭山發展生態旅遊的永續性。相關政府主管單位應更注重居民的意願與感受,因當地居民的認知與態度乃是影響發展政策與計畫執行的主因之一,進一步助於地方產業之發展。因此,本研究認為政府部門須權衡旅行社及當地居民的職責,進而達到公平之分配;其次民間企業擴大與鄰近地區的組織合作,則可整合彼此資源,發揮更大的影響力及效益;第三,透過相關收益建立有給職的做法,發展適當的課責制度與收益分配,使組織成員更有凝聚力。

    In this study, analyzing the effectiveness of aboriginal people participating in ecotourism in Chilanshan region based on the Institutional Analysis and Development(IAD) Framework. There are three ecotourism models, (1) Government departments and private industry in cooperation with local residents, (2) Leading private industry and government assistance, (3) Ecotourism planning of local residents. We use qualitative and quantitative methods to interview local residents, the government and private industry. To understand the structure and evolution of habitat on Chilanshan region, we need to understand the process of operation of the organization. To clarify the factors of this impacted action, participants need to be involved in the ecotourism process. Government departments, private industry and local residents need to engage in the interview process. Tradition and their standards are important. Moreover, analysis local residents for cognition of ecotourism and attitude of the development ecotourism by quantitative methods, affecting the development of ecotourism in Chilanshan Area, and assess the sustainability of ecotourism. Local residents to play a part in the different modes of the ecotourism impact resistance. Therefore, to make the sustainable development of ecotourism, we can start from three aspects. First, government needs to weigh the responsibilities of travel agents and aboriginal people, and to achieve an equitable distribution. Second, private industry expand cooperation within organizations of neighboring areas by integrating with each other resources to exert greater influence and benefits. Third, establish salary jobs through associated revenue, the development of appropriate lessons accountability system and income distribution, and community residents to become more cohesive.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧 3 第三節 研究架構與方法 9 第四節 研究地區 14 第二章 生態旅遊發展及部落參與 19 第一節 秘境部落130 19 第二節 歷代神木園區 34 第三節 樂水生態旅遊 40 第四節 小結 56 第三章 民眾對棲蘭山區發展生態旅遊之意見分析 57 第一節 受訪者基本屬性資料 57 第二節 居民對生態旅遊的認知 61 第三節 居民對棲蘭山生態旅遊的態度 74 第四節 相關分析 86 第五節 小結 89 第四章 結論與建議 91 第一節 結論 91 第二節 研究限制 95 參考文獻 97 附錄 102

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